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How to find posts?

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Juicy Fresh

Jun 14, 2010
With the new layout, I haven't quite gotten the hang of where everything is.

Is there a way to see your posts, like with the old layout?

I know in User CP you can find your threads - but anything to find your posts?

Thanks a bunch in advance ~

- Juicy
There is a 'find all posts' link in your profile. <- yours, for example.
Vekseid said:
There is a 'find all posts' link in your profile. <- yours, for example.

Why, thank you. :)
In case anyone hasn't figured it out yet, there is a way to view all of your threads that you've posted in, and it will display all of the page numbers so you can jump to the last page if you're trying to reply to a thread with a lot of pages--just like how it once was with the "view your posts" link from before.

Just click on the search button on the top, then type in your user name under "search by username", and it should list every thread you've posted in, listed in descending order. Then bookmark that page and you've got instant access to all your threads with a single click!
Decadence said:
In case anyone hasn't figured it out yet, there is a way to view all of your threads that you've posted in, and it will display all of the page numbers so you can jump to the last page if you're trying to reply to a thread with a lot of pages--just like how it once was with the "view your posts" link from before.

Just click on the search button on the top, then type in your user name under "search by username", and it should list every thread you've posted in, listed in descending order. Then bookmark that page and you've got instant access to all your threads with a single click!

Well, ran into a slight problem with bookmarking searches. I noticed that after a day or two, the bookmark would expire, and that you'll get an error message, so you'll have to redo the search and save the link again. Kind of a hassle, I would think.

You could always just view your own profile and click the link "view all threads" to get the same result, but I would really like a way have it like how it was on the older forum where there was a link above which would do that for you. It really helps keep track of your threads, especially for those who are in a lot of RPs.

The subscription feature is okay, but it doesn't show the page numbers for threads with multiple pages, so say, if I wanted to jump to the last page of a 50 page RP, I would have to go to the first page of the thread, then click on the last page. It's a minor inconvenience.

Vek, for whom I know is made of awesome, is there a way to have subscribed threads show their page numbers whenever you bring up your subscriptions? That, and is there also a way to bring back the view all threads posted link?
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