Go Ask Alice (Gray and Candira)


Jan 9, 2009
The stars were shining bright and the moon was full as Alice stepped out of the Halloween party she'd been invited too. She'd taken a few shots that night and just needed to get out of the house that was just teeming with people. Her blonde hair was pulled into a half-up do with a blue ribbon that matched her little dress. Golden curls spilled onto her shoulders and the tiny blue excuse for a costume she wore.

Her sexy body was shown off to its full advantage, her long shapely legs encased in white stockings. She wore heeled mary janes and her Alice in Wonderland costume. It was quite short with stiff white lining beneath to hold it out from her body. There was lace as well. Beneath it she wore white lacy panties. The top was a corset with a white peasant top that barely hid her full, firm breasts from the world. Over the blue outfit was a french maid apron. Needless to say, many people were trying to dance with her inside. Not that she minded of course. She just wanted some air.

Not to mention that the shots were beginning to take their effect.
From the balcony where Alice stood, there was a flash of silver light deep in the woods bordering the house host to the Halloween party the young woman was attending. For a moment longer, the night was still and quite, the gentle breeze that had been lilting through the trees even seeming to die down to less then a whisper. Then again, another flash of silver light, this once closer then the last. The night air seemed almost to be holding it's breathe, a quite tension building across the surface of the night sky. Then, with a sudden burst of movement, a small white form burst from the brush, accompanied by yet a third gleam of silver, though now it could be seen more clearly as not simply a light, but a reflection of such from the house open the silvery metal of a small pocket watch.

"Oh dear, oh dear oh dear."

At least, that was how the story would have gone. The truth however, was a little less.. Mundane. Darting across the grassy field of the house, a rabbit, sleek and white in the moonlight made it's way toward Alice, not seeming to notice her as a trail of unintelligible curses ran from his mouth. He seemed not to even be aware of the house till he was practically upon it, pausing in front of the door Alice had stepped out of and twitching his nose, as if trying to remember where to go. After a moments pause, he hurried off again, making towards a copse of thick trees to the left of where she stood. In all this time, he seemed not to even be aware of the womans presence, and truly, it might have been shrugged off as a dream, a hallucination of too much drink.

But then, why was there a small silver pocket-watch lying upon the grass, precisely where the rabbit had made his pause?
Clearly she was smashed. The rabbit that ran past could talk...What the Hell? She took a few steps toward the spot it had just been eloquently swearing up a storm and saw a silver pocket watch. Though it was unlike any watch she'd ever seen. confused, and a little tipsy, the blonde walked after the creature, jogging a little, which was quite a feat in her heels and with no real support to her large breasts. She caught a glimpse of the creature here and there once she was in the wooded area. She slipped the watch into the pocket of her tiny apron and looked around for the little white thing, not really paying much attention to where she was going.
Indecently, it was quite dark in the forest she so rashly decided to go traipsing through. Thick branches overhead made even the bright light of the moon practically null. This combined with the heavy layer of brush upon the ground made it quite difficult indeed to venture very quickly forward. Smashed as she was, Alice might have been able to get the slight feeling she was being watched, for, as it were, she was.

A secondary effect of the poor lighting however, was that she could not possibly see the hole in the ground until she was directly above it. That is, until she was quite beyond hope of not falling in. Covered with what seemed like years of overgrowth, thick thorny vines ringed the wide hole, just large enough for a person of Alice's size to fall through, not however, without catching bits of her dress on the thorns edges, tearing large holes in her already revealing garb. As she fell, the faint sound of the rabbit, still cursing away, could be herd from further down the hole, which seemed to go on for quite some time.
Alice staggered along the path, partly from her now much slower reflexes, and partly from the unlevel terrain and her slightly dulled senses. She was a little afraid of what was happening at this point. Perhaps she ought not to have wandered in all alone like this, but even if she could see to turn around, she was thoroughly disoriented. She began to feel as though she were being watched, and started to walk a little faster.

This was a mistake.

Before she knew what was happening, the curious blonde was careening through the air down a hole. She screamed and heard something rip--no doubt it was her tiny costume. She could now feel a bit more air rushing past her chest and her skirt had a few holes and was a bit more ragged as well. how bad the rest of the damage was was incredibly difficult to tell.

Her ears picked up on what sounded like cursing as she fell for what felt like an eternity and her hands grasped in vain for anything to keep her from reaching the inevitable end of this terrifying ride.


Down she went, the hole opening up to be quite wide after a moment, to wide, in fact, to reach the walls and attempt to slow her decent. Just when it seemed as though the falling would be endless. There was a sharp rush of air, and it billowed up her skirt, sending her spinning but also slowly her fall down to hardly more then a gentle walk. Far below her, the ground was approaching. Curiously enough, instead of the earth and dirt one would expect down this far below the surface, it seemed to be marble. Red and black squares of marble in a small room with an unlit fireplace and ornate chairs sitting in no particular order about the room. There was also a couch near a small door, with what looked like a fur blanket stretched across it.

As she was deposited upon the ground, the small door shut with a boom, the same instant she was alighted upon the cold marble floor. a rick red light filled the room, through it's source seemed to be lacking. And through it, Alice could see the extent of the damage to her now rather revealing clothes.

"Mmm my my, now what have we here?"

The voice came from behind Alice, from the couch she had seen as she fell. As it turned out, the fur blanket was not what it had at first seemed, but was instead a rather large, and furry male. Stretched out lazily upon the cushions, he looked quite a great deal like a cross between tabby cat and human, great green eyes piercing into her with a large grin upon his face. He was entirely naked, his fine fur revealed to her, and as he studied her, he arched his back, coming to his feet in one fluid motion. "Mmm, we haven't had a visitor in ever so long. Tell me pretty thing, whats your name?"
Alice screamed again as she was hit with the rush of air that slowed her stop. She was shocked, and still shaking as she landed lightly on her feet. Slowly, she came back to herself and flinched a bit as the red light came on. She was quite a bit more revealed now. The blouse she wore was torn at the sleeves and had somehow managed to get a deep v cut into it that very nearly revealed her breasts. She blushed a bit and realized that the stiff material was now sticking up a bit higher because of that wind and her hair was a bit messier now.

As she took in the room, she thought it to be quite odd. She gasped as she heard the voice however. She turned quickly to see the strange creature behind her and put a hand over her quickly beating heart. She was so shocked and so smashed that she couldn't get her mind around the happenings so she answered the simple question.

Smirking at her with a wide grin, the feline slunk a few more steps toward her, cocking his head to the side and studying her form and face, bright green eyes almost glowing in the dim red light. Upon inspecting her closer, a low purr seemed to arise from the large neko, a bestial, animal sound. "Mm, really now?" He purred, padded around her in a neat circle, spiraling in so that by the time he had made a full lap around her, he was hardly a foot from Alice.

Still giving her that intent stare, he waited a long pause before speaking once again, seeming to have come to some conclusion he rather liked, his grin almost taking in his ears.

"Well then, Miss Alice, what can I do for you?" He asked, a mischievous smile replacing his previous grin.
Alice was a little unnerved as the feline creature circled her. His glowing eyes, the way he grinned, it all made her shiver. And yet, she found herself somehow attracted to the creature before her. Had he more human features, he probably would have attracted her from the beginning....had she not fallen down a seemingly endless hole.

She opened her mouth to speak when he grinned at her, asking his question. "C...Can you tell me where I am?" she asked, clearly either smashed out of her mind or very very confused. Or both.
Watching her stumble over her words, the creature paused, leaned forward a moment, and sniffed the air about her. Ah! He thought to himself, smelling the scent of alcohol on her breath and grinning to himself, thinking it would make this all the more interesting. Beginning to circle her once more, his purring started up once more. "Mmm, perhaps..." His eyes roaming over her body, particularly at those spots the tears had exposed. "For all the good it will do you." He continued, smiling as his eyes found her own, and seemed to decide upon something, settling into his stance comfortably.

"Well miss Alice, let I, Cheshire, be the first to welcome you.." Dropping his voice down, he paused before letting the next words out in a low, sultry, almost seductive purr. "...To Wonderland..."

Grinning once more, he gave a flourish of his hands, adding a mock bow to the gesture. Knowing what she would eventually ask, he knew it would not be long before he got what he wanted from her.
As the creature began to circle again, she saw his eyes go to all the spots her costume was torn, but she didn't do anything to cover herself again. It didn't stop her from being a little nervous about him being so close to her. For a number of reasons really.

"Wonderland? Like the fairy tale?" she asked, utterly confused. Obviously, she was smashed out of her mind. "Seriously?" she asked, looking around her. She tilted her head as he bowed and she frowned, trying to focus. "Okay... all I wanted to do was give this rabbit thing back his watch...and then I fell down this hole...and now I'm here. How?" She felt dizzy now, and teetered a bit.

Her hand instinctively reached out to the creature and landed on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm just...lightheaded. Would you mind if I sat down?" she asked.
Enjoying her nervousness to some degree, Cheshire let her stumble and rest her hand upon him, his soft fur smooth and warm beneath her palm. Processing the new information she had just given him, he wondered briefly if Rabbit had lured in another one for the Queen, knowing it wouldn't be the first time he had done so.

"So I see.." Reaching out his own hands, he guided her to the plush couch he had been sitting on, sitting her down upon it and taking up a seat right next to her, close enough she could feel the heat coming from his body on her arm.

"Mmm, in that case, I may be able to help you." Grinning wide he held up a single finger. "But of course, nothing on wonderland comes without a price."
She sat down and leaned back into the couch. It supported her nicely, comforting her spinning head. "I think the blood is rushing to my head," she murmured as he took a seat next to her. The heat that seemed to be radiating from him did something to her reflexes, turning her on a bit.

She turned her head to face him and leaned a little closer to him, to show that she was, in fact, listening. The exaggerated gesture seemed to make sense in her head, but she wasn't entirely aware of the effect it had on him.

"You can help me? What would I have to do?" she asked, feeling a bit dazed even now.
Grinning all the wider as he watched her, feeling as though this would be even easier then he thought, the feline let his eyes meet her own. Pausing a beat and giving a mischievous smile. Resting his hand upon hers, he spoke in a low, sultry voice once more.

"Well, you see, it's quite rare that such an attractive woman wanders into our land.. And I've never been once to pass by such wonderful... opportunities." At his last word, Cheshire raised her hand, and placed it gently, yet firmly, upon his thigh, rather high up. Hinting, and also drawing attention to the fact that he was naked, and if she cared to look, already fairly hard.

That and the pheromones coming from his body all sent the same not-so-subtle hint.
Alice's pretty blue eyes widened at the suggestion, though she was drawn to the fact that the creature was naked and already quite aroused. She found herself responding in kind. He'd called her attractive, and she was sure he was experienced.

All of it made him seem more appealing...that he was her only hope of getting anything accomplished spurred her into action. She leaned forward and kissed him softly, her body leaning into him. "Mmm, I think we can help each other," she purred, her mind not entirely accepting what was happening, making it all easier to accept.
The ease with which she seemed willing to comply was almost shocking to Cheshire, yet by no means unwelcome. Leaning forward to meet her in the kiss, he let his rough cat-like tongue slip ever so lightly past her lips, licking across the tip of her own, teasing before he pulled away from her.

"Perhaps we can.." He replied, purring more heatedly now as his fur bristled in arousal. Reaching out with a single claw, he tore the line of her dress even more, revealing her generous chest all the more clearly.
Cheshire seemed almost surprised, but she warmed to him as he kissed her back, his tongue teasing her a bit. She blushed as she felt his purring and heard it. In a way it was just sexy. Her cheeks got a little more color as his claw sliced through more of her already tattered dress, her pale, rosy breasts spilling out a bit.

She felt herself get wet at the thought of it and how strange and the situation was. Still, it was kind of hot to let a stranger strip you down. Sexier still was the idea of a claw doing it slowly and sensually. It made her wonder how he was in bed. The thought just made her wet and she leaned into him a bit more.
Feeling her lean into him more, the feline pushed his own tongue deeper into Alice's mouth, almost seeming wrap around it the rough surface drawing against her own smooth mouth. Meanwhile, as her breasts spilled from their captivating confines, Cheshire's purring seemed only to increase, vibrations running along his tongue and body, transferring to Alice.

Reaching around her back, he let his claw continue its work, running down her back and slicing open her dress, pressing just hard enough so the sharp point would lightly scratch her spine, bit draw no blood. Once this was done, and her dress almost falling off its owner, a grin spread over his face and he broke the kiss, pushing Alice back onto her back, the dress pushed up enough to reveal her panties. Grinning to himself even wider, Cheshire slunk down, letting his tongue run up her thigh, and over her clothed crotch. Once more, the claw was up, slowly tearing through the fabric, ever so carefully and delicately. Inch. By. Inch.
Alice moaned softly and shivered as his tongue played with hers. She closed her eyes and felt her heart beat faster as he started to purr. Vibrations spread through her and it only turned her on even more. It seemed like she was in a dream. Her breasts spilled out of the little costume she wore and then she felt him split the dress open in the back with his claw. Something about that was just fucking sexy.

She shivered as his claw slid down her spine, lightly scratching him. She closed her eyes, her dress all but falling off of her. She opened her eyes as he broke the kiss. Panting softly she let him push her down onto her back again, shivering as he ran his tongue up her smooth, toned thigh. "Mmm, ohhh...." She shivered and gasped as he started to tear through the thin fabric so slowly.
Finally, with a small snap as the fabric sprang away, his claw was once more free, exposing Alice's dripping sex to the air. Pausing for just long enough to let his eyes flick up to her face, Cheshire, grinned wide, sharp teeth showing as he lowered his head, giving a long lick up her delicious pussy. Still purring so as he vibrate it, he took her legs in his hands by the underside of the knee, moving them up and across her chest as he ate her out, tongue slipping between her soft folds and her clit, teasing both.

As he continued, he moved one pawed hand down her leg and thigh, once more letting his claw lightly trail across her skin. Pulling it back in once it had reached its destination, he ever so slowly slid the single digit into her sex, pushing far and deep, still toying at her clit with his tongue.
The fact that she was now free of her costume but for the stockings and shoes she'd worn with them did much turn her on. Her body was alive with heat and sensation and as Cheshire leaned down and delivered a long, sensual lick up to her slit, she shivered and panted softly. His purring only added to the sensations that were driving her wild.

She moaned softly, her hand reaching down to play with his feline ears. Her legs stayed parted and up by her chest. Her pussy clung to his finger as he pushed into her and she moaned a little louder as he toyed with her clit with his tongue. "Mmm, yes," she murmured.
Purring only louder as her hands found his fur-clad ears, Cheshire pushed his intruding digit in further and further, till he was in as far as he could go. Pausing for a moment as his tongue ran around his clit, he slowly began to finger her, pushing in and out with increasing speed and pressure. Adding another finger to join the first, he released her legs, his free hand moving to fondle her breast.

"Mmmm... Is our little slut enjoying herself?" He teased, thrusting his finger far into her as he did, sucking on her clit and running his tongue roughly against it.
Alice liked that she could tell when she was pleasing Cheshire. As her hands gently teased his ears, she could feel him pushing further inside of her, trying to please her even more. She closed her eyes and moaned softly, her naked body open and exposed to him.

His reaching and fingering drew louder more enthusiastic moans from her, her body loving the way he toyed with her. "Ahn...So good," she moaned, shivering as he sucked on her clit. She moaned and spread her legs for him a bit wider while he worked her pussy. His hand on her breast excited her and she found herself wanting more from him. "More," she begged, panting softly. "I need more..."
Finding her begging oh so delightedly sexy, Cheshire decided to oblige, slipping a third finger into the girls waiting sex, sparing no strength as he thrusts his furry tendril deep inside of her, reaching all the way inside of her. Continuing thus, he increased his rhythm, sensing her building pleasure, waiting. Finally however, as soon as he sensed she was getting close to her release, he stopped, abruptly and suddenly, giving her slit one last lick before drawing away.

Leaning back on the opposite side of the couch, he watched her intently, eyes alive with lust and want. "Mmm, maybe you will get more, and maybe not... after all... You're the one who is to be doing me a favor, no?" Grinning wide, his cock noticeably hard, all ten or so inches throbbing with want.
Alice could heardly believe that this was happening to her. Not only had she fallen down a hole into this strange place and found a strange creature waiting for her, but now, here she was, allowing that stranger to undress her and touch her in so many intimate ways. And she loved it. He was very good at what he did. She did not hesitate to make that known to him.

She maoned for him, arching and panting as he slid a third finger into her, getting a bit rough with her. She was getting closer to her climax. So close! His tongue gave her one, long, lingering lick and then it all stopped and he pulled away.

Thoroughly disappointed, and a little confused, Alice sat up. Still panting, her hair a bit disheveled from the fall and her litttle episode just now, the woman listened as he spoke. He had left her wanting on purpose. And he had succeeded in accomplishing what he'd set out to do. The curvy young woman got on all fours and crawled to him now, stopping just short of his face.

"So I am...Why don't you tell me what you want?" Her delicate fingers gently stroked his erection for a moment and she licked his chin. "I'll be more than happy to give it to you."
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