Picture Perfect 2.0 - NSFW


Friendly Degenerate
Aug 21, 2015
So here we are with the new year upon us, and I think it’s a perfect time to make a new and improved request thread to ring it in right!

We’ll start off with the basics. My name is Alya, and I love roleplay. It’s one of my favorite things in the world. I love working with my partner to create stories and worlds filled with fun characters and steamy eroticism. What this thread is meant to be is primarily a platform for me to showcase what I enjoy in a roleplay and what I expect in a partner as well as what they can expect from me, and secondly this thread is meant to serve as a jumping off point for any potential partners and I to spring off of to create unique plots and scenarios that we can both enjoy.

I also love using artwork as inspiration for plots and visual aids to accentuate the writing and I like to use it in my thread partly because I enjoy sharing the art I find that turns me on, and also because I find it helpful to use art as a springboard to build ideas off of. If you see any art while you’re reading this thread and it sparks an idea or showcases a kink you’re interested in, let me know and we can talk about creating something fun together!

I write exclusively in PMs, and unfortunately that isn't really negotiable at the moment. I don't like using threads and based on previous negative experiences I'm not comfortable going off site to roleplay either. I apologize for anyone that prefers other methods of roleplay but that's my rule. I write in third person, and I tend to average anywhere from a few hundred to a thousand or more words per post depending on the context of the story and what my partner gives in return. Generally I expect at least a few good paragraphs from my partners but I very much prefer quantity over quality. Don't feel like you have to stretch your posts out for the sake of hitting a specific word count if we're in a slow part of a scene.

My schedule tends to be pretty hectic IRL, and there will be times where I'm able to put out multiple replies a day as well as times where I might only get a reply out once every few days. If I'm ever going to take more than a day to respond I do my best to communicate that to my partner.

So you know who I am and what I’m here for, now let’s talk about what I’m looking for from a potential partner!

Primarily I’m looking for partners who enjoy brainstorming and planning and coming up with ideas just as much as they enjoy writing the roleplay itself. OOC communication is a big thing for me, and while I like to make a point of keeping personal topics to a minimum I am always happy to talk ideas and kinks with my partners. If we‘ve got a roleplay going and there’s something that you really enjoy let me know so I can do it more! If there’s a kink you’d like to see more of or that you want to talk about fitting in somewhere else by all means ask me about it! If you’ve got an amazing idea for a storyline Or plot point, or you just want to see our characters get into a new scenario I always want to hear about it! I try to be as friendly and approachable as I can be. The worst that I’ll say about an idea is no, but I’m always willing to discuss interests and if there’s a way to fit something into a story in a way that we’ll both enjoy I’m happy to give it a try.

Now let’s get to the fun stuff! First off, let’s talk about kinks. I like to think I’m a pretty open minded person that’s open to a lot of things, but down below you’ll find a few of the things that really get me going. My f-list is down in my signature if you’d like a larger idea of potential kinks as well as what my limits are but it’s by no means an all encompassing list. If it’s not in my no column I’m at least willing to discuss


By far cum play is my number one fetish. It’s something I hope to include in pretty much anything, and along with that comes all the things you’d expect! Excessive cum, creampies (Especially creampies), throatpies, facials, bukkake etc. etc. If it involves excessive amounts of cum making a mess of absolutely everything I’m here for it! Cum addictions are always fun for me as well as finding ways to make character’s physically dependent on cum in some form or another. Perhaps my character has some rare disease that miraculously can only be treated by ingesting large amounts of cum or maybe she’s a succubus that feeds on the stuff to live, whatever the case I love anything in this category!

I tend to prefer playing characters that are proudly sexual and not shy at all about expressing that sexuality in ways some may consider ‘extremely slutty’. I simply enjoy having the freedom to play characters that can express themselves sexually as overtly as they like. Whether it’s the goth futa eager to dick down her alien friend or the beautiful elven barmaid happy to let you and your friends take turns on her for a few extra gold pieces, I like playing characters that love everything about sex and are happy to indulge in excessive amounts of it with whoever they like.

I know BDSM is a bit of a broad term, but for the sake of keeping things brief let’s say that I’m into pretty much anything under this umbrella. Bondage, Dom/sub, sadism/masochism, humiliation and degradation, rough sex (and I mean ROUGH), if it’s kinky and it’s connected to the BDSM scene I’m probably into it. That said, I’m also a big fan of consent. My characters will always be (mostly) willing participants in whatever degrading and degenerate activities they get involved in whether it’s selling themselves into slavery with the dream of serving a demanding master or a prisoner that proves rather resistant to the guard’s interrogation techniques my characters will almost always enjoy whatever torment is thrown their way. There are some exceptions to this with the right plot (things like blackmail or coercion can be fun in the right situation, or non-con to con in something like a master/slave plot)

On the flip side, I’m also just as much into playing the dominant character and I’m more than happy to deliver anything in this category to your characters as well if that’s something you’re looking for!

I'm a HUGE fan of including monstrous or non-human characters in roleplay, especially set against characters that you wouldn't expect to take a liking to such things. The beautiful elven princess that falls for the hulking Minotaurs twice her size working the dungeons beneath the castle. The half-elf merchant with a unique approach to bartering. The orcish warchief that enjoys displaying his conquests for all to see. Whatever the case I love roleplays that involve inhuman characters and all of the challenges and opportunities that those pairings bring!​

On the flip side, I'm also very open to playing as non-human characters myself! Anything from archdevils intent on forming pacts with desperate mortals to strange creatures imprisoned and seeking an escape. I'm happy to include it all!

Alright! So now you know who I am, what I’m looking for, and what gets my engine running. Let’s talk about plot ideas! Down below I’ll post an image prompt along with a little blurb describing an idea inspired by it. These are meant to act as jumping off points to create a roleplay that we can both have fun with. We can change or tweak whatever we want, or totally scrap it for an all new idea if something here sparks your creativity! I’ll add more and remove some as time goes, but here’s what I’ve got for now!

You’ve been the ruler of the underworld for eons, cast out from the Mountain of the Gods by your brother for crimes against the throne. You were always bitter about the circumstances of your exile, but over time you came to appreciate your place as king of the damned. Over the millennia you developed a taste for the more…primal side of life, acting out your dark fantasies against those lost souls that had been cast into your domain. Freed from the stifling and old fashioned rules of celibacy and chastity that were required on the Mountain by your foolish brother, you discovered the bliss of mortal lovemaking and the ecstasy that came from dominating your playthings. You were content to live your life of sin far from the eyes of your godly siblings, but when word came of the death of your brother and the Throne of the Gods fell to you as next in line you returned to your old home. When you met eyes with your brother’s grieving wife, the goddess of love and beauty, you decided to begin your rule by taking it upon herself to teach her the true meaning of those words.

Elowyn had spent most of her life as an elven pleasure slave in the human city of Auram. She was kept in one of the few brothels reserved for the wealthy merchants and nobles that came to visit the city, expected to serve her clients however they saw fit. In truth it was a comfortable life. She had a warm bed to sleep in at night and a he could have all the food and drink she might ever want. Those were things rarely granted to elves in the human realms, and all she was required to do in return was share her bed with whatever man or woman had purchased her for the night. She was a well trained slave, good at her job and eager to please. If it weren't for the fact that slaves were outlawed and she was forced to leave she likely would have spent many more years in the brothel, and she would have been content. Sadly with the freeing of the slaves she found herself alone on the street in a human city that was at best suspicious of elves and at worst openly hostile. She had few skills or education that she could use to earn a living, so when she came to your inn looking for work you offered to take her in. The only catch was that she'd have to warm your bed at night and earn gold serving the inn's patrons the only way she knew how!

So this one is a little different. I’m looking to play a teacher who’s working her way through a ‘bucket list’ of former students, parents, and coworkers. Maybe she’s fresh of a divorce and stretching her newfound freedom by indulging herself with all the fantasies she’s kept bottled up for years? Or maybe she’s married with a cheating husband and this is her way of getting revenge?

I’m thinking maybe it starts on a parent/teacher conference night. She’s either just finished her divorce or just caught her husband in bed with another woman and she’s just trying to get through the night when one of the parents (or parents!) starts flirting up a storm and she decides to reciprocate? It could lead to a flurry of passion with her bent over the desk right there or maybe they make plans to meet up for drinks later, but ultimately she ends up sleeping with the parent and she enjoys it so much that she decides she’s not getting any younger and it’s time to have some fun with her life. So she makes a list of all the people she’s fantasized about in her life and starts working her way down!

You’d always been a good man. The sort of guy that spent his weekends volunteering at the soup kitchen and spent his nights doting on his loving and supportive partner. You had the American dream, with a good paying job, the pretty blonde wife, and the white picket fence. Your life was simple but you were happy. You had everything you wanted. Then you got the promotion at work, and that came with an office and a secretary. You’d been excited at first. You took to the work with ease and found that your new position fit even better than the old one. The only problem? The feisty secretary sitting outside your office was simply relentless. She teased you constanty, wearing barely appropriate outfits to the office and making innuendos at every opportunity. She flirted shamelessly and wasn’t subtle at all about her interest in you. You resisted her advancements valiantly, intent on remaining loyal to your loving wife, but you couldn’t help but feel good about all the praise and compliments your redheaded assistant showered you with. You should have gone to your bosses and ordered a replacement but something always stopped you. In the end, all it took was a moment of weakness for you to succumb to temptation. Maybe you had an argument with your wife or maybe the higher ups have been on your case about some missed deadlines, but either way you’re stressed beyond belief and when your secretary makes an offer to help you take the edge off you finally cave and let her crawl under your desk. In the end she makes you see stars with her lovemaking skills, and despite knowing how bad it is you don’t think you can resist feeling like that again.

You were a stranger in a strange land, a Dragonborn seeking a new life in the realms of elves and men. It was easy enough to find work given your size and strength. Caravans always needed guarding and nobles always needed escorting. You made a comfortable living and aside from the sideways stares and general mistrust many held towards outsiders your life was relatively simple. Still, you found yourself struggling with feelings of loneliness. It was normal for Dragonborn to organize themselves into close knit clans and it was difficult to live a life as solitary as you did. It didn’t help that your instincts to mate grew stronger by the day. You’d all but given up hope of finding anyone to spend your days with when one day you happened to spit a young elven woman being roughed up by some unsavory bandits on the road to a new city. You make short work of these criminals and save the damsel, and when the Elf seems keen to find a way to repay you you don’t shy away from the company!

Looking for some non-con to con master/slave dynamics with this one, with an emphasis on sadism/masochism if that's your thing.

She was the queen of an empire that spanned across the continent, commanding armies so large no other nation could ever hope to stand against her. She ruled with a cruelty and power hungry greed that could only be described as monstrous, and so it was no surprise when her own royal court turned against her. She never even saw it coming. The assassin came in her sleep and drove the blade through her heart before she could wake, and without ceremony her soul cast cast from her body and down into the hells below the earth.

You are a newly ascended greater devil that has finally claimed a domain for himself. It took millennia but your ambition has paid off, with your enemies destroyed and a throne to claim as your own. Impressed by your initiative the ruler of Hell himself, Asmodeus, gifts you with the souls of a powerful queen that had been cast into the fiery pits as punishment for her cruelty in life. You decide that such a soul would make the perfect pet to toy with as you rule your circle of hell. When she arrives at your feet you begins the long and enjoyable process of breaking her down and molding her into the ultimate pleasure slave a devil such as yourself could hope for.

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