- Joined
- Dec 26, 2023
NOTE: Reposting my female request thread here because I also enjoy writing as male characters.
I. Introduction and Expectations
Hello, writers of BMR! I'm Ambrosia (a plot-gremlin and angst appreciator) and I'm looking for one to two writing partners to help fill the writing void. Before we get to the good stuff, here are some things I expect from potential partners, and some of the things potential partners can expect from me in return.
Doubling. I can play both male and female characters. I prefer someone who can do the same. I'm 100% down to write with other gals as long as you can double.
NPCs. They make the world feel more alive. I'm always down to bring in NPCs and would appreciate someone who feels the same. Frankly, a world that revolves solely around two characters has a tendency to grow stale. If we enjoy an NPC enough, they could become a recurring character or even one of OCs.
Post Length. Quality trumps quantity, but I need at least a few paragraphs to stay invested. My posts tend to hover around 200 to 1,000+ words, and I only write in 3rd person, past tense. I want a partner who's capable of pushing the plot forward (as opposed to merely reacting). Roleplaying is a collaborative effort, so it should be a give and take, a nice balance of reacting to prior posts and moving a scene forward.
OOC Chatter & Brainstorming. I adore brainstorming. Plot-related OOC chatter is a requirement. I realize my longest-lasting RPs tend to be ones that include ongoing communication. I'm not too fond of 'winging things' and diving into plots blind, and (while spontaneity and plot twists are loved and appreciated) I like having a general idea of where the story is going, a roadmap of sorts regarding future scenes we'd like to see or plot points we'd like to play out. This next part isn't a requirement, but if you're down to make headcanons / fangirl over the RP with me, I'll be a very happy and appreciative camper
Post Frequency. I generally aim for once every 1-4 days. I'd appreciate a partner who can post once every 1-4 days as well. If you're going to be gone for an extended period, just let me know! As long as there's OOC communication, I'm pretty patient and down to wait for your return. I'll extend the same courtesy to you if I have to step away for a little while.
I. Introduction and Expectations
Hello, writers of BMR! I'm Ambrosia (a plot-gremlin and angst appreciator) and I'm looking for one to two writing partners to help fill the writing void. Before we get to the good stuff, here are some things I expect from potential partners, and some of the things potential partners can expect from me in return.
Doubling. I can play both male and female characters. I prefer someone who can do the same. I'm 100% down to write with other gals as long as you can double.
NPCs. They make the world feel more alive. I'm always down to bring in NPCs and would appreciate someone who feels the same. Frankly, a world that revolves solely around two characters has a tendency to grow stale. If we enjoy an NPC enough, they could become a recurring character or even one of OCs.
Post Length. Quality trumps quantity, but I need at least a few paragraphs to stay invested. My posts tend to hover around 200 to 1,000+ words, and I only write in 3rd person, past tense. I want a partner who's capable of pushing the plot forward (as opposed to merely reacting). Roleplaying is a collaborative effort, so it should be a give and take, a nice balance of reacting to prior posts and moving a scene forward.
OOC Chatter & Brainstorming. I adore brainstorming. Plot-related OOC chatter is a requirement. I realize my longest-lasting RPs tend to be ones that include ongoing communication. I'm not too fond of 'winging things' and diving into plots blind, and (while spontaneity and plot twists are loved and appreciated) I like having a general idea of where the story is going, a roadmap of sorts regarding future scenes we'd like to see or plot points we'd like to play out. This next part isn't a requirement, but if you're down to make headcanons / fangirl over the RP with me, I'll be a very happy and appreciative camper

Post Frequency. I generally aim for once every 1-4 days. I'd appreciate a partner who can post once every 1-4 days as well. If you're going to be gone for an extended period, just let me know! As long as there's OOC communication, I'm pretty patient and down to wait for your return. I'll extend the same courtesy to you if I have to step away for a little while.
Face claims. Anime or art only.
Ghosting. A heads up would be appreciated (I'll be sad if you suddenly disappear), but ultimately, this is a hobby and you don't owe me any explanations. On my end, I do my best to message people when I lose interest / if I find that we simply don't click as RP partners. Life is short, write what you want. No hard feelings!
Note: I consider a story dead after 7 days of zero communication.
Smut. Our story can be more plot-heavy, or it can be a smut-fest. Whatever floats our boat, BUT there should always be some sort of plot—or at least good character chemistry or it will get boring.
Reaching Out. Please don't simply say 'hi' or 'wanna RP.' Introduce yourself! Let me know what you're looking for in a story / RP partner. Feel free to toss ideas my way too.
II. Plots
Plots are intentionally vague to promote planning and brainstorming. All plots can be tweaked for doubling purposes.
This Cat Can Talk and I Must Scream.
Two neighbors are trekking through the pouring rain back to their shared apartment building, when out of nowhere, a cat falls from a portal in the sky. Perplexed and terrified, they take the cat back into one of their apartments only for it to start talking. The cat introduces itself as a prince from another dimension, and unless Muse A and B assist him on his quest to find a way home, the fabric of reality itself could collapse and consequences could be dire. What ensues is a series of reality-bending adventures and wacky hijinks to help this strange cat find his way back home.
The Ties That Bind Us.
One adventuring party. Two timelines. A tale of love, loss, and what comes after a group of heroes save the day and defeat the big bad. This story will focus on an adventuring party reuniting after the death of their old leader. The RP itself will jump between both timelines. The past, which focuses on their adventures together and their quest to rid the land of a great evil. The present, which focuses on the aftermath and how their lives have changed since they saved the world.
The Red Strings of Fate.
Two world-weary souls. In one lifetime they took to the battlefield together and he died in her arms. In another, they ran away from the city, eloped, and started a family together. In another still, they were friends and he watched as she was married off to some nobleman. The cycle repeated itself over and over and over again; in every lifetime they found each other, and loved, and lost. What happens when they meet again? Fingers accidentally brushing against the other's in a crowded train, accidental gazes as they sit across from each other at a coffee shop. The cycle repeats. Will there ever be a happy ending?
Sunless Skies.
Two Goddesses, Moon and Sun. A war between the celestial sisters plunges the world into eternal night. Our characters are children of the Evernight, a generation born to a sunless sky. There have been efforts to find the Goddess Sun and restore balance to the world, but all attempts have proved fruitless. A roleplay where our characters are not exactly the 'big damn heroes,' instead they're people trying to survive the Evernight: adventurers on a quest, seekers of the sun, perhaps believers of the moon. Focus on worldbuilding and character relations, using the setting as our playground to create a story together.
III. Pairings
If none of the plots were your cup of tea but you feel like we might vibe well, feel free to suggest your own. Maybe we can come up with something fresh from scratch.
If interested, feel free to drop a DM in my inbox. Please include what piqued your interest / what ideas you'd like to share and bring to the table!
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