Mx Female HI Ladies, do you like corruption? Shock? Taboo? Then please, step inside!

May 21, 2012
Hi! Obviously looking for a role-play partner here with a few different ideas to start us off! I am happy to fill in some of the details myself, or we can do that together (with your ideas/kinks and mine inspiring us).

My biggest kinks revolve around the shock and reluctance of a more innocent/pure/virtuous (though not necessarily virginal) lady (or ladies) before the gradual coercion and corruption. If this is something you'd be interested in, then please message me even if you don't like my ideas, I'd love to try to create something together!

Introducing your new boyfriend to your friends at a wedding

We've been dating a couple of months now and things have gone well; we get on really well with similar interests and senses of humour. So well now that you think it's about time you introduced me to your closest friends as your boyfriend. They've heard quite a bit about me so far and seen a picture (SFW of course) or two. But never met me and got to interact with me.Your close friend is having a party (or wedding or some other occasion, we can refine that ourselves) and you thought that that would be the perfect time to meet. Things start off well from first impressions, your friends seem to like me, finding me attractive and funny and giving you winks or nudges to indicate that they approve of me. Obviously this makes you feel more relaxed, until an hour or so later when you notice me catching regular glimpses of your friend's cleavage (or ass)...

Some of the details are open - how long we've been dating (or maybe you brought me along because you don't want to seem single), our ages ( I prefer in our 20s, but we can be in our 30s or 40s if you prefer), where we are, who I am staring at, etc - and I can choose them all on my own or we can do that together.

It would be perfect, if it wasn't for my job...

We'd hit it off almost instantly. The conversation never needed any help getting started and once it started we just kept going. It seemed like almost everything you were into, I was too. Your taste in music, tv and films; my love of nature and animals and of course our mutual love of the gym - though that was hardly surprising considering it was where we met.

That's not to say that we were exactly alike, in fact with you being more quiet and introverted, it was a good thing that I was far more confident and out going. But that was what made it all so perfect. Our interests aligned, we were clearly very attractive to each other and personalities fitted like a key in a lock. Naturally the sex was amazing. Two fit, young, attractive people sparking together, while my slightly more dominant nature and greater experience made for a rampant, mind blowing sex life.

So there had to be a catch, something that proved that it was too good to be true. Soon enough you discovered that. You'd asked early on what it was I did for work and got the standard response I gave everyone. "I work in tech but do some modelling work on the side". The computer set up in my spare room certainly made sense and you couldn't deny that my appearance made the modelling jobs more than believable. But after a few months you dared ask what type of modelling and, sensing something deeper about this relationship where others had been shallow, I finally told you the truth.Naturally you'd been shocked and it had created an internal emotional turmoil that you found hard to truly process. But over a few weeks of talking about it with me and reassuring yourself, you started to get over it. After all, it was just modelling and shows.

It was about money and nothing else, it wasn't like I was actually cheating on you.So we carried on happily, but every so often you'd see a lady or two that recognised me and smirked or blushed as she saw me. Or gave my body that knowing look as she eyed me up and down. It was tough, but you also reminded yourself that I was with you and they were jealous and that made it easier. Until one of your friends recognised me..

The idea being it's about a more innocent and sweet young lady who ends up dating (though sweet and kind himself) a male stripper or pornstar. Again, if you have a twist on the idea that you'd like to suggest, feel free

The Reporter - work in progress, please let me know if you're interested and I can add more detail

You're a sweet, innocent and slightly naive young lady who has dreamed of becoming a TV/newspaper reporter for as long as you can remember. It's early on in your career and your first real job in the business, you're sent to interview one or two performers in a sex club…

The Bachelorette party - work in progress, please let me know if you're interested and I can add more detail

You've been invited to a bachelorette party, since it was going to be a "quiet, low-key" one, you thought it would be ok to bring your daughter along too. However after an hour or two of you all gossiping and drinking, it soon becomes clear that the maid of honour has planned a less than "quiet, low-key" surprise!

The divorce party (WIP - this can be done from either view point with you as the party thrower or the one sneaking in)

Every year your mom/aunt holds a party to 'celebrate' her divorce. Naturally you're not allowed to attend as it's essentially an excuse for her to let her hair down and be wild. But this year you manage to sneak in. It seems like a normal party but the noises coming from upstairs suggest otherwise and you can't help but check it out. This leads to you catching her in a rather embarrassing situation for the both of you...

Kinks (not all are applicable!) - reluctance, embarrassment, age gaps, cock shock, BWC, awkwardness, coercion, FF(+)M, facials, public, risk of being caught, oral sex, dub-con, corruption, incest and more
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