Mx Female Seeking fun debaucherous adventures


Jan 12, 2024
Hello beautiful ladies! I'm just a fun guy who indulges in erotic roleplay. Creating scenes of fun filled escapism and excitement. I can go from modern slice of life to sci fi and fantasy. I'm mostly interested in incest themes, mainly brother/sister, mom/son, aunt/nephew, or cousins. I don't mind seeking other scenarios but incest is a huge interest of mine. That being said, here are some notes;

ICA: I don't mind, but just be thorough and detailed so I know what I'm working with. I'll give a pass on my friends list but to those that are unknown, this is just a heads up.

OCA: Greatly appreciated! I don't mind a simple hello as long as it follows with more in the conversation! If I don't get good, detailed responses, and apologies for being forward, then I'm afraid we won't mesh well. Also, bonus points for those that are sincere and friendly!

Story/Smut Ratio: I lean more towards the smut to be honest. But if I have to put in a ratio, I prefer about 40% story and 60% smut. I'm willing to bump up to 50 if you're really good at writing. However, I would greatly appreciate if we create tension or some build up. I'm not a fan of just jumping right away. A solid background story and world building needs to take place. In addition, I want this to be enjoyable for you and your character as well. The amount of effort and chemistry we build is highly dependent on how well this will go :)

Preference of Play: I usually prefer chat instead of messages. I am willing to chat off site but it has to be another chat like environment that is similar to here! However, if you strongly suggest message, then I don't mind at all.

Now to the fun scenarios:

The Escort This scenario is highly dependent on knowing each other. Either I'm the escort or you are. I have a strong preference of incest (mom/son, brother/sister, aunt/nephew, or cousins). But if incest theme is not of interest, then we can do something else like professor/student, Mom's friend, or so forth. The key being that we know each other. I rather leave this slightly open ended as I want us to build the scenario.

The Stripper Similar like the one above, either I'm the stripper and you are. This can be a bachelorette party, or bachelor party, someone's birthday, etc. I want this to be open ended as I want us to create something we both can enjoy. And just like before, we must know each other so again a strong preference for incest. It's not a must in case you want to roleplay someone else.

Tinder I've grown weary of my relationship status, so I decided to go on a dating app and join faceless. I immediately match with someone else, also faceless. We begin to chat, as well as sexting one another. We soon want to meet up and decided somewhere public. We do, and I arrived early but I suddenly see someone familiar! Nah, that couldn't be my date, could it? This one has to be incest theme.

Living with the sister This is where we're both going to be roomies as our parents want to save money. Ugh, this is such a drag. I never thought that living us together would damper my dating life since being single and living a bachelor life in an apartment would be a dream for any guys. We both found a two bedroom apartment and settled for it during the duration of our college. However, living with you hasn't been so bad, in fact it's been interesting and fun. Now we can create a scenario of how the build up is here. Could be through conversation, truth or dare, basically anything.

Fantasy - The Tavern Affair I'm an elf and a bounty hunter. The kingdom has been giving plenty of gold for killing monsters or criminals across the land. It's quite an exhausting so I've always go to my good friend Jesper and his tavern. It's great since I don't pay anything and, I have a little fun picking up either the barmaids or a lovely patron of the tavern. Staying the night for free and having some fun does provide a nice stress relief. However, your friend tells you of an erotic fun time with me, and you feel quite intrigued or rather curious to say the least. You come over to the place but as soon as I arrived, we're both intrigued to see each other, brother/sister.

Fandom - Dragonball I want to create a scenario between Gohan/Bulma or Gohan/Chi Chi (all characters must be over 18).

I'm not limited to these scenes, I'm more than happy to explore other scenarios with you as well. Take care and happy roleplaying :)

Edited 01/17/24 adding new scenarios:
"We're not gonna do this" This one specifically I want this to be an older sister, or older cousin. I could throw in Aunt in the situation but that one might be tricky. Basically, we're on a family vacation and rented out the house. All the rooms are taken and I'm bunking with you. I'm bummed as I wanted some privacy from you to sneak women back in the room. You tease me about the idea of bringing women back as you state that I'm making it difficult by not allowing us to share the room instead. I'm a bit reluctant but you seem to plot against me as you know you can sway and seduce me considering we've encountered each other previously and few times I might add. Now, I'm not jumping in right away. I want my character to be reluctant as you try to sway and seduce me. My character has felt regret about us encountering in sexual actions before, even though it felt good to him, he's still bothered by it. We can setup the plot further if you're interested.

Jumanji Style Board Game This one is interesting. Basically it's the similar story of how players must perform actions in order to progress the game. Instead, you will be performing lewd actions with one another. We can create what kind of consequences are there if you don't perform actions. The partners I have are strongly family members but we can insert other characters if you'd like. Preferably I rather have characters that are familiar with one another.
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