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Odd pair(Lustfull Sin)


May 20, 2010

Forte was riding around in his motorcycle, about to pick up his partner...Tifa. They had only recently started to work together...actually this would be the first time they would actually be working together in a mission of some sort. Something Forte was more then thrilled about, seeing as he had a thing for Tifa....a huge thing for Tifa. Not afraid to touch her inappropriately...or talk to her seductively...or talk to her like a fool as well. Of course he could have a decent conversation with her, but really he just wanted to lay her down and fuck the night away.

Forte was just getting into the whole bounty hunter deal. In fact it this would also be pretty strongest person he's ever gone after. Normally he helped with local crimes...people stealing things...all of that jazz. Pety criminals mostly. He recently was kicked out of his house because he was a lousy good for nothing. So now he was trying not be to such a lousy good for nothing, and put some bread on the table. And killing things for money seemed like the perfect opportunity to do that.

He rolled up in front Tifa's house...or apartment where ever she lived he pulled up there. He tried to look in to see if she was changing or anything. He revved his engine to tell her he was there.
Tifa stepped out of the shower, towel wrapped around her body as well as hair.She looked at the time and saw she had twenty minutes before her partners showed up to pick her up.She tossed her towel on the bed and picked up her bra that slipped into it.It was new actually.Black and lacy and it clipped from th front.She picked up the matching black lace panties and slipped into them as well.She then grabbed her new skirt she both.She tugged the skirt up her legs, zipped it from the side and looked at herself in the mirror.It was a loose ruffled black skirt that stoped just under the curves of her ass.She liked it and it gave her mobility.The last piece of clothing was a tube top that showed middrift.She slipped into it, seeing the cotton stretch out a bit thanks to her large breasts.She shrugged and went to brush out her hair.

She heard engine roaring and she simply rolled her eyes.She met her partner some days ago.Talking and wanting to get to know him a bit better.Seemed he needed help, and she needed a partner since Cloud was off doing his own thing with Vincent.Tifa grabbed her gaunlets, slipped them on her hands and snatched a healing and elemental materia and rushed out of her small house.She locked the door and ran up to Forte, waiving."Took you long.."she asked and hopped in the back, her arms wrapping around his waist, her breasts pressing against his back.She would have used her bike, but damn Yuffie crashed it and was now being repaired."You know where to go right?"She asked, hoping he new and hoped he was good and ready for his first mission.
Forte couldn't was pretty damn horrible not being able to see. Because he just KNEW she was doing something sexy. And he loved to see Tifa doing something sexy...maybe doing sexy with one of her friends. Not that she knew any of Tifa's friends...he pondered if they were just as sexy. He snapped out of it as he saw the girl of the hour come out of her house. “Well good morning there Tifa!” He said as happy as can be that he saw the girl. Probably thinking it was too soon for him to ask her to marry him. Seeing as they didn't really know each other for very long.

He almost died of happiness when Tifa's large breasts pressed up against his back. While Tifa's arms wrapped around his waist he swore he was in heaven. Or at least very thankful that he rode a motorcycle. “Of course I know where to go.” Actually he kinda had a bad sense of direction, so he hoped he knew where he was going. He motored his way to their destination, “So how was your morning?” He said trying to make light conversation. “I'd show you the wanted poster, but our hands are kinda tied.” They probably could handle a motorcycle one handed...but then she'd have to let go a bit...he wouldn't want that. Although with his hands occupied he couldn't grope her anyway.
She smile, patting his shoulder, giving the sign that she was good to go.When he reved the engine and pulled off, she held on to him tight.When he mentioned about showing her the wanted poster they were given, she didn't really want to see it, but would help in order to nab the guy.The guy was creapy looking.Paint on his face, goofy, colored clothes.He looked like a clown or something.She shrugged and listened as best she could when he asked about her morning."My morning was fine actually now that you ask, though it was a pain in the ass to shut the neighbors cat up."She said laughing as she laughed, her chest moved up and down, her nipples brushing againt Forte's back.

She payed attention to the road and pointing out to the right."Turn here, it'll lead us to the Old Road, that'll help in getting to our destination faster."she said to him, having to move closer so her lips were barely touching his ear.
Forte didn't know why people complained about back seat drivers. Although he wouldn't mind taking Tifa to the back seat to have some fun. But with their bodies so closely wrapped, her nipples brushed up against his back. He almost lost control of the thing, he couldn't wait till his hands were free....he had to touch her somehow. The guy they were after creeped him out a bit...but hopefully he could impress her with his amazing skills by killing him.

He turned as instructed, they were close to their destination...finally. Felling her lips so close to his ear almost made him mad. But he kept his composure. “So how are those friends of yours?” He figured a good way to get in a girls pants...or skirt in this case was to know her friends. Also if she had any hot girl friends he should now about. Forte defiantly wasn't apposed to threesomes.

They finally arrived, and Forte waited for Tifa to get off, since well she was wrapped around him pretty nicely.
He went faster, her hair blowing with the wind, dancing with it actually.She held onto him harder, smiling when she managed to hear his question over the roaring engine of his bike."There alright.Lively as ever."She said.She didnt speak much about them, since they rather went their seperate ways.She still worked with Barret at the pub and took care of Millie.She even did a few jobs with Cloud, but that was rarely and he usualy took Barret instead.Man thing or something, since he didn't like seeing her get hurt.

Well screw him, she's taking up a hard job.When they arrived at their destination, Tifa waited till he made a full stop, then slipped off the bike.She stretched her arms and retightened her gaunlets."Alright.Lets scout around.He's around here somewhere and I'm pretyt sure he has back up watching over the place."She said, looking at Forte.
Forte looked at her as she got off. Admiring her form as best he could before he got caught. "They could be anywhere...we should stay close." He said getting off his bike and then walking really close to Tifa. Deciding he couldn't wait anymore his hand slowly but ever so faintly landed on Tifa's ass. Of course he was more of a breast man, but he figured this would be easier to talk his way out off.


A black Mage was watching the pair on top of a near by building. Waiting for the opportune moment to attack.
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