Looking for long term


Feb 25, 2024
I like fantasy and SF themed roleplays as well as realistic and slice of life. Would love to explore lost world, dystopian, cyberpunk. Also love college life. Romance is big. I like slow burn, long roleplays that are detailed and take time to develop. I love passion but if it takes time the payoff is better.

I probably will write anywhere from one to three paragraphs , but maybe more. I write male characters but am not averse to female. Roleplaying for me is an excuse to escape regluar life, so sometimes there's a theme and other times I just want to play. I like detail and will probably post multiple times a week, maybe even daily depending on the partner and just life stuff. I'm not super into BDSM but am open to most other things.

Here are some ideas in no particular order. Feel free to come at me with your own or variations on these.

Sexbot - I meet a girl and turns out she's a lovebot/ sexbot. Maybe newly awakened? Exploring her new feelings. Think Alex + Ada. Not an excuse just to write smut but exploring what it is to be human.

Post apoc - Survivors in a desolate world.

Vampire/ boyfriend

A lost world - Lost in a world outside time. Dinosaurs, hollow earth.

Airship merchants - We sail the skies, from port to port. Cloud settlements. Perhaps we're dream merchants, selling dream essence.
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