Mx Female OC/OC; enemies to lovers; slowburn romance w/ tension; general fantasy settings.

Feb 19, 2024
i. housekeeping.

hi, hello. this solicitation will be stylized in lowercase but i assure you that my RP typically adheres to the conventions of standard english. this solicitation will also have minimal formatting because i am, regrettably, a novice on this site and i am unfamiliar with all the features it offers. you’ll have to forgive me.

i exist in the GMT timezone and am not bothered by large longitudinal gaps: my schedule is irregular enough that we’ll probably find time to catch one another. i’d prefer to catch one another on discord, but PMs here are cool too. thread-based play is a bit shakier for me and i hope that preference isn’t too intolerable. wherever we play, i tend toward third person multi-para replies that are generally 300+ words, though length is ultimately contextual and i don’t think we ought to impose quotas on ourselves.

as (i hope) my title implies, i am seeking something longterm and story-based. probably 80/20-90/10-95/5 in story/smut, though again i’m not necessarily seeking quotas. what feels right for our characters is the best path to take; this may involve a total dearth of erotic content or a shameless deluge depending on where we’re at. it’s all flexible, yeah?

what is unfortunately inflexible is my relationship to reference images: they’re quite important to me and i insist on sticking to the anime/manga style. i wish i could insist otherwise. i’m also very picky, even within this arena. it’s not something i’m proud of but it is what it is.

ii. specifics.

so i attached ‘general fantasy settings’ to my title. this is because i may eventually update this post and it may eventually contain an array of different fantasy settings, but currently i have something a little more particular in mind.

i have a real hankering for cyberpunk aesthetics at the moment. urban fantasy, blasters and rotten cities, large scale inequality… i never claimed to be original. i think it presents a good backdrop for a dynamic i’d like to explore: a determined leader of a dissident-rebel-criminal-insurgent group (YC) and a far less gungho man who winds up supporting her in some capacity (MC). this man may be a fresh-faced politician, an arms dealer, or just a stranger who winds up entwined in one of their plots. the point is that, for a moment, they’re aligned while not really getting along: he’s not at all down for all the havoc she wreaks and is only in it for a very immediate reason (cash, survival, popular support, etc.). so they bicker and, slowly, some chemistry develops. enough for him to contemplate things and make rash decisions regarding his relationship to her organization. inducing consequences, moral ambiguity, regret, and romance. y’know, tension and stakes. something like that.

i also have a real hankering for short fiery angry bastards. i don’t want to ramble about your character (they are, after all, your character and thus do not yet exist at the time of writing), but combative feisty types are treasured and precipitate some of my absolute favorite character dynamics. to put it in trashier terms, i’m stupid for tsunderes.

as for my character, i do like a bit of size difference and envision him as a bit of a coward by contrast. not by regular person standards, but compared to this devoted rebel? he’s uncertain and frustrated, intelligent enough to realize that he’s making unwise decisions but not intelligent enough to combat the awful nasty crush he’s caught. the possibility of him getting whipped into allegiance is very real. with all that said, i do want him to be competent on some level: a capable fighter as a given with other skills depending on his occupation. something to make him valuable to the organization and justify his continued presence in the story. he may also be a little too smarmy for his own good.

i’d like for our characters to be young adults and am happy exploring larger group dynamics as long as things generally orbit our main duo.

iii. preferences.

as i said, i’m a bit picky when it comes to reference images and so some visual direction may be helpful for all. i do not like imposing on other people’s characters, so do feel free to contradict these suggestions, but i am very partial to shorter, lithe women and black hair. for canon examples, i do adore ryuko matoi, rukia kuchiki, reze, and for some fucking reason that stupid goth asuka meme that was everywhere like 3 years ago. i actually find large breasts/ass to be a bit offputting. and please, do tell me what kind of guys tickle your fancy so that we can indulge each other.

this isn’t a password. i think passwords are often irksome and unproductive. but if you introduce yourself with, like, your favorite song or something, it will warm my heart knowing that you read all this while also serving as an effective icebreaker.

i do enjoy erotic content in my RP, but as mentioned, it really needs to be contextual. the typical cyberpunk setting has prostitution running rampant, but is that relevant to our story? is your character forward and willing to use her sexuality to get her way (mine probably won’t be), or is she more committed to being taken seriously? all that i ask is that we take some time for the romance, even if physical attraction – even intimacy – sets in quickly. i’m also not kink-averse though this too needs grounding.

on the note of kink, here’s my F-List: F-list - Warning

oh, and no AI art. this isn’t some committed ethical stance, i just find its look offputting.

anyway, do message me if i’ve managed to catch your eye! i really do look forward to hearing from like, anyone, lol. i have no idea what the typical rate of finding partners is here. i hope we can forge something special!
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