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『Kodoku no Saibou』(1×1 w/ Jikkah)

"I know you will.." She said and kissed his muzzle again before giving his flank a playful pat, "Go on~"

Motochika took long hulking steps, clearing the beach easily and grabbing the anchor chain, pulling hard to pull the ship back in. Motonari glared down at Motochika before turning away.
"Aim the cannons." He ordered.
“Right away..!” He hopped up and hurried to the door, slipping out the room and outside to a secluded alleyway to change forms. Once taking his human form, he returned to the brothel Akihime was at, entering and approaching the madam in front.

“No!” Nana’s eyes widened and she watched Motochika in a desperate shock, a pit forming in her stomach as she heard the sound of the canons being turned as they aimed at Motochika. With a deafening roar they fired three shots all at once at Motochika, the Oni King being swallowed up by the dirt and sand that plumed into the air from the force of the impact.
Her throat tightened up and she felt like she was dropped off a cliff, letting out a guttural scream of despair, the talisman on her chest erupting into flames. The man holding her was thrown off balance, falling to the floor as violent waves rocked the ship. Nana tumbled to the deck floor, catching herself as she regained her movement, two cerulean horns protruding from her forehead, her hair turning from black to white before his eyes. The ship rocked wildly, Nana lunging forward to tear out the soldiers throat with her teeth.
The madam looked him over before recognition filled her eyes, but she played it off to keep suspicion down.
"Lonely tonight?" She asked, "I have many pretty girls to keep you company."

Motonari watched silently as she slaughtered his men before pulling a long scroll from his sleeve.
"So much trouble for one woman." He muttered distastefully.
Yukimura cleared his throat with a nod. “Send me to your best, please.” He said, hoping it wasn’t noticeable that he was sweating.

Nana was like a wild animal, tearing through men with her teeth and nails like they were nothing. Some of the men drew their swords out of fear, others looked conflicted to draw their weapons against a woman, even a demon of one. She had momentarily forgotten the Onmyoji, being swarmed by the ships crew as they tried to recapture her.
She nodded and gestured for him to follow her, walking up the stairs and taking him to Akihime's room. She knocked on the door and it slid open, Akihime peering out at them. She smiled and opened the door wider.
"Please come in, goushujin-sama." She said warmly, stepping aside to let Yukimura into her room.

Motonari began to mutter an incantation under hos breath, the scroll unrolling and shimmering with holy light. It shot out, flying toward Nana, where the once small scroll seemed to stretch effortlessly to cocoon her. She felt tired, like in a state between wakefulness and slumber.
Yukimura bowed his head in greeting, entering the room and turning to face Akihime, ready for their plan to commence.

Nana stumbled and then tripped, falling to her hands and knees, trying to fight the sleepiness, trying to stand only to stumble back to her knees. Her chest heaved as she sat on her heels, too tired to move now, the waves slowing to a calm along with her.
Akihime shut the door and made a noise.
"Once the coast is clear, we can head to Mayuri's room." She said softly.

Motonari looked over the carnage at the men who had survived.
"Get her into the tank. Once it's sealed, she'll behave."
Yukimura nodded firmly, holding his talisman close to his chest. “Right.”

“No..” Nana could only groan softly in protest as they grabbed her under the arms, carrying her away. The men quickly got her into the tank, her form changing shape when she hit the water. Her bright silver tail bumped against the glass walls of the tank, trying to climb back out of the container, but had the lid closed on her before she could. She pressed her hands to the glass, watching the men secure the lid with a lock before heading back above deck.
Akihime listened carefully close to the door, paying attention to the foot traffic as it slowed to a stop. She looked to Yukimura and gave a nod before slipping out of the room.

Motonari moved to the tank with a small stack of talismans, taking one at a time and sticking them to the lid of the tank. Nana wouldn't be going anywhere.
He was right behind her, moving swiftly and silently, keeping a sharp eye out as they moved down the stairs toward Mayuri’s room.

The water stung her gills as it passed over the delicate organs, soon finding herself resting languidly at the bottom of the square tank unable to conjure then energy to move.
Six men had died getting Nanahime aboard, a might feat with a steep price. Nevertheless they set sail for the capitol where the emperor resided, mermaid in their captivity.
Akihime headed down the stairs and the hall, stopping in front of Mayuri's door. She listened carefully before pushing the door open a bit. Inside, the young maiko lay in her bed, her breathing a bit shallow as her neck began to stretch from her shoulders.

"You're a lot more trouble than you're worth." Motonari remarked, "No matter. The Emperor will be pleased regardless."
Yukimura watched her neck grow in length, throwing several talisman onto the walls around them, hoping to dampen whatever noise they made next. The barrier he erected wouldn’t be visible to the average human, obscuring them from sight as well.

Nana’s ears twitched when he spoke, her eyes peeling open to stare at him with hate.
Mayuri's eyes opened and she gasped softly.
"It's alright, Mayuri...we're here to help." Akihime said.

"Glare all you like, it won't change your fate." He told her.
Yukimura bowed his head. “Please forgive the intrusion, we only wish to aid in ridding of this curse.”

It was all she could do, even without the magic binding and the drugged sea water, the tank was made of thick glass and sturdy wood.
"Who did this to you? Cursed you like this?" Akihime asked. Mayuri frowned, tears burning her eyes.
"I was meant to lose my footing...I was going to have a life better than this. But the man I thought loved me murdered me...took all my savings and ran..." She confessed. Akihime's eyes softened.
"What is his name? I'll find him and free you." She said. Mayuri tried not to sob, her neck growing longer until it coiled around her pillow like the body of a snake.
"Satoshi...Narugami Satoshi..." She answered. Akihime nodded and moved closer.
"You do know...once his wrong is corrected..." She stopped and Mayuri nodded.
"I have waited for Nirvana for months...please, Kotoke-san..."
"Akihime desu..." Akihime muttered. Mayuri looked shocked before relieved.
"I had a were far too otherworldly..." Her head bowed, hanging gently from her long neck.
"Please, release me as soon as you can, Akihime-san..."
"I will, don't worry...for now, I ask you leave the okiya. I will find you and give you proper rest." She said. Mayuri gave a soft sigh, both of delight and relief.
"Arigatou gozaimasu..."

Motonari walked away from the tank and the men tried to steal glances at Nana while they worked. They had never seen anything like her before, after all.
Yukimura bowed his head a bit to Mayuri. “We will insure you receive justice for this wrong.” He said softly.

Nana curled up on herself, doing her best to keep her face mostly hidden. She felt painfully vulnerable, unable to fight off sleep and eventually falling asleep.
"Thank you, Okami-san...I am honored you both would take pity on me." Mayuri said softly.
"Once your neck has righted itself, please leave. I will inform the madam of the situation." Akihime instructed. Mayuri nodded.
"I will. Thank you."

The men would tap gently on her glass, gaek at her and try to talk to her, even though it seemed more like talking at her.
Yukimura moves to open the door for Akihime, ready to head out in search of their target. “What do you intend to do, Akihime-sama?”

“That bureaucrat Mori said this thing was for the emperor, but surely taking a single scale won’t hurt none..” One man rumbled on. “It hasn’t moved in hours too, pretty sure the medicine has this thing out like a light.”
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