Mx Female The Saint Beast's Lair


Headspace...the final frontier
Sep 15, 2010
Greetings travelers,

Thank you for stopping by this work in progress. I will refine and restructure as time progresses and I get a clear idea to my new drive and appoach. Feedback is a gift.

About me: I am Genbu. I'm biologicly male and I've been roleplaying since Yahoo still had custom chat rooms. I am somewhat worldly, I have a thirst for knowledge, hunger for adventure, and I have a tendency to hyper focus when inspired/curious. I've taken a bit of a hiatus to focus on work, life, and personal growth. I've missed writing a bit and am getting back to it. I plan on creating here and chyoa. That being said my work is pretty demanding so the hobby will nuture slowly. I plan on roleplay, the journaling section, and likely the meta parts of the forum as it pertains to the craft of writing/storytelling.

Bottom line: I'm looking for 1 or 2 stories and look to write as well as play. I have one going right now. I'd be open to another depending.

What I am after: Somewhat consistant collaboration. I'm a bit rusty as I've have not really been writing for a few years and want rectify that. Ideally my partners understand that life is busy and that it comes first. I will likely only entertain one or two stories at a time. I will more or less focus or story telling, system style(rules depending on partner), and growing as a writer. Naturally, I want to have fun and create interesting scenarios. I work in a technical field, so I tend to gravitate toward fantasy and adventure. I've become picky with my sci fi as I've progressed in life. Also when you work in electro-mechanical engineering...sometimes it's hard to suspend disbelief.

Partner wise: I'll write with anyone. As far as romantic and erotic content goes, I am a straight male and I'm comfortable with myself. I will 95% of the time play male characters attracted to female characters. In games where I play muliple characters I will play according to the character. Ideally, I'll play wth interesting/people and wing it based on the stories or mood. The big thing is that I'm more or less story driven at this point and so a lot my work is going to be slow burn and collaboration based.

Ultimately, I plan on having a good time paying more attention to other perspectves, while getting back into writing. Heavy emphasis on the writing. If we write I want to build a world around the idea.
-Warrior Queens(Sarah Connor, Zoey Washbourne, Samus Aran, Red Sonja)
-Bookworms who leave the Library (Evie O'Connel, Sypha Belnades, Willow from Buffy)
-Tomboys Learning Feminity(Elizabeth in Taming of the Schrew/10 things I hate about you, Danielle in Ever After)
-Femme Fatales(La Femme Nikita, Ada Wong, Mrs. Smith, Jessica Rabbit, The Bride)
What to expect from me: I tend to play competant and comfortably dominant characters, I've found that I like to play men with a mostly North pointing moral compass, that doesn't mean soft. Indiana Jones(1-3), Rick O'Connel(The Mummy), Aragorn, and the like. In short if you think a character would do well on Alone and keep you safe on an adventure, odds are I'll play it. I will be sticking to forums and PMs for posts. I may pick up a messenger app for collaborating, but not for the time being. Post wise, 1-5 paragraphs as needed, likely more as the story unfolds. I speak english, but I don't always run a post through a dedicated word processor. I will post at least once a week depending life(predominantly work) and the story. My writing style is for the most part third person past perspective. I will likely experiment with 1st person in my solo playing experiments, journals, and maybe a prompt.

My outdated f-list: F-list - Warning
-Partially updated



Placeholder for other links(likely beta for signature)
-Solo RP
#1: Planning after bump
-Update logs may move into Bumps
-Bumps to be refined and more substanicial
#2: Started imbedding BB code in Thread
-need to work on links and updates
#3: F-list update
#4: Small Clarity Bump, started playing with AI art and Face Claims for Characters.
#5 Minor edits and I've created a WB thread
#6 Minor Edits, linking to follow.
Last edited:
Bump(working on journal and searching out interesting writing based posts)
Bump(started a Charcter sheet thread, planning a world building one)
Bump(started a journal thread, Plan on doing some updates this weekend, depending on the weather.)
Bump(House cleaning and organizing, need to work on signature)
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