- Joined
- Dec 17, 2023
All characters are 23+ and up!
About Me:
Hiya, I'm 33F and looking for detail oriented writing partners!
While I prefer to write over discord, I may be open to staying on-site.
My posts vary from 4 to 8 paragraphs, depending on the scene. At times, my posts can even reach the 2-3k word count, so having a partner who enjoys detail (both in giving and receiving) is ideal. And because I'm looking for lengthy posts (usually in the 4-5 paragraph range), I have no issue with waiting days or weeks for a thoughtful reply. We all have lives offline and other responsibilities so I'm not looking to chase someone down for a reply or hassle them for attention. We're all adults here and should be able to communicate delays or other issues. No one is a mind-reader so if one of us has a concern, we should speak up rather than build resentment. My partner enjoying the story and contributing is important and I want this to be an equal story where we both are invested and taking the lead.
My RPs can contain NSFW elements (mature topics like drug use, alcohol, abuse, smut, mental health topics) so if there is any area or topic my partner would like us to avoid, please let me know ASAP so we can get on the same page! I respect the comfort and consent of my partner and strive to keep things running smoothly. The RP should have a healthy balance of romance, slice of life, fluff, survival, action and conflict (not just interpersonal). But, at the end of the day this is an escape and I would like our characters to come out the other side, better and happy despite obstacles. Putting characters through too much stress and torment doesn't interest me, so I want us to tackle mature topics as needed but not to the point of excess. We're here to create fun, fictional stories, not get bogged down in misery.
I write in third person, past tense. If you'd like a sample, I'd be happy to provide you with one.
Currently, I am looking for male writing partners, or those who write as men. I can write as either gender and am happy to double and contribute to the NPCs as needed.
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Game of Thrones
Seeking: Oberyn Martell
Offering: Female OC or aged up Sansa or Arya. Maybe Dany with some convincing.
Notes: I haven't written for GoT in a long, long time so I may be rusty!
Concept 1: One idea is that my OC encounters Oberyn in King's Landing. My OC is a servant working at the Red Keep. She is a baker and cook and has spent her life in servitude but is able to provide for her family, so she doesn't see her job as a negative. Once Oberyn joins the Small Council, my OC is assigned to assist Oberyn with his day to day needs (non-sexually of course). The two end up sparking a connection as they spend more time together, as Oberyn isn't frequenting brothels as much, so he can spend time with my OC at the castle. In his free time, he offers to teach my OC some self-defense tactics as he's noticed some men have been mistreating her and he wishes to protect her, when he's around but if not, he'd wants her to be strong to take care of herself. I would like to push the fight against Clegane back and take the pace slower regarding the trial. Of course, Oberyn will win or we have him fight someone else who is defeated.
Concept 2: Another idea I have it to start things prior to Oberyn's arrival to King's Landing. My OC is living somewhere in Essos (we can discuss details). Background is flexible! She and Oberyn cross paths while he's with the Second Sons. Oberyn could be hired to protect my OC or happen to save her from harm of his own volition from dangerous men. Or maybe she is also a mercenary and they work together, perhaps she's new to the Second Son's and needs looking after. Regardless, they have cute banter and begin to court one another. If Oberyn is still sleeping around, it would take even longer for my OC to warm up to something serious and exclusive with him. If we go this route, we can flesh out the locations of Essos and build up to the pair visiting King's Landing and dealing with the politics there. But this gives up a good foundation going into King's Landing.
Concept 3: My OC is from Winterfell (or nearby?) this take place later, with Oberyn not being in King's Landing at all. Instead, he is there to aid in the Battle of Winterfell against the White Walkers. My OC needs extra training and Oberyn takes it upon himself to train her as the group rallies to defend against the icy undead army. This one isn't as fleshed out as the others but I figured it would give us room to tackle whatever the last season was and do some rewrites. But I'm also open to suggestions!
The Mandalorian
Seeking: Din Djarin
Offering: Female OC (might be convinced to write as Cara Dune or Bo Katan Kryze with a good plot)
Notes: I have seen all three seasons and Book of Boba Fett, however that is the extent of my Star Wars knowledge. Having a partner who is more into the lore would be a great help, but I understand if being new to the fandom is a deal-breaker. I am open to doing a crossover with Star Trek, The Orville or something in the same genre.
Concept 1: My OC is from Garqi, born into a family of farmers. She meets a wealthy man who is passing through and after a brief courtship, they agree to marry. But he turns out to be less than an ideal partner and is actually abusive. My OC flees and finds refuge on another planet, hoping to restart her life. Her husband is scorned and puts a bounty on her head to bring her back to him. He is a prideful man and isn't keen on letting his friends and family find out about his wife's escape. Din takes the bounty and attempts to bring her back in, though a series of mishaps forces them to bond and he's considering forfeiting the bounty. This can occur prior to S1 or anywhere during the span of the three seasons.
Concept 2: My OC is kidnaped by pirates at a young age and raised among their ranks as one of their own. At a request for her freedom, she is given the task of bringing the helmet or head of Din Djarin to her unsavory leader. Her leader has been attacked numerous times by the Mandalorian and seeks revenge, regardless of my OC's inability to take him down. My OC must pursue Din Djarin, hoping to pose as someone in need to gain his trust before trying to betray him. Again, this can take place at any point.
Concept 3: My OC is a younger Mandalorian taken under Din Djarin's wing, likely best done post-S3 or before S1.
Concept 4: My OC is a petty thief, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Not sure what planet would work best, but I'm open! Her well-meaning thievery would likely have a bounty placed on her head. Like the first concept, they'd soon develop a dynamic and agree to work together.
Seeking: Javier Peña
Offering: Female OC
Notes: I am still working on the first season but still want to write something with it as I watch.
Concept 1: Javier Peña is introduced to a new DEA agent, Sasha Willows, and is tasked with partnering with her as well as Murphy. The trio continue to work together, trying to follow leads. Sasha and Javier get close, given she's sassy and bubbly. Given Murphy has a wife, he isn't one for going out after work, unlike Sasha. Javi and Sasha engage in banter, as a way to distract from the terrible world they're navigating. As leads dry up and Pablo Escobar continues to grow his empire, Sasha makes the bold suggestion of her going undercover to pose a maid for Escobar. At first, her suggestion is dismissed, citing her being new but also the evident danger. But after another string of bad luck, Sasha presses the idea again, determined to make some progress, even at the expense of her well-being. With much hesitation, Sasha is given the green light to pose as a maid. With the right paperwork and police aid, Sasha is now a maid serving Escobar and his family. He has vetted her and found no issues. Sasha begins to flirt and get close to Escobar while reporting to the task force any news she gets. Soon, her undercover position is compromised and Javi must work to save her. Our RP would start with Sasha's arrival.
Concept 2: After a night of drinking and trying to forget his trouble, Javier Peña stumbles upon a young woman in distress. She's being taken advantage of by a group of men Javier recognizes as part of Pablo Escobar's gang. Javi manages to scare them off before rescuing the young woman. He takes her back to his place, as it's a safe option and not too far. Come morning, the woman awakens and introduces herself as Rebecca "Becca" Watson, from the UK. She was on holiday and got captured while she was making her way to her hotel, in an unsafe area. With her passport and money taken, Javi insists she stays with him until things get resolved. Little does Javi know, Becca was blackmailed by Escobar to infiltrate the DEA task force and get close to Javier. While she is from the UK and was kidnapped by Escobar, he is holding her credentials hostage until she helps him get information on Peña and his partner. But as Becca and Javi get close, she realizes she cannot betray his trust and confesses to him, her grim situation. Our RP would start with Javi spotting Becca a dark alley.
The Last of Us
Seeking: Joel Miller
Offering: Female OC or aged up Ellie Williams
Notes: I haven't played the games, I've only seen the tv series.
Concept 1: My OC is from the UK and landed in the US with her family but after losing her mother, her father vanished one night due to heartache. My OC stumbles upon Joel and convinces him to escort her across the country in search of her father along the way. This can take place before or after S1. I do have a more detailed CS sheet, if interested.
Concept 2: My OC is a skilled tracker and is hired by the Fireflies to go after Joel and Ellie after what happened at the end of the first season. My OC manages to get into Jackson and begins to spark a relationship with Joel and Ellie with the intention of killing him and bringing Ellie back to the Fireflies. However, as they get to know one another, she begins to see that Joel and Ellie are better away from the Fireflies.
Concept 3: This omits Ellie entirely and my OC is the one who is immune. She is put in the care of Tommy Miller in the Boston QZ and he convinces his brother and Tess to go with him across the country. We would follow S1 as much as we'd like while adding other events along the way.
Concept 4: This is Joel x Ellie with Ellie aged up so she's 23. We can pick things up after S1 with them making roots in Jackson, before Ellie convinces Joel to head out and take on long supply runs, as she misses the freedom of the wilderness.
Concept 5: Ellie and her family have grown up in London and were very happy prior to the outbreak. She has fond but blurry memories of a life before one drenched in fear. Her mother was a kind woman who worked in law enforcement while her father was a professor of astrophysics. Once the outbreak hit the UK, Ellie and her parents roamed the landscape, moving from community to community. People were more welcoming and less deceptive than those in America and Ellie was able to still get an education through her parents and other adults. She made a few friends but given the lack of a home, she was unsure where to put emotional roots.
When she was 14, she was bit but withheld the information from her parents, frightened of the inevitable.
But when she didn't turn into a crazed infected, she broke the news to her parents and they were overjoyed. Her immunity was kept a secret and the three distanced themselves from others. Her father had overseas connections and sent word to America where a scientist in the Fireflies was able to get word of Ellie's immunity. Given the difficulty of communicating, it took several years before a plan was developed to have Elie and her folks sail to the east coast where the Fireflies would escort them to a hospital to confirm Ellie's immunity and possibly construct a cure.
During the long sailing adventure overseas, Ellie grew anxious about the outcome and if she could really save people. She was only 19 at the time and felt both excited to see more of the world, but nervous about her value. Upon landing in New York City, Ellie's parents were both killed by infected. Before Ellie could do much else, Marlene and the other Fireflies found her and took her away to safety. Marlene had a contact, a man named Frank. Frank by now, was in a serious relationship with Bill. Both men were against FEDRA and with some convincing and supplies promised, the two men took Ellie into their home for her protection while Marlene worked on getting Ellie's blood sample across the country for testing.
Meanwhile, Ellie and her new fathers soon grew close.
By the time Marlene had confirmed Ellie's immunity and hired Joel to be Ellie's escort, she was now 23 and very fond of her new family. With Frank's health in steep decline, Ellie isn't pleased about leaving but hopes her cure might lead to Frank and Bill finding some peace. Joel is now tasked with meeting back up with Frank and Bill to meet with Ellie. Our story will pick up with Joel's arrival at Bill and Frank's place.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle
Seeking: Jack Daniels
Offering: Female OC or Roxy Morton.
Notes: I'd like us to ignore Jack's betrayal from the film.
Concept 1: My OC is a Kingsman agent and is requested by Champagne to pose as a new addition to Statesman. She is give a mission where she is to observe and report any odd behavior as Champ is concerned there is a traitor among the Statesmen but he needs an outside set of eyes to investigate. My OC is partners with Whiskey and they go on several local missions together. The real mole is a man behind the scenes who feels overlooked and is trying to sabotage missions, hoping to be the hero who saves the day. Eventually the mole gets more bold and begins making errors that result in injury and even the deaths of innocent people caught in the middle of a mission. My OC and Whiskey begin to grow close and reply upon one another, both eager to find the mole.
Concept 2: My OC is part of the Kingsman and managed to evade being targeted by Poppy's attack. She goes by the codename belvedere. Her real name is Jen Willow. While Eggsy focuses on getting Harry's memory back, Jen tags along with Jack to follow leads circulating around The Golden Circle. The pace of the sequel will lengthen considerably as our two character follow a lead that takes them to the Glastonbury music festival. Jen and Jack try to get close to Charlie's ex and pose as a couple looking to include Clara. Once the tracker has been planted, Jen and Jack then enjoy themselves with the job handled. While they get to know one another (again slow burn, no instant feelings except for cute flirting and banter) Poppy continues to poison the world. Her infection is much slower and allows her to begin negotiations with world leaders about meeting her demands. Meanwhile, once Harry regains his memories, he is suspicious of Jack (who isn't a double agent) and this causes a rift between the three Kingsman agents and Merlin. Our story may diverge here and send Jen and Jack undercover together to take down Poppy without Eggsy and Harry's aid. We'd start at the beginning of their arrival to Kentucky.
This can be adjusted so my character is Roxy, instead.
Concept 3: My OC is from Jack's past when he was in high school. She happens to be a new recruit for Statesman and she works with him, rekindling odd feelings of the past. This can be adjusted so she's really an enemy spy or something. I'm flexible.
About Me:
Hiya, I'm 33F and looking for detail oriented writing partners!
While I prefer to write over discord, I may be open to staying on-site.
My posts vary from 4 to 8 paragraphs, depending on the scene. At times, my posts can even reach the 2-3k word count, so having a partner who enjoys detail (both in giving and receiving) is ideal. And because I'm looking for lengthy posts (usually in the 4-5 paragraph range), I have no issue with waiting days or weeks for a thoughtful reply. We all have lives offline and other responsibilities so I'm not looking to chase someone down for a reply or hassle them for attention. We're all adults here and should be able to communicate delays or other issues. No one is a mind-reader so if one of us has a concern, we should speak up rather than build resentment. My partner enjoying the story and contributing is important and I want this to be an equal story where we both are invested and taking the lead.
My RPs can contain NSFW elements (mature topics like drug use, alcohol, abuse, smut, mental health topics) so if there is any area or topic my partner would like us to avoid, please let me know ASAP so we can get on the same page! I respect the comfort and consent of my partner and strive to keep things running smoothly. The RP should have a healthy balance of romance, slice of life, fluff, survival, action and conflict (not just interpersonal). But, at the end of the day this is an escape and I would like our characters to come out the other side, better and happy despite obstacles. Putting characters through too much stress and torment doesn't interest me, so I want us to tackle mature topics as needed but not to the point of excess. We're here to create fun, fictional stories, not get bogged down in misery.
I write in third person, past tense. If you'd like a sample, I'd be happy to provide you with one.
Currently, I am looking for male writing partners, or those who write as men. I can write as either gender and am happy to double and contribute to the NPCs as needed.
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Game of Thrones

Seeking: Oberyn Martell
Offering: Female OC or aged up Sansa or Arya. Maybe Dany with some convincing.
Notes: I haven't written for GoT in a long, long time so I may be rusty!
Concept 1: One idea is that my OC encounters Oberyn in King's Landing. My OC is a servant working at the Red Keep. She is a baker and cook and has spent her life in servitude but is able to provide for her family, so she doesn't see her job as a negative. Once Oberyn joins the Small Council, my OC is assigned to assist Oberyn with his day to day needs (non-sexually of course). The two end up sparking a connection as they spend more time together, as Oberyn isn't frequenting brothels as much, so he can spend time with my OC at the castle. In his free time, he offers to teach my OC some self-defense tactics as he's noticed some men have been mistreating her and he wishes to protect her, when he's around but if not, he'd wants her to be strong to take care of herself. I would like to push the fight against Clegane back and take the pace slower regarding the trial. Of course, Oberyn will win or we have him fight someone else who is defeated.
Concept 2: Another idea I have it to start things prior to Oberyn's arrival to King's Landing. My OC is living somewhere in Essos (we can discuss details). Background is flexible! She and Oberyn cross paths while he's with the Second Sons. Oberyn could be hired to protect my OC or happen to save her from harm of his own volition from dangerous men. Or maybe she is also a mercenary and they work together, perhaps she's new to the Second Son's and needs looking after. Regardless, they have cute banter and begin to court one another. If Oberyn is still sleeping around, it would take even longer for my OC to warm up to something serious and exclusive with him. If we go this route, we can flesh out the locations of Essos and build up to the pair visiting King's Landing and dealing with the politics there. But this gives up a good foundation going into King's Landing.
Concept 3: My OC is from Winterfell (or nearby?) this take place later, with Oberyn not being in King's Landing at all. Instead, he is there to aid in the Battle of Winterfell against the White Walkers. My OC needs extra training and Oberyn takes it upon himself to train her as the group rallies to defend against the icy undead army. This one isn't as fleshed out as the others but I figured it would give us room to tackle whatever the last season was and do some rewrites. But I'm also open to suggestions!
The Mandalorian

Seeking: Din Djarin
Offering: Female OC (might be convinced to write as Cara Dune or Bo Katan Kryze with a good plot)
Notes: I have seen all three seasons and Book of Boba Fett, however that is the extent of my Star Wars knowledge. Having a partner who is more into the lore would be a great help, but I understand if being new to the fandom is a deal-breaker. I am open to doing a crossover with Star Trek, The Orville or something in the same genre.
Concept 1: My OC is from Garqi, born into a family of farmers. She meets a wealthy man who is passing through and after a brief courtship, they agree to marry. But he turns out to be less than an ideal partner and is actually abusive. My OC flees and finds refuge on another planet, hoping to restart her life. Her husband is scorned and puts a bounty on her head to bring her back to him. He is a prideful man and isn't keen on letting his friends and family find out about his wife's escape. Din takes the bounty and attempts to bring her back in, though a series of mishaps forces them to bond and he's considering forfeiting the bounty. This can occur prior to S1 or anywhere during the span of the three seasons.
Concept 2: My OC is kidnaped by pirates at a young age and raised among their ranks as one of their own. At a request for her freedom, she is given the task of bringing the helmet or head of Din Djarin to her unsavory leader. Her leader has been attacked numerous times by the Mandalorian and seeks revenge, regardless of my OC's inability to take him down. My OC must pursue Din Djarin, hoping to pose as someone in need to gain his trust before trying to betray him. Again, this can take place at any point.
Concept 3: My OC is a younger Mandalorian taken under Din Djarin's wing, likely best done post-S3 or before S1.
Concept 4: My OC is a petty thief, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Not sure what planet would work best, but I'm open! Her well-meaning thievery would likely have a bounty placed on her head. Like the first concept, they'd soon develop a dynamic and agree to work together.

Seeking: Javier Peña
Offering: Female OC
Notes: I am still working on the first season but still want to write something with it as I watch.
Concept 1: Javier Peña is introduced to a new DEA agent, Sasha Willows, and is tasked with partnering with her as well as Murphy. The trio continue to work together, trying to follow leads. Sasha and Javier get close, given she's sassy and bubbly. Given Murphy has a wife, he isn't one for going out after work, unlike Sasha. Javi and Sasha engage in banter, as a way to distract from the terrible world they're navigating. As leads dry up and Pablo Escobar continues to grow his empire, Sasha makes the bold suggestion of her going undercover to pose a maid for Escobar. At first, her suggestion is dismissed, citing her being new but also the evident danger. But after another string of bad luck, Sasha presses the idea again, determined to make some progress, even at the expense of her well-being. With much hesitation, Sasha is given the green light to pose as a maid. With the right paperwork and police aid, Sasha is now a maid serving Escobar and his family. He has vetted her and found no issues. Sasha begins to flirt and get close to Escobar while reporting to the task force any news she gets. Soon, her undercover position is compromised and Javi must work to save her. Our RP would start with Sasha's arrival.
Concept 2: After a night of drinking and trying to forget his trouble, Javier Peña stumbles upon a young woman in distress. She's being taken advantage of by a group of men Javier recognizes as part of Pablo Escobar's gang. Javi manages to scare them off before rescuing the young woman. He takes her back to his place, as it's a safe option and not too far. Come morning, the woman awakens and introduces herself as Rebecca "Becca" Watson, from the UK. She was on holiday and got captured while she was making her way to her hotel, in an unsafe area. With her passport and money taken, Javi insists she stays with him until things get resolved. Little does Javi know, Becca was blackmailed by Escobar to infiltrate the DEA task force and get close to Javier. While she is from the UK and was kidnapped by Escobar, he is holding her credentials hostage until she helps him get information on Peña and his partner. But as Becca and Javi get close, she realizes she cannot betray his trust and confesses to him, her grim situation. Our RP would start with Javi spotting Becca a dark alley.
The Last of Us

Seeking: Joel Miller
Offering: Female OC or aged up Ellie Williams
Notes: I haven't played the games, I've only seen the tv series.
Concept 1: My OC is from the UK and landed in the US with her family but after losing her mother, her father vanished one night due to heartache. My OC stumbles upon Joel and convinces him to escort her across the country in search of her father along the way. This can take place before or after S1. I do have a more detailed CS sheet, if interested.
Concept 2: My OC is a skilled tracker and is hired by the Fireflies to go after Joel and Ellie after what happened at the end of the first season. My OC manages to get into Jackson and begins to spark a relationship with Joel and Ellie with the intention of killing him and bringing Ellie back to the Fireflies. However, as they get to know one another, she begins to see that Joel and Ellie are better away from the Fireflies.
Concept 3: This omits Ellie entirely and my OC is the one who is immune. She is put in the care of Tommy Miller in the Boston QZ and he convinces his brother and Tess to go with him across the country. We would follow S1 as much as we'd like while adding other events along the way.
Concept 4: This is Joel x Ellie with Ellie aged up so she's 23. We can pick things up after S1 with them making roots in Jackson, before Ellie convinces Joel to head out and take on long supply runs, as she misses the freedom of the wilderness.
Concept 5: Ellie and her family have grown up in London and were very happy prior to the outbreak. She has fond but blurry memories of a life before one drenched in fear. Her mother was a kind woman who worked in law enforcement while her father was a professor of astrophysics. Once the outbreak hit the UK, Ellie and her parents roamed the landscape, moving from community to community. People were more welcoming and less deceptive than those in America and Ellie was able to still get an education through her parents and other adults. She made a few friends but given the lack of a home, she was unsure where to put emotional roots.
When she was 14, she was bit but withheld the information from her parents, frightened of the inevitable.
But when she didn't turn into a crazed infected, she broke the news to her parents and they were overjoyed. Her immunity was kept a secret and the three distanced themselves from others. Her father had overseas connections and sent word to America where a scientist in the Fireflies was able to get word of Ellie's immunity. Given the difficulty of communicating, it took several years before a plan was developed to have Elie and her folks sail to the east coast where the Fireflies would escort them to a hospital to confirm Ellie's immunity and possibly construct a cure.
During the long sailing adventure overseas, Ellie grew anxious about the outcome and if she could really save people. She was only 19 at the time and felt both excited to see more of the world, but nervous about her value. Upon landing in New York City, Ellie's parents were both killed by infected. Before Ellie could do much else, Marlene and the other Fireflies found her and took her away to safety. Marlene had a contact, a man named Frank. Frank by now, was in a serious relationship with Bill. Both men were against FEDRA and with some convincing and supplies promised, the two men took Ellie into their home for her protection while Marlene worked on getting Ellie's blood sample across the country for testing.
Meanwhile, Ellie and her new fathers soon grew close.
By the time Marlene had confirmed Ellie's immunity and hired Joel to be Ellie's escort, she was now 23 and very fond of her new family. With Frank's health in steep decline, Ellie isn't pleased about leaving but hopes her cure might lead to Frank and Bill finding some peace. Joel is now tasked with meeting back up with Frank and Bill to meet with Ellie. Our story will pick up with Joel's arrival at Bill and Frank's place.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Seeking: Jack Daniels
Offering: Female OC or Roxy Morton.
Notes: I'd like us to ignore Jack's betrayal from the film.
Concept 1: My OC is a Kingsman agent and is requested by Champagne to pose as a new addition to Statesman. She is give a mission where she is to observe and report any odd behavior as Champ is concerned there is a traitor among the Statesmen but he needs an outside set of eyes to investigate. My OC is partners with Whiskey and they go on several local missions together. The real mole is a man behind the scenes who feels overlooked and is trying to sabotage missions, hoping to be the hero who saves the day. Eventually the mole gets more bold and begins making errors that result in injury and even the deaths of innocent people caught in the middle of a mission. My OC and Whiskey begin to grow close and reply upon one another, both eager to find the mole.
Concept 2: My OC is part of the Kingsman and managed to evade being targeted by Poppy's attack. She goes by the codename belvedere. Her real name is Jen Willow. While Eggsy focuses on getting Harry's memory back, Jen tags along with Jack to follow leads circulating around The Golden Circle. The pace of the sequel will lengthen considerably as our two character follow a lead that takes them to the Glastonbury music festival. Jen and Jack try to get close to Charlie's ex and pose as a couple looking to include Clara. Once the tracker has been planted, Jen and Jack then enjoy themselves with the job handled. While they get to know one another (again slow burn, no instant feelings except for cute flirting and banter) Poppy continues to poison the world. Her infection is much slower and allows her to begin negotiations with world leaders about meeting her demands. Meanwhile, once Harry regains his memories, he is suspicious of Jack (who isn't a double agent) and this causes a rift between the three Kingsman agents and Merlin. Our story may diverge here and send Jen and Jack undercover together to take down Poppy without Eggsy and Harry's aid. We'd start at the beginning of their arrival to Kentucky.
This can be adjusted so my character is Roxy, instead.
Concept 3: My OC is from Jack's past when he was in high school. She happens to be a new recruit for Statesman and she works with him, rekindling odd feelings of the past. This can be adjusted so she's really an enemy spy or something. I'm flexible.
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