Mx Female In the near future

Mature Male Writer

Nov 19, 2019
Coastal Georgia, US
In the near future, a political leader will be exiled to a floating island. He is so very popular that assassinating him or putting him in a regular prison would not work, so he is set adrift on a floating island of about 10 acres in size with every thing he needs and some luxuries. It is controlled by an AI system that slowly moves the island so he can't be found, and makes sure he can't leave. Think of the 1960s TV show The Prisoner . A drone delivers supplies, and he gets information and entertainment in, but nothing goes out except when those who set him adrift want to assure his followers he is alive, and even those who put him on the island, don't know where he is, only a computer holding the AI knows, and it is programmed not to tell.

The story might take several paths, 1) a female on the run washes up on the island, and after some development, a relationship happens, 2) the AI system observes the man is lonely, and based on the things he does, creates a female for him, 3) an idea a co-writer might have.

This concept is open to adaptation. I tend to write between 100 and 300 words a post, if that matters, and if the story is good, I post twice a day. I tend to write third person, put can do first if needed,

Thank you for reading my idea, and best wishes on all your writing efforts.
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