Mx Female Perverse and Perilous Paths - smutty dnd like stories! - Slight Update!

Feb 16, 2024

Hello everyone, I am Roads, and while this account is new I certainly am not, and I am back looking to create some longer term stories with anyone who is interested in the same type of rp that I am offering.

The type of Rp

And what is that type of rp? Well it’s a one on one Gm vs player dnd like game! I control the world and the secondary characters, as well as the dangers and the consequences of your actions. And you will control your character, and ultimately the direction of the story with your actions and will!

I can of course explain things in greater depth in a message if you are still confused, I will almost eventually edit this request thread to make it much better but I wanted to get something out there.

Who am I

Now, before you jump in to the plots / settings below I’d like to tell you all a bit about me. I am a man, and will typically be writing other characters as such. Not all, I enjoy making expansive worlds after all. I am a very casual writer in terms of post frequency. I can promise you I will give you detailed long posts every day or other day, but I cannot do multiple times a day unless it’s a rare occasion. I am very respectful of my partners personal life and I expect that in return as well.

Now it’s important to keep in mind that one of my favourite parts of doing and rp is the creation aspect. I don’t like to come to others with pre packaged stories that play out more or less the same way every time. I want to be surprised!

I want to see what you come to the table with even if it’s just an open mind to brainstorm some ideas! So that being said these « plots » are more just settings and vibe establishers

Heroines journey:
Your typical dnd hero’s journey, where your inexperienced adventurer is taking in the world in hopes of achieving some grand task. Maybe it’s something as simple as becoming rich and famous! Maybe they are seeking a herb that will save their village, or maybe they are hunting a horrible dragon that destroyed their home. It doesn’t matter, because your character is likely over to estimating their abilities, and the true horror of the world.

There are all sorts of men and monsters and beasts prowling the paths. Each one would love nothing more than to dominate any heroine dumb enough to cross their path.

If this is interesting to you send me a message.

Star Hopper:
Perhaps you like a sci fi setting more than fantasy. With spaceships and strange aliens. With mysteries that are older than the universe itself! With more possible directions to travel than there are stars in the sky!

Well, in that case, come to me with your idea of a space fairing character. Maybe they are a simple traveller looking for a new home, or scientist wanting to document and learn all they can. Or maybe a bounty hunter after some terrible prey. The sky doesn’t even come close to being the limit here!

But just know that the depths of space are quite dangerous and unforgiving. And once some aliens get their tentacle around you… they might not let go so easily


It may have been obvious in the plots but for kinks I generally enjoy.

Roughness, non con, monsters, fighting, virginity, fear play, beasts, and plenty more.


Underage, sexual gore, bathroom play, ext…

Wrap up:

So it’s good to be back and I hope I can create some great adventurers for you all. This post was rushed but I do want to have this mentioned somewhere.

While I like the idea of bad ends obviously I want you to fight tooth and nail to avoid that for your character. That they only occur when all attempts by you have been done and failed. A true defeat. More so, I will generally bring up ideas to « rewind » before a mistake was made. That way we can have our cake and eat it too with any possible loss.

Alright that’s all!

If you get this far, let me know if this dungeon « master » has your attention. If you really want mine address me as such.

Let me know what plot you like and what kind of writer you are, and if you have any characters in mind.

Bonus Points if you bring forward a character you use in your own dnd games!
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