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Jugger's Egyptian RP

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Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Hey all. I was hoping to do an Egyptian style RP if anyone else was. The basic idea is as follows:

A princess gets bored of her kingdom in Egypt and wishes to explore the whole country instead of just the area she owns. As she travels, she meets a lowly peasant boy and she decides to make him her servant. Now he has no choice but to follow her around Egypt and surrounding places as she acquires souveniers and treasures from each and every town...which is lugged upon the back of the servant boy to carry.

If anyone is interested, send me a PM so we can go into further detail or change anything of the RP plot if you want.

I'm good with any kind of Princess, hard toward her slave or kind although it seems more real if she works him to death or treats him inferior.

I can be as literate as a well detailed paragraph, but usually I like to casual RP. At least 3 detailed sentences is my minimum on posting, but for anyone RPing with me, any literacy is fine. One liners are alright with me as long as they keep the story going or if its just small talk.
history is so fun and add myths to and its even better you add elements that you already know alot about and make rp even more real, i worship Isis and all the Egyptian gods and goddess so i know about world i am role playing in so really fun for me to pretend i am one of them.
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