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Fx Any My Miscellaneous Search | Current Craving Fallen Goddess Plot


Oct 29, 2014
Welcome to my request thread. I am putting the majority of my plots here.

A little about me. I am in my late twenties. I have been roleplaying since I was a teen, jumping to smutty roleplays once I turned 18. I roleplay exclusively in private messages because I am too shy for the forums. My preference is for story driven rps, although they can be smut heavy, pure smut does not maintain my interested.

Post length. I do not have a set goal for word length; I write what feels good. You do not need to match my post length if I am sending long ones as long as I have plenty to work with. I crave internal details about your character. Tell me where their mind is. Engage as many of my senses in your post as you can, and I will latch onto a roleplay. My posts range from 100-1000 on average.

F-list If you have a kink you want to indulge in that is not a hard no, please pitch it my way; new kinks are my favorite kink!

Pairings that I like but do not have any specific plot attached to. If I want to play a particular role it will be in bold, otherwise I am open to playing either.
More to come

You grow bored, sister. Your light has dimmed.
Why not go to the mortal plane?

Why bother?

Have you experienced pain? Pleasure?
I know you have not. A celestial body cannot feel these things.
I envy our mortals when I am here.
I envy the heavens when I am there.
You are so quiet now I can hardly feel you.
They might not notice your fall.

What are you waiting for?

She struggled to break free from heaven's hold. Twisting, writhing, she felt nothing but resistance. Then, a sudden burst of agony as she wrenched herself loose - a searing, tearing, burning sensation. The Heavens did not let her go easily; it clawed at her, shredding her into fractal pieces. She fell to earth in tattered ribbons.

There was no impact as she materialized. Instead, she found herself lying on damp and cold earth, surrounded by tall swaying grasses that concealed her from view. The ground beneath her was soft and yielding as if it had been recently rained upon. There was no sound to accompany her arrival, no rumbling of earth or roar of thunder; her appearance was as quiet and unobtrusive as a gentle whisper.

She felt a dull throbbing sensation all over her body. Her lips parted as she took a deep breath, and the cold air stung her mouth. The air tasted of damp earth and rotting wood. She felt her chest expand as she breathed in for the first time. A sound echoed as she exhaled, and she realized it was coming from her - a groan of discomfort.

This must be what War was talking about when he spoke of pain. War frequented the mortal plane. When he returned, he would moan of pain and discomfort. When he stayed in the heavens for too long, he began to moan about missing pleasures. War was a talkative god.

She could only recall who she was not. She felt her skin crinkle at her brow while she contemplated her nature—another thing she would have to adjust to. She had complete control of her celestial form; a mortal one sometimes did things of its own volition.

She opened her eyes. The night was dark and quiet, except for the faint light that radiated from her body. She lay on the damp ground, hidden by the tall grass. She felt her hands on her chest, her hair around her shoulders, and her knees bent in front of her. A human body, what a relief. Her hair shimmered like starlight, and her long nails touched her collarbone. Strange, she was still changing, adapting to this world. She wished she could touch her body, explore its shape and texture. But she was too weak to move. She was still transforming, the flesh not fully settled. She understood her pain now. This was her first time in a mortal form. She didn't know how it worked, only that it did. Twisting her torso, she gasped as pain shot up her neck. Be still, it warned, but she wanted to see her kin from here. Silver shimmering eyes peered skywards, her breath misting as she breathed heavily.

She gazed up at the tiny figures in the night sky, feeling their unblinking stares upon her. Had they noticed her fall? War must've enjoyed it. Teeth clenched as she thought of him. Why had he suggested this? Why would anything want to feel this way? She vaguely recalled how she had felt before. Bored and numb to any emotions, watching how the mortal world shifted and changed beneath them. Already made to feel something new, it wouldn't all be this unpleasant. She swallowed, feeling the muscles move in her throat. She wanted to test her voice. "Forgive me." Words echoed unnaturally, louder than they should have been, a chorus of voices not meant for this plane. She winced as it rang in her ears. As she continued, the unearthly echo settled into a quiet whisper. Her new voice became clear. Soft and melodic like birdsong "One lifetime is all I ask."

A heaviness settled in her as if the earth was claiming her for its own. Her eyes fluttered as the world faded into a blur, and her consciousness slipped away. She had never known sleep before, the dark and silent void that enveloped her being. When she awoke, she would be whole and complete. For now, she needed rest.
This plot is very flexible in setting and tone, and your character. I am most interested in the concept of playing a goddess trapped in a mortal form. Who our characters are, how they meet, and the story will be discussed on a case by case basis.

The basic premise is my character is a goddess who has grown bored in the heavens. Fellow God War convinces her to try a mortal form. Her fall is vicious; having never done it before, her celestial form is shredded, and her memory is damaged. She does not remember which god she is, only that she is one, and a few she knows she is not. Which goddess she is changes depending on your character and the story we want to write.

The setting is completely open for us to decide. Tell me what your favorites are.

YC could be anyone: an innocent mortal who witnesses her fall, a less innocent one who has been waiting for a god to fall, War joining her, or Death to try to retrieve her. Whatever strikes your fancy! One quick note in my F-list: I have incest listed as a hard no; the Gods refer to themselves as siblings, and this plot is an exception to that limit should you want to use one.
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