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Fx Any Big tiddy subby dickgirls, ahoy!

Feb 3, 2020
Over the past while, I've been thinking to myself - I'd love to play as a buxom babe with giant honkers, but I'm not so fond of playing as a character who doesn't have an (albeit probably small) appendage between their legs. I've also grown somewhat accustomed to my character having their butt drilled and repurposed into a hole specifically for any entity that wishes to do as they like! If only there was a way for my character to have both of those benefits! If only...

Oh wait, there totally is!

Introducing - the futa request thread!

As you can see, I'm super psyched to open up a request thread specifically for this purpose! I've been indulging myself in ladies with large breasts for a while, and this seems to be the perfect way to flex my muscles and spread my wings, whilst still having MC feel at home! Anyways, here's what I'm after!

- I am searching for fantasy or sci-fi RPs with a focus on smut. There absolutely will be plot involved, but I would definitely prefer for the RP to be moreso centred around the smut.
- Probably my biggest kink is excession. What do I mean by this? Well, I love huge sizes! Large cocks, balls, a gratuitous amount of cum, all of that is beyond fun to me! Apart from this, my favourite kinks are those that aren't so conventional. Those are all well and good, but I'm always more than willing to throw in monsters, magic and other things in a smutty context!
- I am just returning to a hiatus, so I may not be the most polished individual when it comes to RPing - but I'd like to think I'm very willing to discuss any and all kinks you may have, provided they aren't involving gore, chastity, vomit or blood!

This list is likely going to be updated in the future when I know what I want in more detail, but for now, if you've got any questions about what my RP tastes, go right ahead and throw a message over!

[PS. My main thread is located right here! Feel free to check it out!]
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