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Fx Male Current Ideas


Oct 5, 2014
In many ways, I do not know what I want in a roleplay, but in many ways, I am looking for a different take on our reality. It's not quite a different dimension or a what if, scenario but it could be, or just some near-future dystopian world. Or maybe, since the start of this year, we are already there.

I like exploring misogyny, and specifically, a strong female being turned into the submissive female all misogynists desire. I won't judge you or what you may be like in real life, that is not the point, the point is to explore the darker desires that we all have. There will be no judgments made either about myself or you. My main fantasy is about a powerful woman, maybe people might think of her as a man-hater. Then someone takes control of her. So if you want to train such a woman, please come to me with your ideas.

Kinks I want to explore are; humiliation, manipulation, degradation, rough and humiliating sex, and sexual acts. Non-con, Dub-con, and Abduction.

Free City
Somewhere in flyover America. My character is a member, of the House of Representatives of a State and a member of the ruling party in that state. She is the most vocal voice about female rights, many men hate her including the leader of her party. This is the America of the future, only months away in some conspiracy theorists' minds. The Big Corporations are wealthier and more powerful than many States. The company pushing forward the proposal for an Economic and Political free Zone has a greater GNP than the State. Her party is putting pressure on her to advocate and vote for this Zone, but she has reservations about what will happen in this almost semi-autonomous zone, a state with a State. She is worried about women's rights and workers' rights in general. Don't be put off by the feeling we have a lot of background work to go through before we get to the juicy bits. We can start wherever you like. But we can cut closer to the smut. Maybe she is appointed the Chair of a working party, or delegation, maybe, she is the State's Governor or Vice Governor to go to the proposed site and do a fact-gathering mission, or maybe meeting a delegation from the company. Non-con is definitely on the menu, and if my character has already traveled to you, and say your potential state in a state is 100 miles or more from the nearest town, well you don't need to abduct her, she is the one that has made herself vulnerable without realising it.​

A Dark Web Big Brother
Maybe a sexualised Big Brother, where I play multiple female characters, and the women do not know that the underlying purpose is to sexualise. objectify the women and humiliate them in public, well, on the dark web or the internet behind a paywall. It could be made into a squid game scenario. It could be a challenge-type reality show, Where there are challenges to participate in, these could be from wrestling to stripping, to being humiliated, maybe the men's challenges are easier or the men form part of the challenge. I would like it to be on the darker side.​

A woman (my character) has been invited onto a web podcast, thinking she is being given an opportunity, to put forward or defend her views, instead, they want to humiliate her. A possible idea might be that a feminist writer for her College Magazine finds out there is a secret invite-only podcast, that rates women students, lecturers, and professors, as well as advocating for women to behave like the traditional female. One of her male colleagues got an invite and she accepted it and opened an account. She then writes an expose on the podcast. Then her account receives an email, telling her they know she is the owner of this account and they will expose her as having stolen someone's identity unless she accepts an invitation to appear on the podcast.​


My character is a lesbian/feminist Influencer. She is contacted by someone she does not know, someone who is not a member of any of her Social Media, The name he is using is male and he sends her a link to a pornsite, and it is her video of her being roughly fucked. It is a fake she knows it is a fake, she would not do such things. How does she fight this, first she needs to know his motivation, then she needs to tell her friends and lawyers and the police to take actions against this person, she needs to prove it is a deepfake. He just wants to get into her head humiliate her, to humiliate her in front of her friends and colleagues.​

All ideas are open for discussion

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I have expanded on this request. See above, and it looks like tacitly I have added blackmail as a kink, see the Podcast idea. And yes I do discord as rosetheromani
Just added.

My character is a lesbian/feminist Influencer. She is contacted by someone she does not know, someone who is not a member of any of her Social Media, The name he is using is male and he sends her a link to a pornsite, and it is her video of her being roughly fucked. It is a fake she knows it is a fake, she would not do such things. How does she fight this, first she needs to know his motivation, then she needs to tell her friends and lawyers and the police to take actions against this person, she needs to prove it is a deepfake. He just wants to get into her head humiliate her, to humiliate her in front of her friends and colleagues.
I am looking for interesting ideas, we are looking at a world where the boundaries are shifting fast, don't be afraid to call on your inner misogynist beast.
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