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Mx Female Shy Guy Seeking Soft Dom/Power Bottom/Nymphomaniac Women for Erotic/Taboo Stories!


Feb 10, 2015

Hello there, thank you for taking the time to read my thread! I would ask that you please at least read this first section as I'll give a quick outline of what I am after so you can determine if we match up before you read the wall of text that my threads usually become. A bit of background and reasoning before I put things into a convenient nutshell for you dear reader. I long ago grew tired of playing dominant, aggressive, alpha male type characters so I figured I would lean towards the other end of the spectrum, playing the geeks, the nerds and other socially awkward types and be the one getting seduced for a change!

"Are you trying to seduce me, Mrs. Robinson?"

That venerable quote pretty much sums things up, though I am open to more settings than the typical slice of life such as fantasy and even sci-fi so don't be afraid to bring ideas outside modern locales. So basically what I am after is a sexually aggressive, experienced (though not necessarily older) woman to seduce my shy, inexperienced and socially awkward male characters, to put it at its most plain.

Also for the sake of simplicity, if you match most or even all of the following points then read on as I think we'll get along just fine:

  • You love the idea of seducing the socially awkward, nerdy/geeky, shy guys!
  • You love performing oral sex, it's my -only- mandatory kink really.
  • You love playing sexually aggressive and experienced women!
  • You love slow-burn seduction with lots of teasing, showing of skin, outfits, clothing, voyeurism, exhibitionism etc!
  • You are understanding and friendly, I won't pressure you for replies, so long as I get a reply per week I am happy as anyone's muse waxes and wanes.
  • You are capable of writing detailed posts! Sights, sounds, smells, textures, feelings, sensations, thoughts etc!
  • No one line PM's in response to this!

General Info!

I know this is boring stuff but I'll keep it brief:

  • Posting Method: PM's.
  • Posting Rate: Usually 1-2 posts a week at present, that may change thanks to that ever time munching monster that is the real world.
  • Writing Style: Third or first-person perspectives are both A-Okay with me!
  • Long-Term or Short-Term: I would much prefer long-term but I understand that some people prefer a shorter story so it's an option!
  • Smut to Story Ratio: I won't lie, I love me some smut but I'd say a story is still important, especially for a long-term play but I am open to a smut-heavy approach.
  • OOC Communication: Whether it's discussing ideas, informing me you will be busy or such it's all fine and I'd argue highly important!
  • Long-Term Writing Partners Hopefully: I guess this is every roleplayer's dream, to find a partner who matches with your tastes and expectations and you to theirs and you write stories for years to come!

Scenarios/Writing Prompts

Right now, I am mostly looking for modern/slice-of-life settings though having said that I am not entirely against fantasy, sci-fi or anything else if you think it fits! I'll give each one a short premise before launching into a writing sample.

The Glamourous Aunt (Incest/Taboo)

Premise: The aunt of my character moves in with his family for some reason, divorce or some other plausible thing. He only vaguely remembers her from family gatherings. Low-cut dresses, busty and a penchant for rather aggressive hugging being all he recalls. What he doesn't realise is being the shy, dorky sort is exactly the kind of guy she's after now.

"Look, Miles, it's only for six months or so... Just be nice to her and help out that is all I ask." He grumbled an agreement as yet another box of his belongings was hefted into the smaller room. His aunt was going to be living with them for a while, something about a divorce he wasn't really paying attention to it all at the time he'd been too busy working on his art project.

"You'll have to use the other bathroom, so the joining door on your side for this one will be locked. Your father wants his sister to have some privacy after all... I know its a nuisance but it is what it is... We'll make it up to you, I promise." His mother said as another box was dropped into his arms earning a disbelieving eye-roll only an eighteen-year-old could pull off. While he had nothing against his aunt it still felt like a good chunk of his summer break had been upended because of her arrival.

By early afternoon he was busily putting everything in its new place, the back bedroom overlooking the pool being the smallest one meant he'd be a bit lacking in space compared to his old room. His mother had been getting his former room ready for his aunt's arrival and just when he'd flopped onto his bed feeling like his arms and legs might drop off his father's voice boomed upstairs. "She's here, come and give me a hand with her bags Miles!" Muttering under his breath he pried himself from his bed and made his way downstairs his mother and father were still greeting his aunt when he stopped in his tracks for a second.

She honestly wouldn't have looked out of place strutting down a red carpet or posing on the front of a magazine, a short gold dress with a plunging neckline definitely fit his memories of her. She shot him a charming smile before pinching his cheek making him glad she hadn't opted for the hugs of old, he was fairly sure that would get a rather awkward boner. "There he is, bet he's fighting the girls off at college with a stick eh Miles? Appreciate you letting me have your room too."

"Uh, sure..." He left out the part where he'd been all but forced to do so as his father nudged his head toward the front door indicating they should get her stuff as his mother led her into the kitchen for a coffee. "Sorry about the dress, Jane... Meant to wear something more practical but I packed my jeans at the bottom..." That conversation drifted into the distance as he and his father began taking boxes, suitcases and backpacks worth of his aunt's stuff up to her room and piling it into any space it would fit. His father tried to smooth things over saying he had to look out for his sister and tempting him to put up with it by offering a new computer and art tablet.

They soon moved downstairs again and he gleaned some more information about the whole situation as his parents and aunt talked. Controlling husband, wanting her to get cosmetic surgery despite not needing it in the slightest, cheating, lying and all the rest of it. Nothing of note really happened for the rest of the day until the evening. He'd retreated to his room the moment it was appropriate only for him to hear a knock on the door from the joining bathroom before it opened.

"Hey Miles, your dad told me about the bathroom arrangement but I said it was fine for you to keep using this one... So long as we both knock its all good right?" She shot him that disarming smile again making him blush as he nodded. "Right, I'm going to hop in the shower before bed... Long day, hopefully, we'll get to know each other better while I'm here."

What little Miles knew was that she was simply laying the groundwork for seducing him, the shared bathroom was going to make it all too easy for her.

Hunting the Inheritance (Taboo)
Premise: My character is recently orphaned, though part of a wealthy family and set to have a massive inheritance for which his aunt decides the best way to fund her lifestyle would be to seduce him. Could be revenge against one of his parents (or both) simple greed and lust, plenty of options to tinker with. Doesn't have to be his aunt either! He could be a young adult who becomes a target because of his inherited wealth too.

If Miles were to describe the last month of his life in just one word it would be that it was a blur of emotions, images and confusion that didn't seem to wave much less end. Losing his parents made him feel genuinely numb after the initial heart-wrenching pain had passed as the world just carried on with Miles essentially sleepwalking through it. A lot of things had been thrown into chaos given his parent's key role in the scientific research company they owned and other more mundane things like who would look after him until he came of age amid sitting through a lot of sombre or confusing events from the funeral itself to sitting in the office of the lawyer executing their wills. A lot of it hadn't really sunk in and the feeling of disorientation Miles felt wasn't helped by having various family friends and distant relatives taking turns watching him until his aunt took apparent full custody of him and moved into the house.

That day things were going to change as his Aunt Victoria was finally moving in after having signed all the paperwork to become his legal guardian amid a procession of vans moving her stuff into one of the many rooms in the house. He wasn't really sure what to expect from her given he'd only really seen her maybe once or twice a year at family gatherings and heard some of the things his parents had said about her. She'd always been nice to him at least so far as he remembered so all he could really do was hope it worked out. She'd only be looking after him until he was old enough to access his inheritance as he understood although that was some years away as he recalled with milestones at 18 and 21 it still felt like a lifetime away and he'd have much rather his parents were still around.

His grandmother had left for home that morning, she lived too far away to really look after him full time and his aunt had already taken that role quite convincingly. He spent the remaining time drawing on his laptop while he waited for her to arrive.

After about five hours of driving, Victoria was drawing ever closer to her new home and her new life. The journey had taken longer than expected, considering she'd been following the two large removal vans packed to the brim with all of her belongings. The sun was beating down on her silver Mercedes as she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, sighing in frustration. Her tight denim jeans clung uncomfortably to her thighs, and her chest was glistening with sweat as she cranked up the air conditioning. Victoria's mind swam with thoughts as she watched the rolling countryside pass by her window...

~ Not long now...~ She thought, noticing the sign at the side of the road indicating she was only a few miles away from her destination.

Moving out of the city to live in the middle of *butt-fuck nowhere* with her Nephew was going to take a lot of getting used to. If you'd have told Victoria a month ago she'd have sold her house, and moved in with a 16-year-old she'd have probably laughed in your face, yet her she was, doing exactly that. She hadn't even considered it until she'd seen the paperwork. Until she'd seen just how much money her Nephew Miles was set to inherit.

"Just remember why your doing this Vix." Victoria told herself, already starting to regret her decision. That was until the William's estate finally began to appear on the horizon.

Dungeon Master's Sister (Risky)

Premise: The younger sister of the group's dungeon master for D&D is grounded for some reason and decides to observe the weekly session out of bored curiosity. With all the others having girlfriends she finds my character's eyes wandering to her. We can play around with how things turn hot but lots of teasing under the table so to speak and sneaking around as she blows the nerds mind (and other things.)

"This is going to be weird..." Mark stated to Miles as they hit the turn to the street they were headed for their weekly Dungeons & Dragons session. "...Awkward too I guess." Miles said in reply as the whole group were still processing the whole situation. Jack's sister had been well and truly grounded for reasons they could only speculate and she wasn't allowed out except for school, had her phone taken off her and more though that wasn't the issue. It was the fact Jack had decided to let her observe to see if she wanted to join in. That alone felt odd enough to Miles though he figured she'd been pestering him about being bored without her phone.

Everything seemed relatively normal to start with as they all set up, got drinks and laid out the week's adventure while recapping the previous one. Miles doubted he was the only one who thought maybe Jack's sister had opted to sit it out after all until she finally showed up as they were about to start. A strappy spaghetti top showed off a generous bust plus a complete lack of a bra, denim shorts that looked a size too small hugged her hips tightly with just the merest hint of a thong strap appearing above the waistline. Miles got the feeling she might've been planning to distract everyone given her attire. "Hey, what'd I miss?" Kimberly stated with an eye roll from Jack "Nothing, just sit down and watch then you can figure out if you want to join in next time."

To her credit, she did seem genuinely interested only asking questions you'd expect about rules, characters, races and the like rather than mocking it. Though he didn't notice the way she'd moved around the table, maybe it just made sense to him that she was learning by observing from everywhere but in actual fact, she'd been seeing if anyone looked at her in 'that' way. That was until she sat next to him and he realised he could see right down her top as she leant over pointing at things as she asked questions, uneasy was one word to describe how it made him, though everyone else was too engrossed to notice.

She'd even hooked one leg over his after reaching way too far across the table for something yet never removed it giving some hint as to its smooth warmth. What little he knew was that he'd shown all the interest she needed and his bashfulness was only turning her on at the thought of opening his eyes to the world of pleasure.

New Step-mom (Modern)

Premise: It's not a highly original idea but sometimes you just have to appreciate a classic. A wealthy father remarries after meeting someone after years alone despite his son (MC) having misgivings about her. Could be she stuck with him for the money not realising he has a son or thinking she gets the money and maturity from the father while getting her hands on her preferred kind of lover in his son. Plenty of ways to tinker with it and make it better, so just let me know!

"I did say I needed to do this at least once a year before we married." Miles heard his father saying in a way that implied the argument had been going on for a while before he'd even got home from university. His father was the CEO of a large and successful global company and once a year he travelled to the other head office in Japan for about two or three months to personally oversee things and make sure everything was running smoothly. It had been that way for as long as Miles could remember even back before his mother had been taken in a car accident, his step-mother was less enthused by it. "Three months though? Seriously Michael?!"

It continued back and forth like that for five minutes until it finally relented and his stepmother left to go out with her friends as his father walked into the kitchen with a sigh. "Hey kiddo, how was class today?" Miles shrugged at first as he drank his juice before answering, watching the bright red sports car pull out of the drive with a familiar blonde behind the wheel. "Oh you know how Professor Clancy is... He could bore a statue to sleep." His father chuckled, ruffling his hair in a way that always earned him a non-plussed expression from Miles. "That he could... Listen, can you try to bond with your stepmother while I'm away?"

Miles had to fight the involuntary urge to groan, he should have expected it, Cindy was and always had been largely indifferent toward him in the year he'd known her, he still felt his father had married her too quickly, after just six months but she seemed to genuinely make him happy. "I'll try." He said reluctantly mainly just for the relieved look on his father's face. Things returned to relatively normal after that, his father left the following morning and Cindy as expected kept to herself aside from the usual 'good mornings' It was the third day things took an unexpected turn.

For as long as he'd known her, Cindy had always dressed relatively modestly, tasteful his father would no doubt call it so seeing her in a micro bikini over his breakfast cereal was a double-take moment. She was curvy yet toned, her skin was flawless and sunkissed with just the merest hint of tanlines from her usual one-piece suits as she smiled at him on the way past seemingly without a care in the world as to the effect she might have on him. "Morning Miles, just having a quick dip and a tan before the sun gets too high."

"Uh... Morning..." He said trying and failing not to stare as he watched her ass swaying out of the patio doors with nothing but a thong disappearing between those two flawless buttocks. Miles was taken aback a bit, not just because he wasn't used to seeing Cindy dressed that way but also because she was hotter than most girls at university... Not that he had any luck with dates either though what little he knew was that Cindy was planting the seeds for his seduction... She liked her men young and bashful, sure she liked his father as a person but as a lover Miles was more her type... Little did he know that he was the deciding factor when she'd decided to marry his father, seeing them as a package deal. Little did he know how those three months would turn out that morning, the micro bikini fashion show was just the first hint of the ravenous nympho she would be toward him.

My Character!

This is just a general guideline and template for my character and I am very much open to tweaking him within reason:

  • Gender: Male.
  • Age: 16-21 Usually.
  • Height: Average 5' to 5' 10" or 152cm to 175cm.
  • Hair: Short, light brown, body hair is down to partner preference!
  • Eye Colour: Bright Grey/Light Blueish.
  • Build: Slender/Slim or Lean as preferred.
  • Personality: Geeky, shy, nerdy and often blushes and stammers though has an innate curiosity and is usually creative in some fashion.
  • Penis: 4-8 Inches is my range of preference for my character.
  • Physical Traits: Usually sensitive, ticklish and capable of multiple orgasms.
  • Typical Professions and Occupations: These vary wildly from setting to setting but usually along the lines of a wizard's apprentice, a student, the nerdy IT technician etc. I also sometimes make him an artist or photographer just to add some potentially more steamy scenes!

Your Character!

This is the tricky part for me, as I find such a wide range of women attractive it's hard to put it all into words without me gushing for pages and pages so I will just put a rough range of physical traits and such. Feel free to open your initial PM with your character if you like:

  • Age Range: Anything from 16 to 60.
  • Hair/Eye Colour: Any!
  • Bust Size: Anything from A-cup to E-cup. Any bigger does very little for me.
  • Physique: Anything from slim to curvy, have a slight leaning toward athletic, toned/physically fit/strong women but it is ever so slight.
  • Ethnicity/Race: Any! Though for fantasy or alien races things like elves, Asari or anything largely humanoid is pretty much fair game.
  • Personalities: This one would be almost impossible to provide a 'range' for. So long as they are a sexually aggressive, experienced, seductress anything else personality-wise is good with me (I think?)
  • Pubic Hair: Shaved or Trimmed.

I am quite open to many female character types so don't be afraid to bring your own ideas!


This list of pairings is just a bare-bones list for pairings I have no concrete or solid ideas for but will accept, my role in bold:

(Step)Mother x Son
Aunt x Nephew
(Step)Sister x Brother
Cousin x Cousin
Neighbours Wife/Daughter x Neighbour
Doctor/Nurse x Patient
Teacher x Student
Housewife x IT Repair Guy
Mother/Sister-in-Law x Daughter/Sisters Husband
-More to Come Soon!-

Kinks, Sexy Stuff and the Bit Everyone Normally Skips to!

Below is a rough list of things I'd potentially like to see be it kinks specifically or potential types of scenes, F-List can be found here!

  • Oral (Giving and Receiving): Receiving it is my only mandatory kink, I know I am repeating myself and there are a lot of oral kinks in my f-list but I've had more than one person miss it despite that!
  • Anal (Giving): There is something quite glorious about the shape of a woman's butt and the way it sways as they walk. Clean only please!
  • Vaginal (Giving): Pretty self-explanatory!
  • Footplay: Be it a foot rubbing in the lap, sucking on toes up to a full on footjob it's all good!
  • Clothing: From the simple to the elegant or even slutty it can't be overstated how sexy clothing can be on a woman. Not to mention it's removal! From a bath towel wrapped around their body and elegant lacy lingerie, to ball gowns and a simple pair of jeans and a blouse. Denim cut-offs, hot pants, micro bikini's even body paint, summer dresses! I could go on for pages about things I find attractive clothing wise.
  • Voyeurism/Exhibitionism: Putting on a show, knowingly or otherwise!
  • Risky Public Play: I can think of all kinds of scene ideas just for this, a foot/blow/handjob in a public place, a risky striptease, pulling your panties off from beneath a summer dress etc!
  • Casual Nudity: Whilst I pointed out a fondness for clothing there is something quite special about a woman who might just as suddenly start up a conversation in the nude, not least of which because the female form is a wonderful thing!
  • Outercourse (Giving and Receiving): Blowjobs, handjobs, footjobs, titfucks, finger fucks etc!
  • Massages: There is something inherently intimate and sensual about a massage!
  • Detailed, Multi-Post Orgasms: There's just something special about anyone who can go into that much descriptive detail about a climax!
  • Edging: Taking someone repeatedly to the edge of an orgasm and backing off to make the eventual climax that much more powerful.
  • Multiple Orgasms: Why stop at just one?
  • Incest (Maybe): Makes a lot of people uncomfortable, could add a lot of tension or taboo to a play but it's completely optional.

The End, Thanks for Reading!
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