- Joined
- Sep 12, 2023

She never called. Not on holidays, special occasions, for life events, or milestones. She assumed that it was an accidental dial, and as she prepared to hang up the phone she heard her voice on the other end of the line. It must have been her muddled mind, still addled by drowsiness, that made it so that she couldn't clearly discern the words she spoke. Her mind strained to comprehend the utterances before she realized that Emi was sniffling, fighting with emotion. Sitting back in her seat slowly, she prepared herself for grave news.
"It's . . . It's Ryusei. He's . . . Something happened and he's– he's not coming back."
The silence could have swallowed them both whole. Everything around her seemed to stop as she tried to digest what her sister was telling her.
"Mina?" There was a tear in her voice, a vulnerable crack in her tone that dissolved the quiet. In the background she could hear night sounds; the symphony of chirping crickets against a cacophony of other nocturnal creatures. She had almost forgotten what the ambient music of nature was like. In the city, where the soundtrack of her surroundings was the whirr of passing cars and the hum of electronics to the beat of Berlin's modernity, it was quite the contrast. "Mina . . . Are you there?"
"I'm here." She waited to say anything more, a gut instinct imploring her to listen. The drenched sheets of paper became unimportant, as did her exhaustion. "I'm on my way."
* * *
It had been a long time since she'd been home. Even though Nagoya was closer to the Kyoto school, Tokyo felt just as familiar to her. It possessed the same hustle and bustle she was used to, and yet parts of it were a perfect homage to traditional architecture and the country's natural beauty. The school was no different. Mina exited the sleek black car not long ago, her driver letting her out before a daunting set of stone steps that led her to a shaded path between massive oaks. The sun provided some warmth, but the brisk Winter breeze prevailed. So close to the mountains, she anticipated cooler temperatures. Bundled in a long, black coat, she was conservatively dressed, mindful of the rather stereotypical beliefs and associations that accompanied the intricate designs on her body. In a pair of black pants and a black and white blouse, only a small portion of the vibrant art that decorated her was visible; on her hands, neck, and chest.
Her heels clicked audibly on the stone beneath her stilettos as she strolled through the arch of the entrance, toward the main building. She hardly reached the threshold before a broad silhouette appeared, descending the steps to meet her.
"Masamichi, it's been a while." She smiled, able to see her reflection in the black tinted sunglasses he wore. His expression was grave.
"We've got enough trouble here as it is, Kairi." He said, folding his arms across his chest defensively.
"I'm not here for trouble. The Kairi clan is in mourning so I have no official business here. In fact, I haven't had business here in quite some time. Unofficial business. . . Well . . . I've got plenty of that." Mina explained, raising her palms to convey her harmlessness in the moment.
"I heard about Ryusei. My condolences, but things here . . . are very fragile." He admitted.
"Thank you. And, I understand. I heard about some of the events in Shibuya." The details were vague, and she didn't understand it all. Grieving the loss of her brother had taken away some of her capacity to care about much else, even if the lives claimed by the incident had been ones familiar to her. "I'm sorry."
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