Mx Female A Mural of Painted Glass - Pick Your Adventure.


Jan 27, 2024
Hello and Welcome!

My name is Sylveron, but you may call me Syl for short. Let me take a moment to thank you for perusing my Request Thread, I hope that you find inspiration or intrigue within.

First, we will dispatch the unpleasant business of Limitations:
  1. I believe that this goes without saying, but, I will say it anyway. Anything against site rules is a complete no.
  2. I have no interest in Vore, Scat, or Vomit. Watersports may be permissible with respect to animalistic/primal need to mark territory.
  3. I will only play MxF or its variants. This is due to a traumatic event in my past, please do not approach or attempt MxM.
  4. I will only write third person unless it is about the musings within a character's mind. I expect the same from my partners.
  5. I expect detail and feeling, I will lose inspiration for a story if the opposing character is lacking in that department. I'll expand on this below.
I have very few hard limits due to the love of experimentation, anything else can be discussed in the planning phase or as the story progresses.

Writing Style, Expression, and Expectations!

Typically you should expect a Multi-Para roleplayer when engaged with me, with a preference of at least 3 Paragraphs or more per reply. I often try to match the content given by partners, but, depending on the story and the requirement of detail for certain actions or scenes, I will often blow past 5 or more. When writing, I try to find a happy medium between detail, emotion, contextualisation, and story movement. Fluff and Filler have their places within all stories, just as much as we find in Manga or a good novel.

The type of characters I tend to play are the more traditionally masculine men, though I have on occasion played more androgynous or even feminine men. One thing that will not change is that they will have a dominant mindset, I have tried playing more submissive or vanilla characters, but, I always end up reverting because it goes against my nature. My characters tend to have a penchant for subtle or not-so-subtle teasing, either through wordplay or physical interaction.

Next, a PSA for those thinking of writing with me. I have A.D.D., and as such, I try to adhere to a posting schedule if I am not replying daily. Real-life responsibilities always take precedence, whether it be for myself or a partner, and as such, I ask that if a break is needed or a schedule change, please let me know as I will be doing the same. I don't have a preference for thread or DM, but, I do prefer that my partner and I have a DM or separate way of conversing to plan or otherwise when writing.

This, however, leads me to my expectations. As a potential writing partner, I expect the following from you.

  1. If I am to give my all, I expect the same from you. I expect detail, emotion, feeling, and the want to move the story forward.
  2. When characters engage in NSFW Content, I expect the opposing character to react, engage, and take action themselves. In some cases, such as bondage, I realize taking action is near impossible, but, there are still ways to take action that will engage the mind and give cause for my character to react. Nothing is more frustrating than a character who simply lays there like a dead fish...
  3. I expect a bare minimum of 2 paragraphs of content per post, I need content to react to, to keep my mind on task.
  4. If you decide/need to take a break from an RP, let me know. The same with quitting an RP, let me know your intent and reason why instead of ghosting, constructive and positive criticism sharpens the mind of a writer.

I am comfortable with the following Fandoms:

  1. Naruto
  2. Bleach
  3. Harry Potter
  4. Lord of The Rings
  5. The Walking Dead
  6. Game of Thrones
  7. Final Fantasy
  8. World of Warcraft
  9. Diablo
  10. Genshin Impact
Keep in mind if you request that I play a canon character, I will try to stay as lore-accurate as possible, but will also be putting my spin on the character itself. These are not all of the fandoms that I am comfortable with, just a nice little composite list.

Musings and Afterthoughts:

It has been quite a while since I have put my pen to paper or rather I should say finger to keyboard to write with anyone other than my long-term partner, therefore I do not have any ideas at the moment as far as cravings. I do, however, as you can tell from the Fandoms section, have a penchant for themes from High Fantasy to Dystopian Futures. I can play a range of different characters, whether it be someone who is simply sly, perverse, and perhaps a little kinky or someone strict and brutally sadistic... It all depends on what my partner wants.

With that admission, I implore you, if you have an idea that you think I might be interested in and would like to run by me, I will be more than happy to talk about it. The worst I could say is that I do not find it interesting.

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