Mx Female Fatal Attraction- Anyone up for a soul vore or energy drain story?


Jun 10, 2016
Hello. I'm a M switch, usually playing the pred or dominant role. That being said, I do like the occasional turn as prey or sub. My stories are typically plot heavy. I usually write things as if other people would be reading, even if it is a private rp. I've been craving a M/f or F/F pairing involving energy drain or soul vore. I'm willing to play either the dom or sub role. I would prefer a female partner but will make the occasional exception depending on what my partner brings to the story.

Specifics are open to discussion. The main idea is that the prey character is drawn to the pred and is unable to resist their carnal temptation. The pred will give full disclosure as to the prey's fate, and yet the prey will keep coming back for more, unable to keep away despite the implications to their own survival. The pred character could be cruel and sadistic, amused by the prey character's addiction to the means of their eventual demise, or they may be reluctant, trying to stop the prey from returning but unable to turn them away when they inevitably show up for more. The act of draining will involve sex, which triggers the feeding. It will require multiple interactions for the prey to ultimately succumb to the drain. Both characters can be human, but I'm open to anthro as well and the pred character can even be a demon (succubus or incubus) which would fit well with this story. Again, the actual plot is very fluid at this point and I'm open to ideas for the ultimate pairing of characters.

Several paragraph detailed responses are preferred. I may not reposnd every day. Sometimes that just means I'm mulling over the story a bit. Often times the story benefits from a little reflection.

I play via Discord, forums, or pm. I prefer Discord, but I'll accomodate my partner's preference. If any interest, please drop me a pm with your thoughts or ideas on plot specifics and we can discuss. LEave your discord if you'd prefer to discuss on there. Hope to hear from you! X.
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