Current cravings


Feb 25, 2024
Hi I'm Greg. I am looking for long term partners to create fun stories. I like fantasy and SF themed roleplays as well as realistic and slice of life. Would love to explore lost world, dystopian, cyberpunk. Also love college life. Romance is big. I like slow burn, long roleplays that are detailed and take time to develop.

Roleplaying for me is an excuse to escape regular life. I like detail and will probably post multiple times a week, maybe even daily depending on the partner and just life stuff.

I tend to reply quickly but don't feel pressure to do so! I know life's busy.

Star Wars

CYOA - a Choose Your Own Adventure type deal where you or I present choices and the other one picks, and the story progresses from there. Could be fantasy, could be slice of life.

Sexbot - I meet a girl and turns out she's a lovebot/ sexbot. Maybe newly awakened? Exploring her new feelings. Think Alex + Ada. Not an excuse just to write smut but exploring what it is to be human.

I think a vampire/ boyfriend story could be fun.
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