Mx Female A *real* goth girl would sack Rome with me


Feb 6, 2024
Well met, fellow pervert!

I am seeking a good writing partner / muse.
Someone I can talk to a bit, just vibe and throw around ideas. We do not need to draw a Venn diagram around our fetishes and find someone perfectly in alignment. What we need is communication and compatible mindsets so the story and RP can be built organically.

What I really look for, regardless of kinks
Clever writing, psychological depth, and realism.
None of this is mandatory, but I adore originality. Be poetic, and deep. Use wordplay, double meanings, excitement and tragedy.

I have boundless curiosity bordering on pathological obsession.
Think of it like an appetite to learn everything about YC. Like a psychologist with tourettes, I want to see what makes her tic

I love hearing about her inner world in the greatest detail possible. What is YC feeling, and why?

Your perfect figure with no character flaws is boring. I want to see your ugliest insecurities. I want to smell your sweat. I want to see YC at her worst and at her best, so I can drink in her essence in full.

My characters
Sex: Always a straight male. I can't be submissive. Those are basically my only limits.

Extremely versatile chameleon; these are just characters to me. Since they are not autobiographical, I have no real limits.

- I can be your vanilla boyfriend. Romantic and charming.
- I can be the misunderstood badboy with a rough past (ok this one is slightly autobiographical)
- I can be the completely irredeemable rapist and psychopath.
- I can write either 1st person or 3rd. Long or short form.

One way or another, my characters almost always end up being incredibly broken guys with a mountain of flaws and red flags. But enough redeeming qualities to keep you interested.

An oversimplified fetish list
Women who play hard to get.
No sluts. Give me a virgin, or a lesbian, and let me break through her walls.

Women who think they are in charge
We'll see about that. A fight for power is good for the soul.

Is that too vanilla for BMR? Sue me. Or kiss me. Kissing never gets old.

Forced exhibitionism/humiliation especially around nudity
e.g. YC exposed in front of her group of friends. Or her family. Oh! Or some kind of free-use scenario.
Emphasis on her resistance to the whole experience.

Whether we do some original, fantastical world building, or an accurate historic fiction.
I am currently obsessed with vikings. It used to be pirates. Do you sea a theme here?

This can either be in the form of slightly rough sex, or we can explore the most fucked up depths of hell that you can imagine.
I know my way around a flogger. Or put more focus on the 'DS' with some good ol' orgasm denial. Behaviour modification. Slave training.

A sexting quickie
Because I simply must make myself a hypocrite. Sometimes I don't have time for all that other stuff. Maybe I'm just horny and want to quickly get off with you. Present tense, 1st person, 1 sentence responses. Where both of us are just... um... masturbating together. As long as we are both looking for that and agree to it.

Random writing sample time!
James Potter slowly opened his eyes with a pained groan. The world was spinning around him but he could make out his wife in the dimly lit chamber. As he tried to reach out to her, it became apparent that he was bound in invisible ropes that burned him if he moved. Maybe she was bound too?

"Eveninggg" came a drawling voice from behind. It was a voice he did not recognize, but the menacing undertone gave away the owner.

Footsteps approached and then stopped. The unseen form of the dark lord apparently sat behind them, staying just out of view.

"James and Lily Potter... Let me ask you something, do you know why people fear me?"

"Murderer" Lily managed to croak.

"No, you idiot. People do not fear violence, they embrace it as something to unite against. You get to be a hero by fighting villains like myself, it makes you feel good." He chuckled slowly, taking his time.
"What people fear is the seduction. Look, everyone has witnessed a loved one who became swayed by my call. People you think you can trust... but how do you know for sure? They might be working for me in secret. You can't trust anyone. And worst of all, you can't trust yourself, because I might just get inside your mind someday and you won't even know it. I shall not be named, because I am represented by every name. Every face. Everyone you know and love has the potential to be... me."

His face hovered beside Lily's as she writhed to get away from his repulsive presence. "I'll tell you how this is going to work" He continued. His hands slowly trailing down her body, hovering above her skin but not quite touching her. "This will not be rape. I will not do anything until you consent. But you will consent, and with much enthusiasm. Because after I wipe your memories today, you will carry on living your lives. Tomorrow, while James is at work, I will approach you as a friendly stranger. I will give you the kind of attention you crave, which James is currently failing to provide."

Lily froze at those last words. An unspoken understanding... James was failing to excite her sometimes. She loved him more than anything, yes, but she had dark fantasies... fetishes he had never fully satisfied. How did Voldemort know that?

"And in an emotional moment of weakness, Lily will betray you, James. Not because of some spell, but because I know what she craves, and you apparently, do not. She will conceive, and cast countless spells to make it look like yours. And James, you will grow suspicious over time. It will turn you resentful over time. Every time she insists that everything is fine, when you know it isn't, it will drive you You fear me because I am a mirror held up to your face, revealing your flaws and insecurities. And I will pull it off without casting a single spell. Good night."
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Have you ever had a kiss so powerful that time stops?

A kiss that dominated your every thought long before it even happened?

And long after?
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