Mx Female Betting on Romance


Apr 8, 2021
So this idea just came to me and seemed a bit fun. Not the best at romance, but would like to give it a go.

My character is a socially awkward nobody at his college campus, but he gets dared to ask out a popular girl, your character. He goes through with it, not having any interest in a relationship, instead wanting to focus on his education, so before he asks, he just explains that it's a stupid dare his friends or the friends of your character's ex, made him do and that she can just reject him like normal. Unfortunately, she accepts, reason being an emotionally abusive ex looming in the distance. More plot relevant characters can be discussed about in Dms. I am rarely on here, so we could move this over to discord.

Also, if you tend to ghost without giving a reason, kindly screw off. :)
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