Mx Female Arresting Plots, Heavy on the Smut (NSFW gifs inside)


Feb 22, 2024

Thank you for taking a moment to glance through my request thread. I've put some effort into organizing it and carefully considering about what I'm looking for in an RP partner, so I would appreciate it if you also took a moment to think about what you're interested in before messaging me. I'd be particularly grateful if you'd share a writing sample, or at least direct me to where I can read what you've written recently. So, without further ado:

About Me / What I'm Looking For


CST time zone, although I'm usually online early in the morning, so I'm more than happy to play with women around GMT. I'm rather private, but I'm a big fan of checking in OOC to ensure we're both enjoying the smut. I don't mind some flirting either, although this obviously depends on our chemistry.

Post Length

400-1k words on average, but this is adjustable. It depends on our posting cadence, too. For the right writer, I'm willing to carry on a conversation through messages, and when that occurs, naturally the post length shortens to accommodate the frequency. If we're posting once or twice a day, then the word count starts edging up again.





I'll keep this short and comprehensible. I'm only interested in playing male against women playing female. I'm not looking for some tropey alpha male storyline, but I do tend to enjoy dominant/submissive dynamics that develop over the course of a story. Dub-con, humiliation, misogyny, and male superiority are some aspects of that dynamic that I enjoy the most.


Family and animals. So, no furries or incest storylines, sorry. Other than that, I'm pretty open. Please let me know if you're looking for a particular story, especially with a darker or more fucked up premise. I'm flexible.


I have a few ideas right now, but I'll describe the three I'm most interested in, and you can let me know which one you'd like to explore, or if you don't see anything you like, feel free to pitch me something else.

Historical, Sheriff/Madam


This one takes place in an unnamed town in the Oklahoma panhandle in the late 19th-century. My character would be the sherrif of the town, recognized by the United States, but possessing the job primarily through his proficiency with a revolver and his ability to get things done. Your character would be the woman who runs the local brothel. They'd start out as equals, more or less, but as the danger in the small, wild town increases, she finds that she has to rely on his authority and power more and more. That's when the balance of their relationship shifts, and we can go from there. I'm very open to developing this idea more, so let me know if you're interested in world building this one.

Fantasy, Conquering King/Conquered Princess

A classic. The conquering king kills the reigning royals and takes the daughter in order to impregnate her and intertwine their bloodlines, in order to produce a legitimate heir. This can go from noncon-dubcon-con, but I'm open to other interpretations. If you'd like the dynamic to be less aggressive, we can adjust the plot so that the daughter of the conquered kingdom escapes into a neighboring kingdom, and there finds my character, where they marry and try to conquer her fallen kingdom. Same impregnation requirement, of course.

Contemporary, BDSM Dom /New Girlfriend

In this scenario I'd like to play as a young couple. This has overtones of transformation, where the female character would slowly become more fit and attractive. My character would manipulate her into signing a BDSM contract, where she gives over a lot of her agency to him, in return for him turning her into his perfect partner. We can extend this dynamic as far as you feel comfortable, from him convincing her to have sex with him on video, to him convincing her to have sex with his friends.

Alt-History, Majority Culture Dom/Repressed Identity Girl


This prompt is a little controversial, but I'd like to explore an alternative, fascist America. We can sort out the details in private chat, but I'm imagining there are certain identities (racial, sexual orientation) that are not recognized as existing by the government in power. My character would be an inquisitor, or agent of this repressive system, and your character would be someone who should not technically exist under the law. The play would proceed with her being captured and then 'processed' by my character. Whether that means being 'turned straight', or impregnated in order to change the race of her babies. This is my darkest prompt, but if anyone is interested, you go straight to the top of my list.
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