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[WB] Machyr + + NSFW + +

Carius Irion

Lord Wizard Marshal
Jun 12, 2022
Yo, I'm lost as shit
The Drakir Empire is a relatively small Empire along the Eastern Coast of the continent of Machyr, they are one of the newest faction in Machyr, with a small professional Legion at it's disposal, as well as the Obsidian Guard and Golden Guard.

While not the largest region in the area, Drakir is the only faction in their sphere of influence to field a professional standing army instead of the old militia methods used by other factions, such as the Kolot to the South. While Kolot may outsize and outnumber Drakir, the professional standing army of Drakir puts the smaller Empire on a better war footing, theoretically.

1st Generation, Unified Empire
The Haspus are tribes of vegetarian rabbit Humanoids, the females can reach a height of 12 feet tall, while the males typically level out at 8'6. Haspus can reach an enduring sprinting speed of 50-80mph for both genders, while also being able to kick through a solid foot of hard wood. Haspus have a reaction speed three times that of Humans, even highly trained Humans are still half the reaction speed of an average Haspus.

Matriarchal Nomadic Tribes
Katyr are an exceedingly rare species of Dragon Humanoids, they're gigantic and powerful beings, typically ancient creatures. They're able to ingest and digest flame, often being willing to be bribed with exotic or new flames. The older they grow, the more curved the horns become and will slowly turn more golden from a more white tone. Once in the breeding season, they will have a black band around the center of the horns

Kolot is a loose confederation of Human tribes, much like Drakir was pre-unification. While the confederation is significantly larger then Drakir, the fractured and often easily exploitable nature of the seperate tribes makes it possible, if not practical for other factions to deal with Kolot. However, if the Koloti tribes unify under a single purpose, they're a force to be reckoned with, each tribe is more then capable in fighting for itself or beside it's sibling tribes.

Fractured tribes
Minitaurs are a race of males exclusively, they are breeding compatible with every other race and have extremely dominant genes, making all offspring a Minitaur. While they're barely above half the height of a Human, they have a natural scent/musk that makes them hard to resist and are naturally charismatic, even having been known to pair with the giant Katyr and satisfy them with alarming regularity.

Minitaurs are solitary with their own species, though they will often build a 'herd' of females of the other species and a single Minitaur at the head.

Drakiri Sub Factions​
The Obsidian Legion are the silent eyes and ears of Drakir, serving primarily under the direction of the Drakirion Imperial Family, they have also been known to be loaned out to put down outbreaks of the undead to lesser Lords and nobility, or even just Governors or Mayors of regions. They are sworn to silence when inside their armor, operating as silent scythes of the Empire.The Golden Guard are the elite of the Obsidian Guard, acting as the personal guard of the Drakirion Imperial Family. They are permitted to speak only when addressing the Imperial Family, otherwise they are sworn to the same silence as their lesser brethren.Legio Ualian is the Legion in charge of securing the border to the North, along the border with the Manorath Wastes, the lands of the Katyr. They wear golden hued armor to designate them as the Elite of the Legion, given their exceptionally dangerous posting, if the Katyr were ever to decide to engage in war with the Humans of Drakir.Legio Howenthal is the Legion in charge of securing the Western Border with the Julios Plains, where the Haspus call home. They operate mainly mounted to make sure they can keep pace with the far faster Haspus they are charged to defend against.Legio Dryk is the Legion in charge of the Southern Border with the Koloti, they operate primarily on foot as the Koloti would likely be best engaged on foot in formations, tightly packed and able to mutually support each other.The Legio Katilan operate in the Capital District, they wear silvered armor and purple cloth to denote their elite position as the guardians of the Capital. They often work with the Obsidian Legion when larger threats arise that can't be solved with the force of the Capital Legion and the subtlety of the Obsidian Legion.

Drakiri Deities​
Anir, the primary Deity of the Drakiri peoples. He is the god of the Dead, though not of Death itself. It is to Anir's Gardens that the dead of Drakir find themselves when they should finally leave the troubled realms of the living.Iarus is the second of the Drakiri Deities, she is the wife of Anir, the Goddess of Life, it is she who keeps a watchful eye on the bodies of the Drakiri whilest yet they live.Arua is the third of the Drakiri Pantheon, she is the Goddess of Nature and the Moons, she shepherds the animals and the tides of the world, feeding the peoples of Drakir with both animal and plant alike.

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Minitaur Deities​
Makiya is the mother of the Minitaur race, a bronze skinned Minitaur woman, the only of her kind. Long ago, Makiya met with and bred with a Minotaur, though in an interesting twist of luck or fate, their offspring inherited all but the size of their father or mother, resulting in tiny, but strong folk with Charisma and Stamina to spare.


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The Glimmeri are a race of nature respecting Elves that inhabit the Feldwood, a region known mostly for it's lush vegetation, dangerous flora and fauna and a Ranger group of the Glimmeri that can strike without being seen or heard, only to disappear back into the flora once more.
The Glimmeri prefer not to make themselves known to those that remain outside the Feldwood, but in a sign of respect for the fledgling Drakiri Empire, or perhaps to simply keep an eye and an ear on them, they have sent an Envoy to the Empire.

The Glimmeri prefer to use hardwoods as armor, trusting in the hardened and often reinforced woods to keep them safe, and to date, they have rarely been wrong with only a select handful of creatures being able to overwhelm the wood.

The Palikos are one of the only known species on the Eastern continent across the sea from Machyr. They are fairly large, but still shorter than the Katyr of Machyr. They are Giraffe Humanoids that exist mostly in tribes, little is known about them at the current time.
The Peliki are a race of Saber-toothed Cat Humanoids. They also live along the Western coast of the Eastern Continent like the Palikos. Even less is known about them as they keep assaulting anyone sent to go and study them.​
The Noghti are a race of metal working subterranean Elves that live in the Feldwood under the feet of the Glimmeri. They co-exist peacefully and trade frequently. Few have ever seen the elaborate and ornate cities the Noghti inhabit under ground. They are masters of working rare and difficult metals into workable forms and prefer to trade, rather than fight.

The Noghti are the only other race that the Glimmeri have a permanent diplomatic tie with. They trade their metals and fungi with the Glimmeri in exchange for meats, vegetables, fruits and woods that they can't get or don't wish to get, otherwise.
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Kanahrian Nobility
Kanahrians are a race native to the Eastern Continent, as yet unnamed by Drakiri scholars. They tend to stick near the rivers and deltas around their coastline, as the further into the continent one gets, the less hospitable it becomes to Human life, though, there are some hearty and adventurous types that venture inland. Kanahrian Nobility can be differentiated from their commoners through two major details. They are significantly larger in body size and also able to transform at will into the avatars of their Deities, Jackal in appearance.The Free Port of Nahria is a haven for all who sail the seas and wish to make port, repair and restock in the relatively long sailing from the Eastern lands to the continent of Machyr, be that trip aligned with trade and merchant aspirations, or for piracy and raiding.
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