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- May 27, 2020
Neverwinter Nights
On the surface, Carolus 'Charlie' Thann appeared to be just another Neverwinter Noble, part of the developing class of imported gentry central to the development of of Lord Dagult Neverember's New Neverwinter. Charlie first came to Neverwinter in the Year of the Ageless One (1479 Dale Reckoning), at the age of twenty-seven he had spent much of his early life as the typical merchant-prince of Waterdeep did, he drank, he loved, he gambled and dueled, but he also worked for his family's trade interests in Calimshan and points south. Wealthy, talented and recognized, the adventurer appeared at the Hall of Justice to offer his letter of introduction and services to the Open Lord of Waterdeep in his colonial endeavors.
The truth was far more complicated. Carolas's mother had been the granddaughter of King Bann Alagondar, leaving the city and the court for a healthier respite while heavily pregnant at the very moment where the Ruining swept through the city. Part of a large swathe of refugees seeking succor in Waterdeep, she found it at the villa of house Thann. Wounded, maddened by pain and grief, the princess of Neverwinter lived long enough to give birth to her son and name him before she died. Raised as a Thann, Charlie possessed an inborn love for a native city he had never seen and a commitment to gather the resources and form the alliances needed to see her return to prosperity and liberty.
The Neverwinter of old had been the Jewel of the North, seated on the mouth of Neverwinter River the heat of the fire elementals at the river's source kept the waters heated and the climate of the city warm all year round. Alas, the same fire elementals that was the source of its prosperity brought about its ruin. In the Year of Knowledge Unearthed (1451 D.R.) Mount Hotenow erupted in fire bringing death and destruction to much of the city. Yet, this was only the beginning of the trials for the tarnished Jewel. At the time of its future king's arrival threats to her began to emerge from all corners of the shadows.
In the open was Neverember's colonial New Neverwinter warring with the Sons of Alagondar now splintered following the death of their traitorous leader and former Harper Cymril. Ashmadai, worshippers of the Archdevil and God Asmodeus, sought political legitimacy and influence within the New Neverwinter regime while working for their own interests in the shadows. Both Thay and Netheril turned Neverwinter as a battleground in proxy wars between their empires, seeking power and riches hidden in the city's lost history. Beneath the surface and at the bottom of the Chasm marring Neverwinter's south-eastern district the Abolethic Sovereignty led by its Symphony of Madness brought nightmares to the minds and streets of the city, seeking to assimilate all to their choir.
As Carolus struggles to find his place in this city and discover and overcome its many threats another complication found its way into his life. An old flame reappears with secrets of their own, and complications that Charlie can ill afford.

On the surface, Carolus 'Charlie' Thann appeared to be just another Neverwinter Noble, part of the developing class of imported gentry central to the development of of Lord Dagult Neverember's New Neverwinter. Charlie first came to Neverwinter in the Year of the Ageless One (1479 Dale Reckoning), at the age of twenty-seven he had spent much of his early life as the typical merchant-prince of Waterdeep did, he drank, he loved, he gambled and dueled, but he also worked for his family's trade interests in Calimshan and points south. Wealthy, talented and recognized, the adventurer appeared at the Hall of Justice to offer his letter of introduction and services to the Open Lord of Waterdeep in his colonial endeavors.
The truth was far more complicated. Carolas's mother had been the granddaughter of King Bann Alagondar, leaving the city and the court for a healthier respite while heavily pregnant at the very moment where the Ruining swept through the city. Part of a large swathe of refugees seeking succor in Waterdeep, she found it at the villa of house Thann. Wounded, maddened by pain and grief, the princess of Neverwinter lived long enough to give birth to her son and name him before she died. Raised as a Thann, Charlie possessed an inborn love for a native city he had never seen and a commitment to gather the resources and form the alliances needed to see her return to prosperity and liberty.
The Neverwinter of old had been the Jewel of the North, seated on the mouth of Neverwinter River the heat of the fire elementals at the river's source kept the waters heated and the climate of the city warm all year round. Alas, the same fire elementals that was the source of its prosperity brought about its ruin. In the Year of Knowledge Unearthed (1451 D.R.) Mount Hotenow erupted in fire bringing death and destruction to much of the city. Yet, this was only the beginning of the trials for the tarnished Jewel. At the time of its future king's arrival threats to her began to emerge from all corners of the shadows.
In the open was Neverember's colonial New Neverwinter warring with the Sons of Alagondar now splintered following the death of their traitorous leader and former Harper Cymril. Ashmadai, worshippers of the Archdevil and God Asmodeus, sought political legitimacy and influence within the New Neverwinter regime while working for their own interests in the shadows. Both Thay and Netheril turned Neverwinter as a battleground in proxy wars between their empires, seeking power and riches hidden in the city's lost history. Beneath the surface and at the bottom of the Chasm marring Neverwinter's south-eastern district the Abolethic Sovereignty led by its Symphony of Madness brought nightmares to the minds and streets of the city, seeking to assimilate all to their choir.
As Carolus struggles to find his place in this city and discover and overcome its many threats another complication found its way into his life. An old flame reappears with secrets of their own, and complications that Charlie can ill afford.
Well I hope that wasn't as complicated and rambling as it felt while I was writing it. In short, I'm trying to bring a potential story from the bygone days of 4th edition Forgotten Realms to this lovely site here. There are a lot of different ways that this story (originating in the Neverwinter Campaign Setting) can go, and I tried to include as many of the potential details as possible so that any potential partners can feel free to choose details that they enjoy. With the backdrop of the politics of Neverwinter I would like to explore the relationship between Carolus and his old flame, ideally with the additional controversy of said flame being a tiefling. This story does not need to be told in the system of 4e, or even necessarily in the system of 5e, but I am not opposed to either. There are other backgrounds/themes that might interest a potential partner more than the devil's pawn, and I would love to hear how you would incorporate such a character against Charlie.
Finally, just a few inspo images of a potential devil's pawn in case anyone is interested:
One- Two- Three - Four - Five -Six -Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten