Mx Female Craving for Adventures and Story-telling (Smut too)


Feb 28, 2024
I'll put this at the top so people could see this as the very first thing... PLEASE DM ME. Do NOT reply to this thread. Thank you :>

What I'm looking for:

Generally, I'm looking for someone that can dialogue and input their ideas, mixing them with my own. If I was interesting in writing only what I wanted, then I'd be writing books and short stories, but I'm here, so work with me, please. I used all the text effects to hopefully get that point across. If you want to add or change something, communicate. If you want something specific to happen because it'll be cool or interesting or you just want it, communicate. If you want to try a kink or something that isn't explicitly something we've discussed already, cummunicate! Please, I feel like I speak to brick walls on the daily already, I don't want to do that during this stress-relieving hobby of mine.

Please be capable in English. I don't mind typos as long as I understand what the general word or idea you're trying to get across. Same goes with grammar mistakes. However, if even I can't understand it, with all the experience I have in reading broken English, I will (very kindly) ask you to tell me what you meant. If it becomes a regular occurrence, then it probably means we can't continue the story. Please do the simple stuff like capitalising the first letter of sentences and just the basic use of commas. I'm not perfect, I most definitely fuck up, but I hope you can at least manage to read and comprehend the things I write.

I don't mind having to wait for replies. Seriously. I'm sure a lot of people write this and get fed up with their partner before giving up on them in the first month of not receiving a reply. I have had writing partners take a much longer time than a month to get back to me with a reply, but it was fine because they kept in touch. As long as I know you still have an interest and I am not wasting brain space thinking about it, I am fine with waiting. Truly. All I ask is for a heads up.

I don't really care about how much is written as long as there's enough to get the story moving from your end before I receive and throw it back to you. The whole idea of two people creating a story is to take what has already been written, add your own experiences from what was written from the perspective of your character(s), and then throw it back. If that takes a paragraph or 17 pages, I don't care. I will generally return the amount that was given, but I will not add fluff to make sure that since you wrote five paragraphs, I must also write five paragraphs. I will write what I deem is enough and I hope you do the same.

Plots I have in mind:

I'll have a ranking system for these plots as time goes by. At the time of writing, I'm equally interested in starting all the plots below and I'm hoping to update semi-frequently.

The gist of this plot is that MC is running away from some threat, be it bandits, other monsters, whatever, and he is fatally wounded. Yet he keeps running and ends up in a dangerous forest that has an old myth tied to it. The myth goes something like this: Stay away from the Forest of Dread, for under the red moon, it lures in unknowing adventurers and they will never been seen again. So typically, whatever the threat is probably doesn't follow him. At some point, MC collapses in the middle of the woods and takes his last breath. Then YC, whose body is locked away and has been for hundreds or thousands of years, is finally able to have their spirit escape and possesses MC, using his mana to manifest a new physical body. In exchange, this saves MC's life because it ties it to YC. With this, MC is contract bound to help release YC's body from the seal and help restore her to her to full power.

Lots to discuss about this. The roles can maybe be swapped, but I prefer it this way around, I think. YC can be anything from a vampire, to a witch, to a foxgirl, whatever you think best fits this. We can discuss everything else.

So, I basically had two ideas for this: one for a male character and another for a female character... you'll see what I mean in just a second.

The general occurrence that remains the same between the two ideas is that an accident happens and one of our characters ends up dying. The character then gets reincarnated into the body of another and this is where the ideas split.

Female character is the one that dies: Your character (ideally) wakes up in an unfamiliar bed, surrounded by men in suits (or other formal attire). It turns out that the body your character has possessed was hospitalised after an accident. There was nothing to suggest foul play at first, but just as your character starts to getting used to her surroundings, she suddenly remembers a memory from right before the accident. This memory (whatever we end up deciding it is and how detailed it is) will ultimately suggest there was definitely foul play. But without concrete evidence, who will believe her? And who can she trust?

This plot can go in a variety of ways, it could even go a reverse harem route if your thing is playing a character who enjoys being waited upon by countless men. Just a heads-up if we do end up going this direction, I won't be doing any threesome+ scenes. I just feel that it feels awkward in one on one roleplays since one person is effectively roleplaying with themself in conjunction with their partner.) But it doesn't have to go that way, she could have a bodyguard or someone else that she might eventually get romantically involved with. It'll depend on what we decide to do, ultimately. (*****NOTE*****: I do not want to go the reverse harem route and feel like I'm doing 90% of the work. I might be writing more characters but you should be able to add in side-characters of your own. I do not want to write multiple characters and GM on top of it all. Please and thank you.)

Male character is the one that dies: My character (ideally) wakes up in an unfamiliar room. Upon regaining consciousness, it appears as if he had fallen and on the floor were shards of broken glass along with spilled wine. He examines himself further and he notices that he is dressed well before hearing a knock on the door with a rough voice stating "She's ready." Unsure of what else to do, he leaves the room and follows the man into a banquet hall. Many tables were in the banquet hall and they're all occupied by people. Whatever this was, it was a large party. He is directed to sit in the front, a horizontal table that faced all the other tables.

Once seated, another man at the horizontal table stands up and begins to speak. "Here we are, gathered today, to announce the betrothal between my daughter (your character ideally) and [insert male character name here]."

So, not only was he in a body that wasn't his, he was going to get married to a girl that he doesn't even know! On top of all that, he still doesn't know who killed the original owner of his body nor if the perpetrator was going to try again.

I think this idea could be fun. We could fit a lot of different plot stuff in it. We'd just have to see what we're in the mood for.

The basic idea for this plot is that one of our character's grandfather died and one of the things the he left him/her was a locket. Upon opening the locket, a demon is released that is sworn to serve him/her. The demon can grant any desire: wealth, power, fame. But what will he/she being giving up to acquire it?

This plot can go in many different directions I think. The first idea I had was that the character who opens the locket comes from a fallen noble house and the character wants to revive their house. That was just what I thought of immediately, just as an example. But it can go as shallow or as deep as we'd like.

Other general ideas include:

-some sort of isekai (other world) plot
-some sort of royalty x knight plot
-some sort of Amazoness x lost traveler plot

Current cravings:
-something based in the Murim world, been reading a lot of manhwa/manhua lately with Murim as the setting and I'm keen to find someone as nerdy as I am to write this particular setting
-Bleach! The manga/anime, not the cleaning product. It's my favourite anime and I have a lot of time for it. If you're interested in writing in the Bleach universe or simply using the lovely array of fantastic Bleach babes that you might have at your disposal, please shoot me a DM!

Cool images that lit some inspiring ideas (WARNING: any of the below images might be NSFW. Click at your own risk!):
Knight: 1 - 2
Gunsword boy: 1
Mean looking bad ass: 1
Androgynous bad ass: 1 - 2 (different from first pic, same vibe though)
Hardened "I'm too old for this shit" bad ass: 1
Cool "Let's go kick some ass but we can fuck later" big brother type bad ass: 1 - 2
The prince and his fit: 1 - 2
Boy! It's time to crush Arasaka!: 1
Solemn tutor: 1 - 2 (different but same vibe)
Manipulator: 1 - 2 - 3
Vampires! : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Demons!: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Martial Arts/Wuxia vibes! : 1 - 2
Soldier aesthetic! : 1 - 2 - 3
Beastman aesthetic! : 1 - 2

Inserting a section for image inspirations of female characters I'd like to write against:
Monster/animal girls! (some of them clearer than others in the images) : 1 - 2a - 2b - 3 - 4
Demon girls! : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Elves! : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Redheads! : 1
Officelady! : 1
Cyberpunk aesthetic! : 1
Teacher-y vibes! : 1 - 2 - 3
MILFs! : 1 - 2 - 3
Alt girls! : 1
General cute girls! : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

All the above images are drawn, realistic or otherwise. I tend to enjoy writing using drawn images as muses than rely on real people but I can be pushed if it's an interesting enough story and you refuse to budge off of it... and I'm in a good mood.

(If the set of images has an asterisk next to it, it is a vibe I'm craving at the moment. I'll be trying to edit this more frequently to reflect my interests.)

If there is anything based on what you read here but is not written specifically that I might enjoy, feel free to pitch an idea to me and maybe we can work something out.

Changes to this should be expected, hopefully semi-frequently. Going to be using this as a way to write down and keep track of ideas I'm keen to write with another person.
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Demon in the Locket is taken! I think I have room for one or maybe two interesting stories. They don't have to be any of mine, feel free to pitch some of yours if you think they'll interest me.
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