Mx Female Spiderman: Another Chance (Gwen and Peter after No Way Home)


Jul 15, 2017
I'm Rustic, your friendly neighbourhood RP guy. I've been RPing for a long time, as well as writing in general. In fact, I'm lucky enough to call it my job. I'm craving an RP of Gwen and Peter at the moment, but first I'll go over a few typical things I look for and what you could expect out of me.

Spacer▶▷ Emotions

This is first on my list because it's that important to me. Whether it's a story or a smutfest, I need to feel what your character is feeling. Especially love and desire. I will do the same.​

Spacer▶▷ Romance

I'm on these forums for romance more than anything else. Even if it's a kink-focused story, I expect romance, or at least relationship dynamics to be a part of it.​

Spacer▶▷ Activity

I'm looking for a posting rate of 1-2 posts a week, and I try my best to match that. Of course, life happens, and I get muses, so I don't generally push. I might poke though, especially if you haven't communicated why there is a long gap. However, I might lose interest if there are 2+ weeks between posts regularly. As per the section on communication, please let me know if you'll be busy.​

Spacer▶▷ Post Length

I'm usually not picky, but over time I've realized I don't like overly long, or far too short posts. You don't have to stress with me if a response is too short or too long, but generally, I like 2-5 paragraphs, with exceptions of course. Give me emotions, reactions, descriptions, and something for my character to react to. But we're also not writing a novel. The bigger it is, the more time I need to spend on it, and may not get to it right away.​

Spacer▶▷ Quality

Third person, past tense, always. I can't RP any other way. Also, I understand mistakes (I make them all the time), but at the very least please double-check your post for spelling/grammar issues. If you give me depth, emotions, complex characters, and you know the difference between telling and showing and when to use which, we'll get along really well. But I'm not too picky when all is said and done.​

Spacer▶▷ Excitement/Feedback

Something I've discovered over time RPing, is that if there's no excitement about the RP from my partner, it tends to hurt my muse. I don't expect you to tell me after every post how amazing the RP is for you, but some feedback is almost a must. I try my best to give feedback as well. At the very least I need to feel like you're enjoying the RP via our OOC talks or via the writing. If you're not, tell me so we can fix things. I don't mind re-writing posts or removing posts, I've done it before without hesitation. I want my partners to enjoy it as much as I do, and if I wrote something that doesn't work for you, we can wave the magic wand and we can pretend it didn't happen in the story. Of course, we can also talk about ending an RP if we're not feeling it.​

Spacer▶▷ Gender

In character, I usually play Male against Female or Trans Female. I'm fine playing against any RL gender... however, I haven't had the best experiences playing against men. It's not a no, but you'd have to convince me.​

Spacer▶▷ Tops/Bottoms or Dominant/Submissive

This is just a blanket statement and of course, it depends on my partner and the pairing/story, but I love assertive female characters. Women who drive things, who can take control. I don't need us to necessarily have a powerplay, but the last thing I want is to play a dom or a top to your sub/bottom. I don't mind if we play switches or equals. My preference is for a more dominant (or at least assertive) woman to play against. If you like it, I especially love femdom, but it's not a necessity. Note: Just because I sometimes like to play a sub-male, doesn't mean I don't drive the story forward, and it doesn't mean my character is weak or a pushover.​


Another Chance

I normally never do canon characters, but I'm just really craving this. I enjoyed the Garfield Spiderman movies but mostly loved the casting. Gwen became my favourite Spiderman love interest because of Emma Stone. So ideally we would play these characters as they appeared on screen. It's a continuation of the story after Spider-Man: No Way Home.

YC is Ghost-spider, Gwen (Emma Stone) from another universe, who has lost her Peter. MC is Peter (Andrew Garfield) who has lost his Gwen and just travelled to another universe to help two other spider-men stop a bunch of villains. What brings them together? Maybe upon returning, he went to the wrong universe. Or maybe a villain from Gwen's universe slipped into Peter's. Then they team up to take care of the villain and connect through their loss. Lots of romance and action in this one. Do they fall in love? Do they go back to their universes? A lot of ideas we can explore here.​
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