Mx Female Assorted Adventures


Sep 26, 2023

I'm Bakebake, or just Bake if you're feeling casual. I've been doing roleplay for a while now-- something like five or six years. It's a whole heap of fun. I'm not picky when it comes to writing style; I love both campy and horrific literature equally, so whatever you find more interesting I'll acclimate to. I only roleplay in third person and I only like doing proper stories. Lewd writing is fun and all, but when there's no plot or point behind it, it stops being interesting for me.

I also should warn you that my work schedule can get really hectic at times, but I will forewarn you whenever that happens.

I like to write 3-6 paragraphs per post, but I do go longer whenever I get really into a plot. I write only in third person and I definitely make use of NPCs. It'd be good to have a partner that is willing to do the same as we build the worlds that these plots could become. I'm mainly in it for the story, the characters, the growth.

I have a variety of kinks, and I don't really mind appeasing yours in writing if/when the writing turns lewd! Though, I do have a few limits listed below:

  • Intense gore-- some cuts or scrapes or bruises are fine but I will not be disemboweling someone for sexual gratification. It could happen in one of the horror RPs, just not sexually.
  • Scat
  • Ageplay - I know this is a website rule, but it's worth reiterating. I will NOT roleplay with any characters who are minors.

I'd love to do either a long-running story with you, or a oneshot. I have a few ideas for each but if you're interested in something else I'll gladly consider it!
For all of these of course, there will likely be a larger overarching lore that we can create together. If you'd rather be DM'd for that's totally fine too, just let me know!

  • The Golden Scepter; An enemies to lovers plot! Two explorers seeking the same treasure in a recently unearthed Egyptian temple stumble upon each-other within the winding hallways of the stone structure. While they bicker, the earth beneath them shakes and their means of entrance have been sealed shut for God knows how long. Now they have truly no choice but to get along. The traps within this temple also seem to be on the lewder side, with monsters and trapdoors leading to exciting places. This is Hathor's temple after all, the sky-deity looking over joy and sex. I wonder who will get the scepter in the end?
  • A Dog Eat Dog World; Dog-girls, cat-girls, and others of their ilk populate the country. They're a relatively new arrival, and so interspecies relations have been hesitant. For the most part, humanity has accepted them with open arms apart from the vocal minority. In some instances, especially in the dog-girls, innate instincts remain among the species. Especially the instinct of loyalty and in some cases, submission. Legislation has been hastily written and passed to accommodate the animalfolk's needs, including bills that allow the ownership of pets. There are stipulations of course, but the end result is certainly satisfying to all parties involved.
  • Piracy!; A sci-fi plot! You are a merchant, trader, mercenary-- whatever you prefer. You coast the inky blackness of space doing odd-jobs to make ends meet, but you seem to have extremely poor luck. Be it monsters or pirates or simply a bad customer, you never seem to get the long end of the stick. It begins with another misadventure; your ship has been blockaded en route to your checkpoint. You have a delivery of an assortment of components to an arms manufacturer or perhaps just food-- whatever you feel is right-- regardless the pirates care not for what loot they plunder, only that they plunder it. Your ship shudders as a tractor beam envelops it. Your crew begins to panic, but the pirates' eagerness only seems to grow. You hear the muffled rasp of saws and drills as they work on boarding your ship, piercing your shields and your hull. Perhaps you could fight, or maybe simply acquiesce. Maybe there's a better life for you among the pirates, either as a fellow, or as a slave. Maybe its best if you surrender. Maybe you have a fighting chance if you beat them in combat-- and perhaps they have a bounty you can claim. The choice is yours, as are the consequences.
  • A Foolhardy Party; A group of four adventurers (we each control two!) are about to embark on the quest of a lifetime. One of us had found a contract for a mighty dragon deep within the Northern mountains miles and miles away. The bounty was set by the office of the King himself, so the reward has to be good! Everyone is beyond confident in their abilities, but the journey to the north may be somehow more taxing than the fight against the dragon itself. From having to do odd jobs for funding to getting into precarious situations due to the party's overconfidence, there are a lot of things that could go wrong-- but it's the journey not the destination, right?
  • And more to come...!

  • A Drunken Encounter; Work sucked today. Beyond belief. Everyone is bitching at you for things that aren't your problem, everyone is screwing things up which makes it your problem. You're just glad it's Friday and it's finally over-- and as such you make it to a bar you're quite fond of and down shots like its simply water. Perhaps you allow yourself to be chatted up by some equally sloshed man-- and perhaps that man wants to take you home. And perhaps... you two simply couldn't wait to be in a house to do what you lot have already discussed in detail. (This can be very flexible!)
  • And more to come...!

I'm also totally okay with trying whatever stories you have plans for! Just hit me up and we can discuss it.

I look forward to hearing from you!
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