Mx Female Welcome to my Multiverse of Dark and Arousing Erotica (NSFW Multiple Cravings!) (WIP)


Feb 18, 2024
Down Under
Hi All,

I'm Gideon (or Gids for short). I'm new here to BMRP - but have been writing erotic RP (smut) for countless years since I was a teenager.
My kinks and desires are wide and varied - as you will hopefully see from this post!
I'm looking currently for a maximum 3 or 4 RP partners to help satisfy my some of my RP needs :). No rush - I would rather have quality writing over volume of writing any day of the week!

Generally I'll write multi-paragraph entries, but will generally base my responses ongoing on my partner.
At the very minimum I'd expect a good single paragraph entry with well thought out prose and grammar. I'm not a the grammar police, but hey, please at least try and make an effort!

A few things about me :-

1. I'm based Down Under (but work at home a lot during my day) so my posting times can potentially be at any time over a 24 hour period depending on what is going on in my world. Sometimes I am away for a few days for work, and then my writing time is a bit more limited over that time period. I'll generally try and reply to a post within a few hours. 24 hours Max if I am busy with RL.

2. I would prefer writing here, either on a Forum post or in my messages. I don't really do Discord, but potentially would consider it for the right partner.

3. I am only looking to write with RP Partners RPing Female characters in the most part. I'm open to Futa in the right stories, but this would be few and far between. I'm open to playing a female character myself on occasion as well, if the story fits - but 8 times out of 10 my character will be a Male of some sort.

4. I have some plots in mind as per the below. (I've added in NSFW imagery as part of this, so be warned before opening). These are some of my favourites I have in mind at present, but I am in no way limited to just these. (I'll reach out to some other writers based on some plot lines I have seen from them once I am allow to as well).

5. I prefer RL images of my characters and those I am writing with if possible? AI images are good too. Anime is not really my thing as far as images go, but I can cover some of the plot types that come up in anime in my RP. E.g. Tentacles is a flavour that I rather enjoy (playing the monster with said tentacles mostly :) ).

6. If you wish to get a better understanding of my kinks, my f-list link is Here. I do have a number of darker and more intense flavours I enjoy, but i'm open to exploring new ones as well.

7. Plot/smut ratios vary by plot and can readily be discussed. I like 70/30 or 60/40 favoring plot as a general rule, but some RP's might just be more smut focused.

8. There will be fleshed out plots as well as general pairings below, I may or may not have ideas for the pairings but I also love hearing my partner's thoughts as well!

Plot Ideas that I have so Far (Warning all Spoilers have NSFW imagery attached to whet your appetite)

MC can either be YC's step or real father dependent on how much of a taboo incest is within my writing partner's kinks. Under my nose you have flourished into a beautiful young woman (age needs to be 16+). YC's friends are always commenting what a Silver Fox MC is, flirting with me while visiting our house. MC's wife is oblivious to these goings on and the parents of the household haven't had sex in months. Things could escalate while the friends stay over, or in private? YC makes the first move and MC tries to resist for as long as he can YC's advances? Happy to have my writing partner play more than one young woman in this RP as well? YC could creep into our bed in the night? Leave the bathroom door open while getting ready to have a shower, fully well knowing that I am about to head out the door for work. So many ways to tease and play with me before I cannot help but ending up giving in to YC's charms.

Teacher's Pet MC is happy to be either the Teacher or student (can potentially be 2 different RPs here). YC will be the other. If MC is teacher, it can go a few ways. YC could flirt in the classroom in front of everyone with him. She could be a complete trouble maker that MC needs to knock into shape (or even knock up!) and have to ensure she gets punishment to enforce her better behaviour. She could come to school dressed as a complete slut. She could be a good girl that MC has an overpowring urge to corrupt. So many different options to play out here, and I would love to try all of them :). If YC is the teacher, I would definitely hope I need detention and that YC is seriously lacking in the attention that she should be getting from her partner at home. Perhaps the odd glimpse when noone else is looking of a breast, or not wearing panties for a specific day while she is at school - so much to explore!.

The Magic of Hogwarts MC is a prefect at Hogwarts (18), (Slytherin of course), and is a from a Pureblood Wizarding family with wealth and resources. YC is around the same age or a little younger (16-18) and has taken an interest in MC. He can be a complete asshole at times, and as he learns more of the dark arts he realises his darker desires, including torture, pain, pleasure and sacrificial rites. This plot could go a multitude of ways including YC helping MC in his dark arts, or even a Bad Ending for YC if you wish to go down that path? Happy to discuss ideas in more detail.

Taken by a Demon MC is a Demon - thinking along the lines of a Glabrezu (D&D) with shape changing abilities, or perhaps even one of the Demon Princes like Demogorgon and such. YC is a Warlock that has summoned me, and her spell goes aury and the ability to control me fades. I make you my slave and basically do whatever I wish to you, whether YC enjoys it or not. All the while YC is trying to escape and/or find help. Again open to any sort of ending here that we can discuss.


MC is very close with YC my sister. Story could be that our parents neglected or abandoned us? Over time as we grew older, things have now reached the point where we are entering into a taboo relationship. When does the story take place? What do others think about us? Who do we let know? How does it affect us mentally? This one would be quite exciting for me to jump into I think.

Keeping the Boss Happy MC has just started an office job, his boss YC is a bit of a bitch and wants her own way all of the time. This would be one of the few RPs I would do where I would be more of a submissive (although one that doesn't always do what he's told). Be great to play some power exchange RP. YC could make my life miserable and have me eating out of her hand in no time at all!

More to come - a definite WIP :)
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Second bump. Have found one amazing writing partner here, and looking definitely for another one or two? A big component for me is how we get on chit chatting OOC, along with how our kinks match up. If you keen on exploring any of these ideas with me, please let me know? :)
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