Mx Female The Tentacle Queen


Jan 10, 2022
Hello there Everyone.

A little bit about myself. I am a roleplayer from South Africa, 31 years old and have been roleplaying for a good 15-16 years now, I do consider myself to be pretty experienced in roleplaying and

Been looking at making a roleplay about tentacle monsters for a while and have managed to refine the idea a little more now. The story is a good mix of horror, sci-fi, with a sprinkle of politics, and lots and lots of sexual themes, though not straight up smut/sex being written. I do tend to write a good 3+ paragraphs per response, and tend to play in 3rd person. Now onto the story idea.

Tentacle monsters have been a recurring issue for the human race. Coming up now and again, though always being able to be defeated, or pushed back every single time. However everytime this happens humanity gets closer and closer to extinction. Since the last outbreak, humanity was able to capture a piece of the hive, and have been keeping it safe and locked up in a lab on an island. It has been centuries now, and an organization started to try and free this specimen from captivity. No one in the org knowing how dangerous they can be other than the head of the org. Your Character is that person, she has done a lot of research on these creatures and come to understand that tentacle monsters need a woman to grow a hive, and the only way a good hive is made is with a strong woman to control the creature in the centre of it. The King of the hive so to speak.

Your Character is looking at becoming the queen of the hive and show the world how good it is to be part of this. Though she does not know of much else, she does know that their slime is addictive and has been taking some precautions to make sure she does not get brainwashed by it.

This is what I have for now, it can and will be expanded upon as there is a lot that can happen. Also I am looking for ideas in terms of how does your character go ahead and free this creature. Does she start the extinction of the human race or is she looking on improving humans. Lots to be explored.

I prefer to roleplay through this site in PM, but Discord can be given to really promising ideas.
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