M for F- switch seeking partner for plot heavy erotic stories


Jun 10, 2016
Hello. I'm a switch, usually playing the pred or dominant role. That being said, I do like the occasional turn as prey or sub. My stories are typically plot heavy. I usually write things as if other people would be reading, even if it is a private rp. The plots are often quite detailed, whihc I think puts some people off. Typical post is a few paragraphs, but beginning posts can be quite long as I set up the story. I try to be good with punctuation and spelling. I'm looking for a partner- preferably F, with similar preferences. I prefer female players since the stories I do are M-F and I like a partner who can play their part convincingly. This comes from past experience. I'd rather have a real female character than a caricature of one. I'd consider a male partner, but the plot idea would have to be amazing. I HAVE played female characters. Probably not very well for the reasons I've given. I also play multiple characters if the story requires it.

Anyway, I do mostly horror and sci-fi. More rarely slice of life stuff. Both humans and anthro characters are fine depending on the plot. As a pred, I usually play somewhat cruel and sadistic. The more subtle this is, the better. Vore is usually optional, and then I only like soft vore. No extreme blood or violence. No scat or underage. Everything else is negotiable.

My own favorite kinks are bondage, breathplay, and oviposition. Favorite preds are snakes, spiders, plants, demonic entities, and anything with tentacles. I can play a straight human pred as well. My back ground is in science and medicine, so if you like lab and/ or medical scenarios I can lend a greater degree of detail to those stories. This is also true of body horror stuff.

I've got a bit more time these days and am hoping to do some lengthier stories. I play via pm or forums,. Drop me a pm if interested or questions! X.
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