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Fx Any My noncon toybox


Jun 26, 2023
A collection of my noncon ideas. Happy to change them to fit your ideas or play your ideas as well!

It has been all over the news lately that out on the west coast there was someone catching women alone having fun with them before leaving them to be found by loved ones or the general public. The calling card for the facebook bandit is that he takes a picture of the bound and used women her ID visible for all to see and uses the victim's phone to save the photo as her profile picture on facebook.
There have been numerous victims the first a librarian at closing hours found bound in the stacks, the next a lifeguard found in the locker tied to a bench her one piece suit still on holes cut to reveal her body. There were a number more after that but Alicia didn't pay much attention to it besides gossiping with the other moms since it was happening on the west coast far from her.
Alicia was at home doing yoga in the living room when there was a knock at the door, her kids were at school, and hubby was at work. She glanced out the large bay window of the living room as she passed not expecting company, but opening the door with a smile to greet whomever it was...

I left this open for men or women to play! Feel free to jump right in!
Who is the facebook bandit is up to you! Just be sure to leave me in a predicament at the end!
kinks: noncon, humiliation, predicament bondage, forced bodymodification(piercings/tattoos/etc), being filmed/exposed, outfit play, insertions, getting roughed up and abused!
limits: scat, snuff, vomit

Anyone looking into the large bay windows of the living from the street late Christmas EVE would see the diligent Elizabeth wrapping the last of the gifts for sleeping children tucked away upstairs her husband working the nightshift not expected home until morning. Her body lit up by the large Christmas tree next to her covered in lights and ornaments her nightgown hugging her frame tightly as she bends and twists over the packages as she wraps.
If you came by the front of her louse later that night you would see Elizabeth in a completely different position. You would find her naked body except for the santa hat on her head facing the window her legs tied back exposing her bright red ass from the spankings an over sized candy cane stretching her ass the peppermint burning her insides. Right above that you would see the LABEL left for my daughter who wrote to Santa asking for another sibling, the sticker holding the cum inside of me as it seals my abused pussy. Further up you will see my large breasts bound by tinsel Christmas ornaments piercing both large pink nipples 'Ho Ho Ho' written across her chest in bright red lipstick her mouth filled with the red lace thong she was wearing beneath her gown.
When her husband got home or the kids came down to open presents they would find her surrounded with Polaroids of the nights events.
You're playing Santa.. or Krampus.. or maybe some homeless guy in a santa suit.. or well you get the idea.
I want you to be used and abused them left on display!
My kinks: Noncon, humiliation, bondage, exposure, outfit play, forced bodymodification (piercings/tattoos/etc), rough, and more!
limits: scat and snuff

My name is Ashley Davis and I am the proud mother and wife in a family of 4. Every year we go to the mall so my son and daughter can take pictures with Santa with another family. This year is different though my husband has to work so it's just me having to corral the children. The mall hired a new person to play Santa this year (you) and my kids want me in the picture with Santa this year to surprise their father. I reluctantly agree my son sitting on Santa's left knee my daughter in my lap and me sitting on Santa's right knee the 'elves' seem to be taking a long time as I feel Santa's hand grabbing my ass his fingers wrapping under until the tips brush against my pussy as I squirm on his lap face red in a mixture of rage and shame as I can't chastise you now with my kids sitting next to me not wanting to explain to them what Santa is doing to Mommy. After the elves finally take the picture I have the other family that we came with watch my kids as Santa goes onto break I follow him to confront him privately maybe in Santa's workshop behind the picture area or an employee break room and things don't work out so well for me.


You would be playing Santa as he molests me and then forces me. I would love for when Santa and maybe some of his helpers are done with me they leave me tied up with tinsel Christmas ornaments hanging from my nipples my holes filled with 'presents' from Santa for anyone walking past to see.

I love descriptive roleplayers and send me a picture of how you would like me to look.

kinks: Non-con, humiliation, public humiliation, being dressed up, noncon picture or video, bondage, and more!

limits: scat, snuff, mutilation

The company Christmas party was the biggest company event of the year and as Director of Human Resources it was MY job to make sure it went off without getting the company sued. Every employee was invited from the CEO to mid level executives to the mail room, and even the janitorial staff. I had spent weeks coordinating the party hiring decorators, a photographer, catering, and even setting up a corner for a mall Santa and his throne complete with a large sack of gifts to give away to employees when they had their pictures taken.

It was the big night and I was moving around the open area of the office making sure everything was perfect, I even had security give sole access to the copy room to my keycard after a couple of employees had a bit too much to drink the year before and started copying body parts. It was exhausting policing the party as the night wore on always smiling politely and thanking employees and their partners when they complimented my dress, doing my best to make sure no one got too drunk and made a fool of themselves.

Things were fine and the party was winding down a lot of employees leaving. Then my husband and I set our egg nog down to take a picture with Santa, my husband shortly after reporting that he wasn't feeling well and decided to uber home leaving me without an escort for the rest of the night. I had been drinking the non-alcoholic egg nog, but after finishing my glass I started to feel tipsy and my body felt hot. Hands grabbing me and pulling me over for a photo my head tilting up in surprise as I see the mistletoe hanging above me and attempt to back out the photographer and a few other employees convincing me to kiss the person on the cheek. Leaning over I do just that my lips lightly brushing the person's cheek the photographer counting down for the photo 3..2..1..but before the flash went off the person turned their head and kissed me full on the lips.

I am the stuck up HR Director Emily who had been sober the whole night putting a stop to most of the fun just like I did on a day to day basis during normal business hours. You know the one that made you sit through all of those Sexual Harassment seminars?

You can play a single person or many of my drunk co-workers as you use my weakened state of mind from whatever you slipped into my drink to use and humiliate me at the party.

kinks: blackmail, noncon, humiliation, forced bodymodification(piercings/tattoos/etc), being filmed/exposed online, outfit play, insertions, ugly assailants, being left on display, beast and more! (Not all of these have to be included just a list)
limits: scat, snuff

((I imagined this as F4F but if you can think of a decent alternative to make it F4M then we can do that!))

Sandra Prescott forced a smile to her red blushing face as she waved back at her kids through he kitchen window above the sink. The neighbor had brought her kids over to join them for an impromptu pool day and all was going well until it was time to make lunch. Sandra's neighbor was always a bit condescending and bossy, but today it had escalated much farther. So far that they got into an argument over some stupid home owners association ruling where she claimed that Sandra embarrassed her in front of the whole neighborhood.

Now as Sandra waves at the kids through the window her neighbor stands behind her speaking cruelly into her ear "Make sure you smile and wave you don't want the kids or our husbands coming inside." Sandra's breasts are hanging down free from her one-piece the straps pushing them together in a deep cleavage the lower part of her suit pulled to the side as her neighbor fucks one of the large cucumbers in and out of her pussy the one she had been preparing to cut and serve for lunch.


We can continue from the prompt or at some other point or change it completely! I am open to all suggestions.

My kinks: Noncon, humiliation, bondage, exposure, outfit play, forced bodymodification (piercings/tattoos/etc), rough, being left for others to find and more!

limits: scat and snuff

Elizabeth and her husband were known for their decorations for every holiday, but this year Elizabeth is home alone her husband due back the night of Halloween and she is struggling to get all the decorations up in time. You decide that this would be the perfect opportunity to help out..

When her husband arrives home he is amazed by the decorations walking closer to admire the details when he notices the witch hanging from the large tree in the front yard her knees bent her heels pointing back tied to the end of the broom her skirt flipped up as her body is pushed forward hands bound to the front of the broom. As he gets closer he can start to make out more details like the protruding ring of the large set of anal beads buried in the witch's ass, the buzzing of the vibrator buried inside of her, and as he rounds the corner the glint of the thick silver rings hanging heavily from her freshly pierced nipples her costume ripped in the front to leave her exposed.


I know its not Halloween yet, but this popped into my head just now and I wanted to try it! As you can see its very rough and the ending is just how I fantasized it earlier today at work.

Your character can be whoever you want! The jealous wife next door, the old creepy neighbor, the mail man, random stranger I hired to help with the decorations, or whomever!

Only thing I really want is to be left bound and part of the decorations, but feel free to change it from my ending I love surprises!

My kinks: Noncon, humiliation, bondage, exposure, outfit play, forced bodymodification (piercings/tattoos/etc), rough, being left for others to find and more!

limits: scat and snuff

Alyssa Wrigley was always on time to her kids sporting events, but unfortunately today she had to show a house at the last minute to a potential new client. Good news is they are going to buy it, bad news is she has arrived at the sports complex and the game has already started. She groans as she has to park at the very back of the giant complex parking lot after doing circles for a few minutes in an attempt to find something closer without any luck.

The game was over and the kids went with another set of parents to their house for a sleep over. Alyssa's husband Mark tried calling Alyssa multiple times worried as she had never made it to the game, he had just made it to his car and driving out of the parking lot when he sees a silver honda mini-van in the back corner of the parking lot the back hatch open. He makes a circle and heads towards the backside of the parking lot to see if it is actually Alyssa's van his hand holding his phone to his ear as he tries calling her again, the phone slips from his fingers onto the floor board of his car as he pulls up behind the parked van's rear. Alyssa laid on her back in the open van the seats folded down to give more space one of her signs propped up against the middle row of seats. Her arms were taped to the legs of the sign her legs tied to the luggage hooks on each side of the cargo area her bright red heels still on her feet spread wide exposing her nude body to anyone that looked. Her name tag is pierced through her right nipple, her small piece of her lace thong shows from between her lips the lipstick smeared by the piece of tape holding the panties in place, the entire scene framed by the picture of her smiling face on the reality sign advertising an open house.
So this is a little depraved, but it just came to me today and I wanted to see if anyone would like to play. I imagined my assailant would initially be another mom, perhaps her kids always lose to mine in sports or something. But it doesn't have to be that.

Being left on display in some sort of predicament like is one of my favorite things ever so I would like to keep that in, but how I am left or where I am left is open to change.
Please be creative and evil!
limits: scat and snuff

Tiffany Andrews was counting the minutes until her shift ended her eyes closing as she sat in her patrol car dreaming about the hot bath she would take when she got home when the radio crackles to life about a local business alarm going off. "Car 15 responding" she says after letting out a long sigh annoyed at having to move from her comfy spot on the side of the road looking for speeders.

She pulled into the parking lot of the business and throw her patrol car into park before stepping out pushing her baton through the loop on her belt and clicking on her flashlight as she approaches the front door. Her hand reaches out turning the nob to check it surprised when the door clicks open 'owner must have forgot to lock up' runs through her mind as she steps inside for a closer look.


What type of business is it? Tattoo parlor, adult store, hardware store, doctors office, veterinary clinic, or whatever you would like!

I want to be used, abused, and then left on display to be found in the morning or if back up arrives!

My kinks: Noncon, humiliation, bondage, exposure, outfit play, forced bodymodification (piercings/tattoos/etc), rough, and more!

limits: scat and snuff

I was cursing myself for making the stupid bet last season, and it was a close game but we blew it. I had hoped the bet had been forgotten in the off season, but when I arrived at the party I was handed a gift bag as if it was my birthday.

I couldn't even enjoy the games because of the too small UGA cheerleading costume I had been forced to wear due to my Buckeyes losing to them by a single point. I had a beer in my right hand while my left was constantly tugging either the small top down over my braless breasts or holding the skirt to keep from flashing my thong to the entire party.

With my hands occupied it was hard to fend off the hands tugging playfully at my pigtails as the Georgia fans mocked me or the brushes against my ass as people 'squeezed' past me. My husband was too busy drinking and watching the games to notice my plight get progressively worse as more and more alcohol was consumed by the party.

The law firm Vivian was a partner at was hosting a large party for Halloween. The neighbor's daughter volunteered to watch our kids while my husband and I attended, we paid extremely well for her time so we weren't too worried when we stayed a little later then we intended and had a few extra drinks.
With all of the booze and whispers from my husband he finally talked me into removing my bra at the office party playing on my submissive streak that typically only showed up in the bedroom. I spent the rest of the night excited and embarrassed as I get multiple comments on how much people liked my necklace or my sweater knowing that my large hard nipples were pressing out against the material of the sweater.
When we got home my husband Paul took the kids out trick or treating leaving me to sober up at the house and to pay the babysitter. I pour myself a glass of wine and fetch the cash from the safe in our closet not noticing that the box that held my husband and I's sex toys was open and the pictures of me tied up and used had been 'misplaced'. When I am walking the babysitter to the door she looks embarrassed before asking if she could see my boobs and then if she could feel them after explaining that she was so small chested that she was intrigued. I flush and hesitate before denying but her pushing that it was just us girls cause me to relent. Due to the booze and my earlier excitement I even let her take a picture to send to my husband to give him a bit of a treat while he was out trick or treating with the kids, and to get payback from my earlier embarrassment at the office.
However things didn't stop there, the babysitter's demeanor changed she became overly aggressive and threaten to post the picture and other pictures she found upstairs online. That is how I ended up here red faced in some slutty costume the babysitter took from her house as I open the large glass front door of my home to the screams of "TRICK OR TREAT" my hand shaking as the vibrator buried inside of me held in by a tiny black lace thong causes my voice to falter "My aren't you all so scary!" I gasp as I bend down to hand out the candy the mirror that the babysitter placed against the wall behind me offering the parents a view up the skirt of the costume and my filled holes.

Over the last year a new website had cropped up that wasn't very well known, but was growing rapidly in popularity. All of their videos were holiday theme'd and always starred unknown amateurs who were performing under duress. The first episode was Easter their victim used and left in a giant easter bunny costume in the middle of a park forced to get home without a stitch of clothing underneath. Then they had the Independence Day special their victim found staked on hands and knees in the backyard with a flag protruding from her pussy and a sparkler in her ass. Halloween a housewife was left as a 'scarecrow' in her front yard, and Thanksgiving their victim was bound like a suckling pig an apple wedged into her mouth.

Now it was Christmas and the site wanted to close the year out with a bang which is where I came in. I was home from college for the winter break my parents opting to take a cruise not returning until Christmas Day. Because of their trip our house had no decorations up, no tree, and was just a stereotypical two story upper-mid class suburban home. I wasn't expecting any guests so the knock on the door and the sound of multiple vehicle doors closing outside startled me as I got up from the couch and looked confused out the large living room bay window as I see multiple white panel vans and large trucks with the words 'HOLIDAY CHEER' on the side loaded with Christmas decorations outside. Living in the south we didn't really get snow so to see strangers in the front lawn spreading white fluffy 'fake snow' onto the front yard without permission was quite the shock as I run towards the front door the knocking growing louder. Yanking open the front door I see a group of people most of them holding large bags of lights and camera equipment except the first who had a big smile and a clipboard. "Who.. What... are you doing!? Hey you can't come in here!" I shout as they immediately push into the house as if they owned the place my eyes wide as the man in the clipboard stops just past me taking in the high ceilings of the living room and the family pictures covering every surface "This is perfect! OK PEOPLE WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME" he shouts to the army of personnel. I grab the apparent supervisor's arm yanking on it hard as I yell over the noise of the workers "What the hell is going!?", he smiles brightly at me as if I had just won a prize "You've been selected for the Christmas Edition on HolidayCheerdotcum!" he announces before I feel a prick and everything goes dark.

The same smiling face greets me when I wake up except instead of the sweatpants and tank-top I was wearing before I am dressed in an elf costume and my house has been transformed into a Christmas spectacle lights and decorations everywhere including 'Santa's throne' that you would see in the mall for taking pictures with Santa. However that wasn't the biggest surprise, the biggest surprise was the nude pictures of me scrolling across the big screen TV in the living room my school ID hanging around my neck and my driver's license proudly on display the man from before moving close to my ear "Great you're awake.. so here is how this goes. You're going to be our movie star for a few Christmas scene and we won't post these pictures all over your social media and every porn site in existence...oh and here is your script for the first scene.." he says before shoving a notebook into my hands.
........When my parent's arrived home on Christmas Day they were amazed at the decorations in the yard and house failing to notice the final decoration added to the roof a tarp covering it waiting for dusk. A timer controlled the outside lights and decorations and just as dusk started settling in everything came to life cables pulling back the 'snow' covered tarp to reveal a replica of Santa's sleigh being pulled by 'rudolph' their daughter nude her body wrapped in lights and antlers on her head. Instead of a red nose a bright red plug poking up from ass and a mechanical cock painted like a candy cane on a piston running from the sleigh pumping away inside of her the Santa mannequin standing in the sleigh yelling 'Ho Ho Ho'.
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