Mx Female Some sweet Taboo pairings


Jan 14, 2017
Hello everyone, I am looking for an RP with a type of theme. I am pretty open when it comes to the pairs and plot, I just want to explore a type of idea.

The general idea is that two people want to be together but have a slight obstacle in the way. In general I like for the idea to be consensual between the two (but I could be persuaded to do a dub con idea)

They could have a “love at first sight moment” and something romantic, there might be something super natural between the two or anything else that drives the two together.

If you have any flavors or ideas you'd like to explore I'd love to hear them as well. If you are craving something, let me know and we can work on an idea

Some plot idea/example

He was like a brother 18+
The general idea is that a young woman has a crush on her adopted brother. The two often orbit each other but they don’t get too close to each other. He often says he wants to be a better brother to her. One day, she decided to tempt him into crossing the line and is surprised with how much he had been holding himself back.

Social outcasts (dub con)
In this scenario, two outcasts are friends. One day, she is complaining about how she thinks she is ugly. He insists she is beautiful, and she thinks he is just being nice. He insists that she is one of the most lovely, women he has ever known and any man would be lucky to have her. When she doesn’t get it, this causes him to snap and he forces himself onto her.

The porn stars
A woman is a model of some kind. Eventually she learn one of her modeling partners is a guy who is a famous part star. He offers to get her involved, slowly at first. She might be hesitant at first but slowly she begins to get the hang of it. Eventually she learns that he has gotten ride of all of his filming partners, except for her…

If you have a different idea or craving, I’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to suggest some taboo-ish pairings and ideas you may have. If you have an idea, I’m comfortable adding taboo elements to it.
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