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What Brought you into Gaming?

Santuary of Sinz

Feb 10, 2024
As someone who has grown up in a family with Gamers, My very first experience with gaming was a Gameboy Color

I remember my first game being Megaman X-Treme. IT sent me down the Rabbit Hole

What about everyone here? What started their intrigue of gaming?
The first video game I ever played was Spyro: Year Of the Dragon (got the remake of the trilogy that was released a few years back). The second was Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy.
When I was a little baby, my 11 year old big sister got 8bit Nintendo as a Christmas present. I was so young that I don't remember it, but essentially I grew up in environment where playing console games was the typical spare time activity.

First game I remember playing myself was megaman 2. Saving games was not possible back then, but that game had a "code" it gave you after clearing stages that you could input next time you started up the console.
I had papers filled with these codes around the house and it always felt like a huge triumph to finally clear one more stage. The game only has like 11 stages but I never managed to finish the game, but I was like 3-4 year old.
This is kinda goofy but I was a nut job for those browser flash games before they disappeared. It's so sad that so many of them have been erased from existence.
😞 My unregulated internet access had me constantly playing those offensive games where you get jobs to get things like plastic surgeries and new clothes and by the end of the game you looked like a meatcanyon video.. also bloons. So much bloons
This is kinda goofy but I was a nut job for those browser flash games before they disappeared. It's so sad that so many of them have been erased from existence.
Have you looked into Flashpoint? I've not opened it in a while to see what they have, but I used to play old Nickelodeon/Cartoon Network/etc. games on it.
Ooooo I haven't! Thank you for the recommendation, I loved playing nickelodeon and cartoon network games as a kid so this is a dream for me--
I didn't really get to play games much as a kid. My parents had a Gameboy, but I don't even remember it functioning. And whatever console they had (can't remember, but the only game I firmly remember is something like Final Fantasy), I didn't get into it.

However, what pushed me down the rabbit hole was a family friend's son. He was a junior or senior in high school when I was a kid, and one day when I went over to their house with my mom, he was playing the Halo: Combat Evolved demo on his computer. I just watched over his shoulder, totally engrossed in it. To this day, Halo is still one of my favorite series (even forgiving that 343 and Microsoft have made some questionable decisions with the games, and the less said about the Paramount series, the better), and it's shaped my interests in the science fiction genre partly by drawing inspiration from series like Alien and Starship Troopers.
My uncle gifted me a SNES with Link to the Past and Super Mario World when I was a wee one and the rest was pretty much history.
I was the equivalent of the modern-day 'tablet child' back in the early 2000s as my parents bought me a Game Boy Advanced to keep me distracted during long car rides and it all went downhill from there, haha. I still remember having that silly light attachment that was meant to help you see in the dark, as the GBA did not have screen backlighting πŸ’€
Okay...I'm old.

One of the first computer games I remember playing is/was...The Hobbit...on tape...on the Commodore-64.
the snake game from the stone age old nokia phone. not even kidding, it was a revelation for little old me
Mid to late 2000s, sitting in my dad's lap as he played old-school Counterstrike, Half-Life and Warcraft. He plays the former to this day, occasionally with my younger sibling since I never got into FPSes or any other competitive game.

As for my first console? It was a brand new NDS Lite that came with Petz and PokΓ©mon Soul Silver. Haven't stopped gaming ever since that day!
Oof... I'd have to say it was probably back in 1991/92. I was like 7? (if my math is right) and we had a babysitter that brought around her Sega Genesis. The very first games my little brother and I ever played was Streets of Rage 2 and Sonic Spinball. After that, we begged our parents to get us a Sega for Christmas. And ever since then, we have both been gamers. Now, as an adult, I dont throw as much time and attention into them. But my son has been playing games since he was 2.
Gaming had a therapeutic effect to me.

After not being helped properly before, i grabbed my controllers and started playing, and i was entertained and felt more free.

Gaming was quite endless, more free too, without those micro-transactions and other stuffs, games like, say, Timesplitters had tons of challenges, some were so hard to complete, like the races with Strudel the robotic-cat, the controls were terrible, or i was just bad at it.

It got various time-periods, weapons and stuffs, also, so many charaters.

But the first game i had was Sly 2, i grew fond of it, everything was great in it and the trio were great, the villains too.

That was the most satisfying start i ever get.
I've been playing video games since the age of three, and I never found video games not amazing. I think my aunt or someone had an NES and I'd play that as a toddler.
My older brother had a Nintendo and watching him play got me into it. Our tastes in games were dramatically different so until I could afford systems of my own I had to play his.
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