Mx Female A plethora of fantasy prompts to choose from - Let me be your DM in these smutty scenario's!


Oct 27, 2023
Hey everyone! I hope you're doing well!

I'm a creative, casually dominant roleplayer with a depraved mind, looking for someone equally depraved and kinky to indulge in some fun fantasy roleplays with!

I've been roleplaying for about eight years now, most of it smutty, and I consider myself to be detailed and literate. This means I can reliably write multiple paragraphs of engaging texts, which are not just a list of actions, but include all senses, sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste, in my messages. In addition, I like to delve into the mind of my characters, to give them a little more depth.

What am I looking for?
That said, I usually do go for smutty-type roleplays, with a roughly 60/40 smut to story ratio. I do promise the story will be engaging, with twists, recurring characters, rivals, enemies and more. To keep you on your toes! I'll be acting as a DM in these roleplays, narrating the world around you.

I'm specifically looking for someone to explore, and co-create if so desired, a rich and detailed world by my or our design, someone who can match my detail in writing and who can reliably write multiparagraph replies where we explore the progression of your character as well.

The world
The fantasy world where we'll embark on epic quests is one of savage and dangerous wildlands. The only pockets of safety and civilisation are the walled towns and cities dotted around the landscape. Everything in between is veritably teeming with many monsters and other dangers.

This causes the demand for adventurers to be always high, and ensures that adventurers can always make a living. Either killing monsters for bounties, or investigating the many unexplored ruins, to acting as mercenaries. Of course, adventuring, is a dangerous job, courtesy of the many monsters roaming the lands.

They're notorious, these monsters. Not just because of their savagery, but because they lust after the women of the civilised races. It's not all that uncommon to hear about peasant girls being kidnapped, female adventurers taken by their adversaries, and ending up as slaves in their encampments. Many jobs newish adventurers take, is freeing these captive women, ensuring there's always a possibility for them to gain experience.

All in all, the world is rough and harsh, but for those willing to brave it's dangers, many rewards await.


It was supposed to be an easy quest. Track down a goblin shaman, kill him and reap the rewards of the bounty. And it was, at first. The creature was easily found, camping alone in the woods, and he was easily dispatched. In a moment of greed, you took a magical ring from his fingers and slipped it on. With his dying breath, the goblin shaman uttered an ancient curse, and now you're unable to take the ring off.
As the curse took hold, you felt a sudden wave of weakness wash over you. Your limbs felt heavy, your movements sluggish, as if you were wading through waist-deep water. You stumbled as your knees grew weak, almost falling to the ground, but managed to catch yourself at the last moment.

He mocked you. Sneering words cut deep, as he explained to you the effects of the curse. Your libido would rise whenever in the presence of a monster, and as he spelled out the effects, you felt a simmering desire grow in your loins. The air itself seemed to be sweeter and your chest felt tight, fanning the flame in your lower abdomen. To make matters worse, he added an effect that would prevent you from orgasm, unless given explicit permission from whatever is taking you.

The simmering feeling between your legs finally faded, as the goblin shaman expired. However, the curse was still in effect. Desperate for a cure, you've turned to every healer and mage you could find, but none has been able to break the curse. Except for a single, eccentric mage.

He mentioned an ancient ruin, near the town of Stonebrook, where tomes and scrolls and compendiums on magic of this kind are stored. It'still largely unexplored, since a landslide only recently uncovered it. The problem is, it's deep in monster territory.

And so you find yourself travelling to Stonebrook, a town on the outskirts of the Empire, being a sole bastion of civilisation there. The wilds around it were teeming with monsters but a skilled adventurer such as yourself, you should be able to manage... Right?

"Left. LEFT! GO TO THE LEFT, YOU WENCH!" I telepathically tell you. Of course, you went to the right, because you assumed stage left and not my left, making you nearly enter the field of vision of the goblin standing guard. I quietly palm my invisible hand to my invisible face. All the Demons in hell help me…

It was perfect on paper. I was an imp, summoned by you in a botched summoning. Somehow, you mixed up some words and reagents, and by accident, cast a spell with different consequences than you intended. Sure, I was still summoned, but in the process, you bound yourself to me instead of the other way around.

This basically meant I was your master and you were forced to obey any command I gave you. It was refreshing to say the least. I'd been forced to serve stuffy old mages for centuries, and to now control a young and attractive wizardess with a poor grasp of summoning skills? It was perfect. On paper.

Because, as it turns out, I was quite useless in the mortal world. All I could do was turn invisible, telepathically communicate to you and cast some offensive spells, though they would take a long time to cast. And the world didn't take kind to imps having control of their summoner instead of the other way around. So I had to act as your familiar in cities, something you sometimes took advantage of. As soon as we were behind closed doors or found ourselves beyond the city walls though…

As much fun as it was to have control of you, I wanted to go back. I wanted to go back to the sulphur, the faint screams of sinners in the distance, and back to the bosom of Sally the Succubus. We had a thing going on. She'd deny it, but we had a thing. But to get back, I needed to break this bond, and to do that, I needed rare reagents that weren't available in this part of the world. For better or worse, we were stuck with each other.

So, with no other option, I make you come with me, as we embark on an adventures and do bounties, to raise enough coin for passage to another continent, where I would eventually regain my freedom. Luckily though, you're quite attractive, for a mortal at least. I could use you to get discounts, distract monsters while I get whatever it is we'll get paid for, and blow off some steam myself if needed. Even an imp like me has needs, you know.

"No!! That's too far! Right! RIGHT!!" Again I palm my forehead. You were going to get captured if you kept this up, and I had half a mind to let those goblins ravish you for a day or two, as a lesson. That'll show you for always throwing a wrench in my plans...

Many rumours surrounded the notorious Labyrinth of Libinine. No one knows what is true, except for two simple facts: Men are unable to enter and are rebuked by a magical barrier, and the women who enter, are never seen again. Not many people have tried, being very hard to find as it's underneath a large mountain.

It was once the mine of an ancient dwarven city, now long forgotten and in disarray. The labyrinth is said to contain great riches, artifacts, and magical items, and even offers its dwellers immortality, as long as they remain within its confines.

The labyrinth is a vast and complex network of caverns, underground cities, and winding tunnels. It is filled with many monsters and creatures, and is fraught with danger. Despite the risks, many adventurers brave the labyrinth in search of fame and fortune.

The Labyrinth of Libidine is a mysterious and dangerous place, and no one has ever returned from it. It is said that the only way to find it is to follow a hidden path, and that those who do will be rewarded with great riches and power.

You approach the entrance to the mysterious cave, feeling a chill run down your spine. You can feel the energy emanating from the entrance, the magical barrier softly crackling. The entrance to the underground dungeon is a massive stone archway, carved with intricate symbols and runes. The entrance is flanked by two large statues of ancient warriors, whose faces have long since worn off due to the wicked touch of time. It's dark and foreboding. But you didn't come all this way to turn back now…

The island of Deuphos lay in a calm sea. The lands were lush with green rolling hills and forests, and the climate was temperate. However, looks are deceiving, for the island of Deuphos were definitely dangerous lands. Only a few settlements made it past their first decade, and everything beyond the wooden palisades are wild lands, teeming with monsters.

These lands were especially dangerous for women. Where men were just cut down by the monsters if they lost in combat, women were seen as a prized possession. Somehow, the evolutionary path of the monsters on this island made them lust for women of the civilised races.

It wasn't uncommon for women to disappear without a trace, and to be found months later in the lair of some monster or groups of monsters, completely and thoroughly violated.

This, combined with the fact that the massive island was still largely unexplored, made it a dangerous place for any adventurer. Still, though, many adventurers, a lot of them women, still made the journey to find fame and fortune. And you are one of them.

But unlike the other adventurers, you had a trick up your sleeve. Where most female adventurers who fell prey to these monsters were never heard from again, you knew how to use their lusts against them.

You possess the ancient and powerful art of Eromancy. Aside from basic things such as increasing the arousal and flooding your victims mind with lewd thoughts, you possessed one ability that would be a gamechanger. You had the ability to teleport monsters to another realm of existence, provided you had their cum within you.

It was a win-win for everyone really. The monsters got laid, and so did you, and afterwards, you'd make them disappear without them even getting hurt.

Of course, such magics were frowned upon by most, as copulating with a monster was seen as deviant and filthy. Especially if done consensually. But as long no one found out, what was the harm, right?

It always seems so easy to be an adventurer. But if you're like me, not particularly skilled at combat, or magic, or having a silver tongue, it becomes tricky. If not impossible. I've only narrowly escaped death after running into a gang of goblins. But, I have an idea. And that's where you come in.

I've recently acquired you as my new slave. Of course, to keep you in check, you wear an enchanted collar around your neck. It makes your body obey my wishes, and I can command you to do basically everything. Therefore, you make the perfect sidekick. Forced to do my bidding. I could've also paid extra coin to be able to control your mind as well, but where's the fun in that? And also, the price for this was
very steep...

So, you come into my service, and I aim to take you on an adventure together. Rather than commanding you to fight for me, I have other ideas in mind. The many monsters of the world we live in, that roam the countrysides in between the little pockets of civilisation that we call cities and towns, find females of the civilised races irresistable.

It's a relative common occurence for peasant women to disappear, only to find them weeks later, raped and used as sex slaves. The lucky ones are discarded after a single use, to find their own way home. It's a dangerous world we live in.

So, I plan on using those monsters' desires and urges against them. They won't be able to resist you, especially when practically presented on a silver platter, and when they've exhausted themselves on you, I'll come in and save you. Or well, I mean... Save the loot.

How to get in touch
Like what you see? Great! Then don't hesitate on sending me a message with your favourite prompt(s)! We can brainstorm a bit about it, the world, your character, and the nuances to make tailormake it to cater to both our carnal desires! Don't forget to include your kinks and limits!

Speaking of, here's mine!

Kinks (not all required): Non/dub-con, non-con turning to con, bondage, teratophilia, female submission, female feet and footplay, humiliation, dehumanisation, monsters, sluttiness, slavery, cumplay, orgasm denial, orgasm control, ugly bastards ravishing your character, corruption, dirty talk, detailed replies, replies in first person, detailed smut, and many more.

Limits: Toiletplay, blood, snuff, underage, birthing, transformation, insects, sounding and one-liners.
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