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Let's get it on! (1x1 Search)

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Mar 30, 2010
Making this long and sweaty, just like sex! Let's get to it. I'm looking for a male or female to start up a dark RP! Dark meaning themes that revolve around drugs, incest, murder, blackmail, slavery, abuse, rape, etc. If you aren't interested, well get the hell out. Otherwise my taboo-curious friends, keep on scrolling~

1: Literacy and Grammar is a must. No chat speak, ever. Awesome literacy, all the time. By the way, if I see you even once use 'Ok' over 'Okay', I will pull my hair out in rage. Don't ask why.

2: A paragraph or more. Honestly, this is how it works. You give me a finely detailed paragraph, I'm good to go. Otherwise, you're getting your fingers an exercise and typing more! I love detail, I love it during sex scenes, I love it during killing scenes, I love it during every scene. If we get to a sex scene and you can only describe the basic action, I'm activating my jet-boots and flying away. (I'm serious, I'll totally reply with that if it sucks.)

3: No child characters. I'd like them to be eighteen or older. I am not getting down and dirty with babies.

4: When you PM your request, I love presentation. If I get a basic 'Wanna do this plot?' I'm not even gonna respond. Be clever, be intricate, capture my attention before we even roleplay! Even if that request is in roleplay format. (Actually, I'd love that.)

More to come~

My Rad Skills!
1: I can play both genders. That's right, I can jump on your cock and I can plow you! Amazing right? I can also do a myriad of different things like tentacle monsters and hermaphrodites (Or futarani to those who don't know what that is ;P)

2: I can usually pull out three paragraphs from my brain, which isn't my limit, but my usual thing. I do more for intros though, I love intros ;o

3: I can play shy, non-talkative characters to psychotic assholes who never shut up. I can be submissive or dominant, though I prefer dominant.

4: Through some very odd occurrences, I have a nearly infinite experience with all types of humanoids: Furries, Werewolves, Vampires (I do a really damn good vampire), orcs, drows, elves, ogres (Oh yeah, ogres), aliens, and much much more! So I can play pretty much anything.

5: I'm a pretty good DM when asked to do so. I don't mess with dice or anything like that, but I have my own intricate system to rely on when I do DM, so if you wanna explore, kill monsters, fuck people, fuck monsters, kill people, let me know!

More to come~

(Basically, a lot. Since you can practically put anything with my pairings, '*' will represent a wild-card for whatever you'd like paired with it. Also, the gender of the first can be whatever you'd like me to be, so yeah ;P)

More to come~

None yet, gonna type 'em in sooner or later.

(Settings basically)
Elder Scrolls
Dragon Age
Warhammer 40k
Mass Effect

More to come~

So if you're interested, PM me your request! Remember requirement four, or else it will be pointless! Also, is it not required, but a roleplaying sample will greatly improve my chances of loving you. Though it's not necessary, I'll just stalk your post history. Yeah, I'm a stalker, what of it? Also, I do have a messenger, so if you'd like to use that venue. But requirement four still applies!


Make sure to PM it, I won't respond to requests in this thread. Also, don't be scared due to my requirements, I mean hell what do you have to lose?

Now off with you!

Elder scrolls just makes me think of my first bonewalker. That thing messed my shit up.
Kawamura said:

Elder scrolls just makes me think of my first bonewalker. That thing messed my shit up.

Many of the creatures in that game just destroyed people.

I like Morrowind better than Oblivion; had a bit more personality. Or maybe it was just the giant 'shrooms. I dunno. Oblivion was lovely looking, but it was more bland. Don't think that's nostalgia goggles talking, though. I love watching the mods for any ES game. Or the two I've played, at least.
Kawamura said:

I like Morrowind better than Oblivion; had a bit more personality. Or maybe it was just the giant 'shrooms. I dunno. Oblivion was lovely looking, but it was more bland. Don't think that's nostalgia goggles talking, though. I love watching the mods for any ES game. Or the two I've played, at least.

Well that's the problem. Morrowind was amazing due to the scale and diversity, but when you throw in better graphics, something's gotta give.
I dunno.

I mean, I certainly don't mind getting up and changing the disk, that's for certain. I rather liked the oddities more than the graphics, truth be told.
Kawamura said:
I dunno.

I mean, I certainly don't mind getting up and changing the disk, that's for certain. I rather liked the oddities more than the graphics, truth be told.

Well you are right.

But one thing, if anything, the improved hit system in Oblivion.
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