Mx Female Story Seeds of Growth And Survival

Dec 12, 2023
Hi there, thanks for stopping by! This can be considered a work in progress, but may as well post it to see if anything interesting happens.

I tend to write several paragraphs at a time, aiming for around one post a day even if I don't always succeed at that.

My major limits are scat, feet, and sexualized violence or gore. If a fight breaks out and someone gets maimed or killed? Cool. Someone starts masturbating to the carnage? Not cool. Thinks like slapping or choking during sex are fine, but nothing that would cause permanent damage.

Kinks are varied, generally tending towards the darker. That said, I will happily write anything from super vanilla fluffiness to super dark rapecore.

So what I'm looking for at the moment is stories of struggle, survival, growth and power; stories in which the primary character or characters start off in a weak or disadvantageous position and steadily grow to achieve their goals, with plenty of sex as either the objective or the means through which objectives are achieved.

And now that I've established myself as a complete nerd, allow me to elaborate. Ultimately this is requesting two different story types, one that would focus on my playing a male lead and another that would focus on my potential partner playing a female lead. I'll add some brief examples of each below.

Overpowered characters can be super entertaining for a scene or two, but it's very difficult to carry a story with them. It's much more interesting to see how a character became overpowered, or became super rich, or super studly or whatever. It's also far more interesting if they achieved all these goals without some sort of cheating, overpowered ability. Of course the mind controller can fuck anybody he wants. If he wants to bang a celebrity, he just says "Hey, you should fuck me." But what if all he can do is get them to truthfully answer yes or no questions? How are you supposed to leverage that into wealth and power?

By doing enough investigation and research to find a celebrity cheating on her husband, getting into a conversation with her, have her admit the affair on tape and then blackmail her with it, that's how.

I don't know about you, but that second one sounds way more entertaining to me.

Which develops into a story about a guy who, though cunning, skill, and perhaps some slightly greater-than-normal ability, grows and develops from some random schmuck into a powerful and important person. Likely banging various women along the way, either as objectives and rewards or because the sex itself somehow benefits his growth. Turns out you can talk to animals if you bang enough forest nymphs, who knew?

"It's like those really shitty mobile games, the 'city builders' and 'rpg' ones that are really just elaborate cash grabs filled with microtransactions. All the new player bonus stuff." He looked back at the reporter hoping for a glimmer of understanding, but the young woman just stared back blankly with her fingers still over her laptop's keyboard.

"Ok...see, you sign up, you make a new account. And you play the first couple of levels or whatever and you're like okay, I can see myself wasting some time on this. But then you get the new player welcome package, and the login bonus, and the level five bonus package, and suddenly you've got over a million gold and nine-different S-class heroes and twelve different legendary weapons, and you just don't care anymore, you know?"

She still wasn't typing, and he sighed. "It's the instant gratification. We all say we want it, but we don't. When the player is given a huge amount of...of stuff, none of it matters because we didn't work for it. It's only the things that we work for that actually matter to us. We care because we put in effort, and we are rewarded for that effort. If you go straight to reward, there's no sense of accomplishment, of meaning."

The woman nodded faintly as she typed, though her face was in a bit of a grimace. "That's a really weird metaphor," she said, her eyes flicking to the screen. "I'm just gonna say something about dessert before dinner, people will actually understand that one."

Huh, that hurt his feelings a little more than he'd thought it would. Whatever, he told himself with a sigh. If he thought he could write this down properly, he wouldn't have hired her. "Sure, fine. The point is that if we just get whatever we want, none of it matters. If someone handed me a billion dollars, I don't care that I have a billion dollars, I'd just spend it on worthless crap. But if I earn it, then it's important to me so it matters that I spend it well."

She'd stopped typing again, and was just sort of staring at him now. "Sir, with all due respect, if this is more 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps' shit I'm just going to pass on this whole article. You married into an obscenely rich family, bought several companies for a dollar, are seen with a different woman on your arm every other day and-"

She frowned a little, the events of the last couple of hours probably replaying in her mind. " me to come here by using mind control. Which I am only now realizing I should be more concerned about?"

"Okay, good, yes, that's my point!" he exclaimed excitedly. "That's what makes me different from other rich assholes, I earned all of it! Granted it was a really roundabout way and alright, I absolutely had help getting started, but I didn't just snap my fingers and become rich!"

She was still staring at him, her face in that familiar blend of academically knowing she should be panicking and yet not bothering to do so. "Except you did. Mind control."

"Not at first though," he quickly corrected her. "At first I was just the plaything of some asshole God." She blinked. "Oh, right, gods are real. Or at least, there are beings as powerful as gods. I don't know if they're, you know, god gods."

Her fingers were moving again. Under insidious mental control or not, this was suddenly a story again. "A...god made you rich and powerful?"

"Sort of." He let out a sigh as he slumped back into his seat across from her. "She wanted to, or at least that was what She was offering. But I said no. I was a no one, some college kid with a dead end job that was going to have to drop out because I just couldn't afford tuition. Then She's just...there, offering to make me a king."

"And you said no."

"Well, yeah," he nodded. "First off, deals with bizarre otherwordly beings always come with strings that they don't mention attached to them. And second, I wasn't exactly brimming with self-confidence. I figured if I had that kind of power I'd just fuck it up like I did everything else, and hurt a lot of people along the way. So I said no, and She looked like I'd sprouted a few extra heads. I never even found out what Her real motive for offering was. I think She just liked giving humans power and watching them get screwed with it."

The reporter's fingers were moving much more quickly now. "But she clearly gave you something. Otherwise," she tilted her head, indicating the penthouse suite. "We wouldn't be having this conversation."

"Yeah, She did. People had to keep their promises to me. If they told me they would do something then it didn't matter if they were lying, or sarcastic, or whatever. They would do it. Couldn't make them agree to anything, but once they did, they would always keep their word."

"That's it? How exactly did you turn that into all of this?"

He took a deep breath. "Ok, well. That's the part that gets really long and complicated."

Adrian needs money, and fast. The trip to the casino was his last ditch effort, and it ended in utter failure. Except maybe not; that weird lady at the poker table sure did laugh at her own incomprehensible jokes a lot, and the only chip Adrian ended the night with was from her. For some reason he kept it, and that night he dreamed of her.

What she said was nonsense, but it turned out to be true. If he can get someone to agree to a wager, they'll stick to it, no matter what. But he has to get them to agree, which means the game has to at least look like it's fair or in their favor. And for some reason they're way more likely to agree if the bets get sexual in nature.

Of course, the other side of the coin is that if he loses, he had to pay up. No matter what.

It was shaping up to be a pretty normal, boring life on the farm. Great-granddad did some adventuring back in the day, but that was about it; Martin's family was filled with normal folks. Except for great-grandma, no one really talked about her for some reason.

Of course, no one really remembered that great-grandma was a succubus. And her bloodline is still strong in Martin's family; when they have sex, a tiny bit of their partner's skills and magic are siphoned away. When farm boys sleep with farm girls, no one really notices anything. But when a wandering sorceress decides to have a bit of fun and hops in bed with a strapping farm boy, and Martin comes away from the encounter able to ignite his fingertips, that gets noticed.

The other sort of story is one based around survival, looking at a woman who finds herself in an extreme situation and must use her sexuality in order to survive and thrive. Think of those stories where a person is trapped in a sadistic game and must seem a way to escape, or becomes trapped in a dangerous scenario that's somehow been engineered to alow her escape only if she plays along with the unseen game master's whims.

But what makes this really interesting is not how she follows along every step being led by the nose, but how she does her best to thwart, subvert or otherwise break the system keeping her down. Can she find advantages within the holes left by the rules? Is her compliance a facade to earn her the freedom necessary to escape?

In other words, a story in which a woman, trapped in a system and situation designed to beat her down, manipulate and cheats her way to survival, freedom, wealth and influence. Sex is one again either the objective, or the means by which she can gain an edge. The Warden won't notice her stealing his keys if she's blowing him at the time. If she's fucking the guard, he'll turn a blind eye to her sneaking into the restricted zone.

It was supposed to be fun. Slut It Up, an app for girls to upload sexy photos or videos of themselves and compete to see who was sexiest. But this tournament is for a life changing amount of money, so the competition is fiercer than ever. Somethings wrong though; the losers aren't answering their phones anymore, there are rumors that they're appearing on dark web slave auctions. It's just dumb sexy fun...right?

With the trappings of civilization gone, it becomes all the more important to rely on others. Unfortunately the most reliable person around is also a terrible person, happily taking advantage of anyone and everyone who needs his help just to make it to the next day. There had to be a way around this, a way to escape or send a mage out to people who would be able to come help.

But until she works out how, he may be one of the only options she has. How is she going to keep it together long enough to find a way to give that asshole what he really deserves?
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