Mx Female Tales Around the Hearth

Dec 14, 2023
A little about me: Typically I reply 2-3 times per week depending on how things are at work. A post will average between 500-1000 words depending on what is happening in the story. They are 3rd person, past tense replies, and I do try to write with detail as well as character thought. I do enjoy smut in my roleplay, but within the context of a good story.

What I ask of you: Please use good punctuation, and grammer, though I certainly do not expect it to be perfect (mine certainly isn't). I ask for at least 2 posts a week otherwise I begin to lose interest in a roleplay, with something similar in word count to what you are receiving from me. Please plot with me OOC as well as that helps make a better story.

Let me quickly say that I am a very easy going partner. Regardless of your writing skill or confidence level please do not hesitate to reach out if something here sounds interesting.

"Greystone Security is begging to pick you up Max," he said while tossing the paper filled manila folder on top of the dark mahogany desk. Max glanced from his friend to the folder, but his mind lingered on the desk. He and Jim had served in the army together for a single tour, but had become fast friends. After getting out Jim had gone on to finish his law degree, and now was a partner in a prestigious New York law firm while Max had continued in his special forces training. Max suspected that the mahogany desk was worth more than he currently made in an entire year. Yet despite his status Jim never gave up on their friendship, and had moved heaven and earth to help Max after his wife left him.

"I don't want to work for Greystone," Max replied coolly, refusing to meet his friend's eyes. Jim was going out on a limb to help him, this he knew, but Max could feel his guts clench at the mere thought of throwing in with Greystone. Jim's exasperation boiled over and he threw his hands up in the air as he turned his back to Max. "Just listen Jim!" Max hissed, "Everyone knows what they do, the type of ops they run out of Chechnya, Somalia, and Afghanistan. I don't want to be a part of that!"

Jim shook his head slowly as a hiss pushed through his clenched teeth. Strolling back to his desk Jim sat heavily in the beautiful leather chair, its high back framing him as though he were a king. After an intense stare at Max he waved his hand abstractly around his corner office. "So, do you think I got all this by being a boy scout? Do you think I only represented the innocent and sniffed out the truly guilty to be able to afford this office, my mansion and my yacht?" Jim's condescending attitude rankled Max, but he stoically took the verbal beating. "The world is a dirty place Max, you know this. Hell, you know this better than anybody!"

Jim slid one of the beautiful drawers open on the lavish desk and took out a bottle of bourbon to pour Max a drink. Sliding the shot over to Max Jim frowned, his deeply furrowed brow crumpling in tragedy. "The people Greystone employs do some things, ya, I get it. But the things they do are gonna get done either by you or by somebody else. Your skill set Max, my god, you would be perfect. The money you'd make from your base salary alone will take care of your problems soon enough. Pick up a few black ops assignments and you'll be out of debt in no time. You could be living like a king in just a few years."

Max scowled just before tossing back the shot of whiskey Jim pushed his way. "I'm not a fucking merc, Jim!"

"Oh grow up for fuck's sake!" Jim boomed at his friend, spittle flying from his mouth as he slammed his fist on the desk. Leaning across the desk Jim hammered his finger into the dark, expensive wood in front of Max, his voice now low and vicious. "Your ex got you in a shit ton of debt Max, do you understand that? The banks that her and her fuck buddy screwed over with their half legal schemes are not going to let this go. They will rip your ass apart in court, and they have enough pull with circuit court judges that bankruptcy will not save you. Do you hear me Max? Bankruptcy will not save you!" Jim leaned back again in his chair taking a deep breath before refilling their glasses. "Those banks don't give a shit about your military record and your goddamned medals, but they do give a shit about making an example out of you. They are going to take everything you got, and everything you're ever gonna have. You got nothing right now, and they are gonna make sure you have nothing for the rest of your life until they are paid back, with interest!"

Max scrunched his eyes tightly shut, his calloused hands pressing against his temples. His heart pounded in his chest as a cold sweat broke out across his back. A phantom vice gripped his chest, and for a moment he wondered if he was having a heart attack. "Jim, I can't...I just can't be a merc. Please, is there anything else? Any other jobs, just something to cover my bills so I don't get farther behind."

Jim stared at Max like a father staring at a nave son. After a long moment he sipped the strong smooth bourbon he had poured both of them, leaned back to grab another stack of papers and tossed them haphazardly at Max. "How about a fucking babysitting job," Jim laughed sardonically, his head shaking slowly. "A prima donna celebrity needs watching, mainly from herself it sounds like. Her frantic manager desperately needs someone to keep an eye on her so she doesn't do something stupid. Too young, too much fame, and too much money. You get it."

Max glanced at the stack of papers. Pangs of loss began twinging in his gut as he realized this would be the last time Greystone would ever offer him a job if he turned this one down. He could simply not bring himself to accept it, and he hated that decision. "The pay is alright?"

"The pay would be fucking great if you didn't have 3 international banks targeting you," came Jim's sarcastic response. "But after they get their monthly payments there might be enough left over to buy yourself a goddamned cheeseburger."

Max slumped back in the plush office chair opposite his friend, and slowly shook his head, his eyes riveted to the magnificent desk between them. "There has got to be something else Jim, I just can't do the kind of work Greystone wants me to do." For the first time in his life Max began to feel defeated. He felt as if the only choices remaining for him were poverty or immorality. At least that was an easy choice, thought Max, because he knew he would never sell out who he was as a person.

Jim leaned back in his chair, a sharp breath whistling between his lips as his eyes rolled mildly at his friend. Reaching behind to a small table Jim pulled a thick manila envelope from a stack of messy papers, and tossed it contemptuously on the desk in front of Max. "Well there is that," Jim replied, spitting the words from his mouth as if they tasted bitter. Leaning forward on the desk Jim watched his friend closely, a wry smile on his face. "Somebody needs a bodyguard. Its far beneath your talent, but the pay is very good."

Max sat up straight as a fleeting hope whispered through his mind. "A bodyguard?" he asked as he picked up the envelope. "Who is it?"

"Some spoiled brat celebrity," Jim replied, his words dripping with contempt. "You know the type...too much fame, too much money, and too young to handle it. She's a pop singer I think, I don't know, I don't listen to that crap." Jim watched his friend and nearly laughed as he saw both interest and desperation reveal themselves in Max's face.

"Crazy stalker fan?" asked Max, feeling his resolve returning. He glanced through the papers in the envelope, noting the name of the pop singer. Did he know her? Max did not listen to pop music either, but the name reminded him of someone his daughter talked incessantly about, a young 20 something mega star who managed to always be in the news.

"Her agent had contacted an associate of mine. Seems she needs more protection from herself than anyone else." Jim leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing as he shook his head.

Max let out a sigh of relief. Although the pay was good, it was far less than what he would need to get out from his debt, but at least he could take care of his personal expenses and have a little left over to spend on his daughter. "Alright," Max replied, sounding more put together, a tired breath escaping his lips as he picked up the envelope.

Pairings I Enjoy (italics represents my preference):

Neko x Human
Celebrity x Bodyguard
Vampire x Vampire (think Vampire The Masquerade - World building wanted here )
Master x slave (BDSM)
Dom x sub

Genre's I enjoy:

Dark SciFi
Dark Fantasy
D/s and BDSM
Post Apocalypse
Modern (I am a little picky about plots here)

Some plot ideas:

Vampire Diaries -
This is a slightly different approach to roleplaying that I have used in the past for other stories, but would like to try it with a vampire plot. The idea is that our characters (and any side characters) are writing letters to each other, with the plot being progressed through the correspondences that they "send" to each other. I picture this taking place in the Victorian era, but our characters could be traveling all around the world as they write to each other (they are vampires after all). This would be the perfect RP to flex your writing talent as letters from this era are known for their exquisite beauty and eloquence. So go over the top with it! The plot I envision would revolve around the lives of vampires within their secret shadow empire with ideas ranging from political intrigue and power struggles, to rogue elements, and even the exquisite brutal love of the vampire kind. Truly nothing is off limits here. Let us be bold!

Weird Prizes! (fast paced RP) In a world where Kemonomimi are expensive pets of the ultra rich, a raffle is held as an elaborate publicity stunt. The prize is an expensive Kemonomimi. And the winner is a middle class workaholic who has no idea what to do with her. (This plot needs considerable fleshing out which I would enjoy with an enthusiastic partner)

Crazy Celebs A super star with a massive world wide following is in desperate need of a body guard to not only protect her from her fans, but also from herself.

Love Stings A couple lives a 1950s-esque marriage where their D/s lifestyle takes center stage in their everyday lives in upper middle class suburbia.

4- Vampire Kingdom For those who want to go all in with world building let's make an adventure in the world if the Masquerade. Here we plot the machinations of those who rule the night as they struggle for power in their shadow kingdom.

Don't see what you like? I would like to hear your ideas so PM me!
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