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Fx Male (story-focused, oc x canon || craving call of duty~♡)


Oct 12, 2023

the name's acheroniann -- feel free to call me some sort of nickname derived from that if you like lol ^_^ I'm a female, 21+, and newish to the site but eager to write! below I'll share some more details about my writing style/expectations, and below that I'll throw some potential interests/pairings. current cravings are at the bottom of the rt! ♡​

details + expectations

I only write with other female writers (who are willing to write male characters) if I can help it! comfort thing.
smut is negotiable! can be written out or f2b.
♡ I write multi-para/novella posts! third person, past tense. although I don't demand wordcounts from my writing partners, if you prefer to write one-liners or 100 words or less, we probably won't get along 3:
♡ I like to make character sheets, be they detailed or just the basics of appearance -- and I will ask that my partners do the same, however they would prefer! face claims are optional if you can give me a thorough enough written description. and as far as fcs go, I prefer photos, realistic art, or ai images! no anime/cartoon or over-stylized art, please.
♡ my reply times vary, but I'll probably log on at least once daily to check notifications.
♡ I prefer to write through pms! separate pm threads for ooc and ic.

interests + ideas

currently this rt will be for my main craving, but feel free to check out my other rt for a list of other interests and potential pairings! ^^


> cod
;; cod: mw ii, mw iii - warzone;; I have developed the urge to write opposite Simon "Ghost" Riley :'3 I could also easily go for Phillip Graves lololololol i'm sorry x3 honestly Soap wouldn't be turned down either ahahahah (nor would a potential love triangle?? jk jk ... unless??) I'm not super knowledgeable about cod lore/history etc., but I really like the premise/gameplay and could definitely go for an au kind of setup where creative liberties are possible/forgivable!)

current craving!!
call of duty: mw2/mw3
looking to write against:
simon "ghost" riley (xxx), phillip graves (xx), john "soap" mactavish (xx), konig (x)
would prefer not to if possible, as my muse is limited these days! but if that's a dealbreaker, I can be persuaded. doubling rps will be mxf, f2b only!

basic premise:
*disclaimer... I am by no means well-versed in cod lore! as stated previously, I've only played the recent mw2/3 campaigns and have stumbled across wayyy too many ai character chats lolol. so I'm not looking for something lore-heavy or canon, and will not be enraged if my partner writes a non-canon-accurate character haha. I'm primarily looking for an "au" -- essentially the canon world/story, but with creative liberties/artist's rendition allowed lol. now, onward!

I had a random character idea while listening to Don't Give Up by Ursine Vulpine (here, if you'd like to take a listen); I like taking ordinary characters and putting them in extraordinary settings/circumstances/company, and my thought was a regular young woman who loses her family in a konni/makarov terrorist attack (maybe the stadium attack in the flashback in mw3?). stricken with grief and the need for vengeance, she goes off-grid in attempts to track down konni/the man responsible for her family's deaths. at some point she comes across valuable information (how/when she gets it and what it is is up for brainstorming!), and this segues into either her running into tf141/a member of tf141 or them running into/finding her.

that's the barebones idea I want to work with -- more thoughts and details can be hashed out via pms! I will note that a looking for something a little more serious/gritty in tone, hurt/comfort, not so much fluff (though there'll certainly be moments for that) ♡​
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