Mx Female From Humble Beginnings To Wonders Untold (Seeking GM)


May 8, 2011
I'm throwing this out as more of a shot in the dark than anything, but I've spent the last while poking at ChatGPT's ability to generate narrative adventure with a stick. Obviously it has its limitations, but it did pump out enough narrative meat and potatoes to get me increasingly hungry for an actual, proper GMed adventure that centers around a gradual progression to power, starting from a dirt-streaked peasant with no real prospects, and through hard work and study becoming someone who can wield impractically ridiculous amounts of magical power because they're really, REALLY booksmart. Think a budding Raistlin Majere, plus or minus that little bit of trying to overthrow the entire pantheon of gods in his world.

I am more than happy to help do a lot of legwork when it comes to worldbuilding and course charting, so this isn't me insisting that someone do all of the hard work while I reap all the benefit. I'm also happy to create and provide secondary characters. We could even discuss a 'Co-GM, Co-MC' arrangement where we're both taking on the load evenly, creating episodic little 'side-quests' for each of our characters to indulge in, and otherwise making sure we're both getting something out of it.

This request is a bit vague right now, barring a prospective partner to brainstorm with I might flesh it out more later. Just right now, after spending a few hours bumping up against some of the inherent limitations in AI-driven roleplay scenarios, I would love to have that human touch.

Speaking of human touch, as for the smuttier stuff... I mean, I'm never going to say no to lewds, but honestly if a GM would rather largely not have it, I genuinely don't mind. This is more my nerdy bone than my horny bone, and if I had to pick one over the other, nerdy bone is winning out.
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