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Fx M or F Pine For Your Love (Story Prompts and Plots)

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    The Reverse Succubus - Taken

    She was a vampire. Even as but a fledgling, she had the strength and power to match the strongest of mortals. She often played with her food, finding and seducing adventurers in taverns and draining their blood after a satisfying shared evening beneath the sheets.

    This one was special however. The paladin was built like a mountain and tougher than an ox, though conversation quickly uncovered he was quite the gentleman even if he lacked in the brains department. She could smell his naivety. Surely, his red nectar would be sweeter than most.

    It was easy to wrap the young himbo around her finger. He was truly smitten. She led him back to her room where she stripped him of his armor and aimed to distract him with the throes of passion. Her lips traced their way down his neck. She licked her fangs. Before she could indulge in her treat however, she was shocked to be flipped around as the paladin decided to take her from behind. He fucked her silly, filling her flower with his seed. Much to her dismay, she felt her power draining. He felt his grow. Little did either know, sexual conquest was but one way good could steal power from darkness.

    Afterwards, they stuck together on the road. She had no choice. The vampire needed a chance to drink the paladin’s blood dry if she was going to regain her immortal strength. Plus, she was rather vulnerable without her powers. The unwitting paladin however, believed that they were in love and that she simply couldn’t resist his charm. Someone could have smacked him in the face with all the proof in the world that she was a vampire and yet he still wouldn’t believe them. How could the cute little sex kitten be any sort of ferocious monster?

    Looking to play opposite a character that’s stronger than Hercules and charming in a goofy, clueless sort of way. A hero in their own right full of confidence and bravado though lacking in wit. My character will be the soft, sweet, physically diminutive sidekick giving him helpful advice and carnal comfort in between fights, while doubling as a manipulative and engineering villain. I’d like to play into tropes of my character scheming opportunities to try and defeat yours, but regularly being beaten by your character who remains blind to it all. He mis-assumes her attempts to murder him are attempts to play-fight or cuddle, and my character ends up receiving plenty of dick as a reward for these efforts. At least the sex is good.
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