Mx Female Looking for Roleplay Partners - Fantasy & Sci-Fi

Mar 5, 2024
Greetings and salutations! As I am sure it is no surprise, I am here to look for some roleplay partners. Specifically I am looking for people who'd like to roleplay over private messages, who are comfortable with post lengths of at least two paragraphs, and who enjoy a good fantasy or science fiction setting. If that sounds like you then feel free to slide into the PMs! But before that, don't you worry, I do not come empty handed. I do have a couple of ideas that I'll share below but if nothing grabs your attention then feel free to suggest an idea of your own!

Beauty and the Brute
Small Dom x Big Sub, Fantasy, Unlikely Heroes

An idea based around this picture. Essentially we'd be playing a Dark Elf and a Half Giant of Frost Giant descent. The two are meant to be on the more self serving side of moral alignments but who are forced to take up the mantle of heroes as some new threat appears. More than that and we can work together to discuss what we'd like for this roleplay.

The Bull and the Princess
Size Difference, Fantasy, Unlikely Couple

This one is based off a hentai manga I read a long time ago. Essentially we have my character who is a minotaur gladiator who rises to the challenge and impresses the Princess who arranges to get a closer look at him. The roleplay can develop however we'd like from there.

Reincarnation of the Demon King
Modern, Fantasy, Smut Heavy

Based on another hentai manga I read a long time ago, this one would involve one of our characters being the reincarnation of a demon king from another reality who was defeated by heroes. His familiar finds a way to cross realities to find him, though the heroes are not far behind, with it becoming a race against the clock for the familiar to awaken the sexual powers of their master/mistress.
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Modern, Smut Focused, Pornography

This one revolves around a world where anthros live alongside humans. MC is a popular horse-man porn star. YC could be a costar, a lucky fan, or a romantic partner, or just about anyone else you would like.

Cloud Seven
Modern, Futuristic, Fantasy

I've been playing Final Fantasy 7 Remake cause I never beat it and the hype for Rebirth has gotten to me. I don't want to do a fandom but I don't have anything against using character likeness in a unique setting. The setting I have in mind is a desert city where MC (Cloud) is a ranger who culls monsters that get too close to the city and has his own mercenary start up called Cloud Seven, a pun on Cloud's name and the saying Cloud Nine. You can reimagine another character from the game or make a fully original one. Further discussion can happen over PM, so feel free.
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An also open to hearing any cravings you might have if you think they would be something I am into!
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