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Changes in the family (futent x shadoweclipse)


Jun 19, 2010
Karin Kurosaki rubbed her head as she entered the house, thinking it was empty since the door was locked and there were no shoes in the hallway. " head..." Karin wasn't sure what had happened really, but figured she had dozed off in the park. She had been sat on a bench, and then suddenly it got cold...then there was some kind of had been invisible at first, but when it grabbed her it had slowly become visible. What happened after that was something of a blur, and Karin shivered as she remembered, the nightmare coming back into her mind. The creature had raped her, buried itself deep within her and released a thick fluid inside of her body....but then she had woken up, her clothes intact, her body not in any pain and she had still been sat on the bench. Still, ever since she'd gotten up to walk home Karin hadn't felt right.

She had a headache, her chest felt tight and there was an odd...ache...between her legs. It wasn't arousal, nor was it pain, but the 13 year old girl had no idea just what it was. The best way she could describe it was a feeling that something inside her was trying to get out.
With another sigh, Karin went upstairs to her bedroom, leaving the door halfway open, dropping her bag and jacket on the floor and wincing slightly, a hand going to cup her crotch as the ache got worse. "Damnit....stupid nightmare..." As she held herself, she could feel a slight swelling inside her shorts. "Hm?" Karin slowly unzipped her fly, then opened the shorts slightly, gasping as she saw a bulge in her panties.

"What the hell....?" Karin hooked her fingers into her panties, tugging them away slightly, then let out a sharp scream at what she saw. Her clitoris was rather swollen, but it also looked different. It looked more like the head of an erect penis from those sex education videos they'd seen at school. "Oh god..." Karin quickly let go of her panties, then winced again as the ache increased. "N-no!" She grasped her crotch, trying to hold it in, but she felt the swelling growing, pushing out, stretching her panties. "N-NO! NO NO NO NO NO!" The swelling just kept on growing though, pushing Karin's panties out by about 5 inches before it stopped. When Karin looked down, her panties had slipped off her new 5-inch long cock, rock hard and visibly throbbing. "Oh god its.....this can't be happening...."

Karin swallowed nervously, staring at it, then glancing around. "What do I do? Yuzu will be home soon....I...I gotta figure something out....but....I gotta get this thing down....I gotta make it go down somehow..." Karin thought quickly, recalling conversations she'd overheard the boys discussing at school. A conversation about 'jacking off' came to mind....boys discussing how they got rid of erections that just popped up sometimes. "Ok....ok I can do this...." Slowly, Karin reached down and wrapped her delicate fingers around the new cock, gasping as tingles of pleasure shot through her, pre-cum immediately forming at the tip as the foreskin slowly slid back, fully exposing the head of her cock. "I can't believe I'm doing this......" With a nervous gulp, Karin started to slide her hand slowly back and forth as she sat on the bed, letting out soft grunts of pleasure as she kept up the slow pace on her new cock, trying to ignore the odd tightness in her chest.
Ichigo was walking around outside. He had spent all day training and fighting off the few weak hollows who would show up. It was finally a time where he was alone and could relax. He enjoyed his friends but being a loner caused him to need solitary walks every now and then. Rukia was over at Urahara's shop for the night. He never bothered for their long boring talks, his duties as a soul reaper would be over as soon as Rukia got her powers back he thought.

He was still learning everything but sensing spiritual pressure was always dull. However, he did pick up on a weak trail leading from the park. He tried his best to follow it but at a casual pace, even if there was an active hollow he was long gone by now. He noticed it was weird when the trail led right to his house. His father was out for the night and his younger sister was spending the night at a friends house. His need to protect his sisters was an uncontrollable urge he had.

When he go to the house he tried to stay quiet as he entered the house. He had a piece of soul candy in his hand ready to take as the trail did come into his house. Karin's shoes were hastily thrown on the floor and she was already in her room despite it still being fairly early in the night. As he got closer to her room he could hear her grunts as the rest of the house was silent. He did not want to make a scene but he needed to check on her as he pushed the door open a bit.

The sight he got was one to behold. His tomboyish preteen sister had he pants and panties kicked off as she laid on the bed with her small young hands rubbing a fresh looking cock as it pulsed and throbbed to the touch. He could not look away as he knew that this was not normal having seen Karin nude accidentally before. Not only was it a surprise, but it was also very sexy looking.
Karin didn't hear her brother enter the house, or even come up the stairs. She was so engrossed in what she was doing she wouldn't have noticed if he actually entered the room, let alone that he was watching through the partially open door. "Nnnngh...ooooh..." Karin was moaning in pleasure as her hand began to pump her cock faster, pre-cum dripping from the tip to the floor. Beneath her cock her pussy was starting to grow hot and damp aswell, but right now her hands were entirely focused on the cock, trying to get it down.

"C-come good....b-but....c-come on....hurry up...." Karin squeezed her cock a little tighter, gasping as more pleasure shot through her, hand now moving as fast as she could. Then she felt it, something bubbling inside of her, before suddenly she felt something travelling up her cock, a slight grin coming to her face as she realised she was finally about to cum. "O-ok....." With a pant, then a loud moan of pleasure, Karin's cock twitched and suddenly began to spurt.

The first shot of thick, creamy white cum shot right across the room, splattering across the opposite wall. The next shot, even larger than the first, splattered across Yuzu's bed, before the next few spurts squirted all over the floor infront of Karin, the small girl pumping out about 2 litres of cum before she was done. Despite that however, her 5-inch hard-on remained between her legs, Karin letting out a gasp as she looked at it throb. "Wh-why is it still hard?! Oh god why wont it go down?! I can't let anyone see me like this....I...I have to do something!" Clearly she was beginning to get hysterical. Normally Karin was the calm one, but this....well....something like this was bound to affect even her...
By this point Ichigo had completely forgotten why he had decided to look into the room anyway. Having seen no signs of hollows around he was totally engrossed into watching his preteen sister inspect her new growth. Obviously it had worked fine as she shot out a huge load all over her own room, both a mess and smell that would stain that room for some time.

Unsure of what provoked him but he opened to door all the way and walked into her room grinning. "What if someone already has seen you like this?" He said as he stepped closer to her while he hand still gripped and stroked her pulsing member which may have been even harder now then it was before even after such a large load. For some reason Ichigo also felt extremely attracted to the throbbing rod but still held back from grabbing or rubbing it, he wanted to tease her a bit more before the fun began.
Karin suddenly looked up when the door opened, gasping as Ichigo strolled in, walking in whilst she still had a firm grip on her new cock. "I-Ichigo...?" She gasped and quickly turned her back on him, shaking her head. "Get out! Get out! Don't look at me!!" She was clearly scared, a rare thing for her. "I don't know why I have it...I...I just want to get rid of it!"

Karin bit her lip as her cock twitched, clearly still craving attention. At the same time, her pussy was becoming hotter and wetter by the second, her juices starting to run down her thighs as her legs shook. "P-please don't tell anyone Ichigo....please....I'll do anything just please don't tell anyone"
Ichigo stepped closer to her as he looked at her cute little butt as she shyed away from him. There was obviously nothing she could do to get him to stop whatever his plans were. "Dont worry I am not going to tell anyone. Actually I came in here to help you, I watched you and you dont really know how to use it do you?" He asked in a semi taunting voice. By this point he was almost right next to her. He wrapped his hand around her and rubbed her cock head with his thumb. He eventually slide is hand down her cock letting her feel the sensation of another persons hand touching her. He slid down further and hit her base. He then let his middle finger reach under her and rub her dripping pussy. He knew that even if she had started masturbating at this point in her life, she had very few chances to do it so the sensation still felt new to her. As he held her against him without saying a word he pushed his finger as far as he could inside her tight little pussy.
Karin felt him moving closer to her, but she couldn't do anything. Hearing him reassure her that he wasn't going to tell anybody did make her feel a little better...but when he spoke about helping her...? She blinked in confusion, then winced at his next comment. It was true she didn't know how to use it....sure she knew about sex, but that didn't mean she knew all about how to please a man, or at least please a cock. When his hand reached around her she let out a squeak, feeling his thumb rubbing over her cock, before it eventually forced her own hand away, Ichigo's strong hand wrapping completely around her cock, which twitched and throbbed in his hand, seeming to grow a little harder under his touch, a long drawn out moan escaping Karin's lips as his hand moved. "Nnnngh!" She groaned, closing her eyes when she felt his finger against her pussy. She'd...experimented before with her fingers, but to feel someone else doing it....especially someone with larger fingers than felt so much better. She let out a cry as his finger pushed inside of her, nearly losing her balance. Her pussy was tight around his finger, but she was so wet it allowed him to slide his finger quite far inside. "O-oh god....oh's so good..." Karin leaned back against him to keep her balance, her bare tight ass accidentally grinding against her brothers still pants covered crotch.
He had never seen either one of his sisters as sexual objects, or would even call them sexy. Not to say they wernt pretty, they were just his sisters. Now however, Karin was the sexiest thing he had ever seen in his life. He continued to work his finger in and out of her pussy as he could feel her wet juices dripping out. His hand would bump and tease her stiff cock. He took his other hand and began to rub and squeeze on her small developing boobs. He held her close to his body and he felt her sweet little ass pressing on his rock hard cock. He began to grind his cock up and down his sisters ass as he looked down at her squirming body while he pleasured her.
Karin let out another moan as Ichigo suddenly grasped her developing breasts through her shirt and bra, her hard nipples digging into his palms. They felt much more sensitive than usual, the tightness in Karin's chest starting to build once again as her cock started throbbing in her brothers hand. "'s's gonna cum again...." She panted heavily, starting to hunch over as she began to lose her balance, the pre-cum now pouring from the tip of her cock.
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