GM looking for female characters


Feb 8, 2021
Hi there! With this search thread I'm looking to run some adventures and worlds for female characters to play in. This can involve using a system such as D&D, or it can be more free-form.

A little about me. I'm a detailed and literate roleplayer with many years of experience. I'm somewhere between multi-para and novella, typically liking to write 400+ words per post, though I can adjust to different lengths. Regardless of word count I like to give high quality posts, and appreciate partners who do the same. My activity levels vary but I try to give at least one post per week, if not more. I'm perfectly content to wait as long as needed for replies, so no stress at all when writing with me. I'm also completely ghost-friendly. In terms of kinks, here's my F-List. Please note that not all or even any of the listed kinks need to be present in any given roleplay. I enjoy story as much as I do smut, and so these elements are by no means limiting factors.

So, the setup. How I generally like to go about this is by having us first decide on the main character that you as the player will be playing - her appearance, relevant background, situation, setting, etc. This can range widely, from heroines to thieves, queens to paupers, or just the average citizen, and is really up to you depending on what sort of character you'd like to play and what kind of stories/scenarios interest you the most. As for the setting, I'm very open; medieval or high fantasy is what I often default to, but any other types such as sci-fi or modern would be perfectly fine. I enjoy exploring new ideas, so feel free to pitch me anything. Once we've decided on a character and a setting, we can get into the details of her situation and figure out everything that's needed to get us started.

I do also have a generic starting scenario that requires little setup, which can be used as is or built upon:
  • YC is an adventurer arriving in a new land/town/locale unfamiliar to her. Perhaps she had heard that the place is experiencing a surplus of troubles and is in need of help, or perhaps she is just wandering through. Perhaps she even has another reason for being there, whether it's to soothe the chaos or to exploit it.
Thanks for reading! If you're interested, send me a PM and let me know if you have any ideas for what kind of character you might like to play. I'd also love to know what sort of kinks/themes you might be interested in exploring. Look forward to hearing from you!
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Returning from a break, tentatively looking. Preferring something more open-ended and story-focused atm.
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