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MxM, FxF - Craving Older Characters

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Aug 7, 2010
Hello! I'm Oats, and I like homosexuality. You know what I like better than homos, though? Homos aged 30+ ! Who can resist the glamor and sex appeal of a mature woman? Who isn't weak for the confidence and experience of a grown man? These days, pretty young things -- male and female alike -- are all the rage, but like fine wines, people only become tastier with age... particularly when fictional. Ahehe.

I like smut, plots, plotty smut, and smutty plot. Oats is a beggar, not a chooser, and shouldn't give you trouble about premises. Just looking for an excuse for sex scenes? Fine by me. Aiming to write a blockbuster? I'm game. My characters are almost always 'switch' in bed, though my women tend more towards dom.

Hit me up via PM. If we do start something, it'll run through semiprivate thread or PMs. I don't have the RAM for IMs, ahehe.

{ preferred genres }
soft sci-fi, cyberpunk, steampunk, urban fantasy, supernatural (except vampires; I'm sick of them), pseudo-historical.

{ preferred dynamics }
old friends, friends-with-benefits, partners (business or crime), rivals, kindred spirits, opposing personalities, power imbalances.

{ kinks, gay }
rough sex, orgasm denial, sounding, dirty talk, CBT, sex toys, mutual masochism, nipple play, scratching, kissing anywhere but the mouth.

{ kinks, lesbian }
dirty talk, femmexfemme, oral, large clitorises, long nails, clothed sex, symbolic or unspoken D/s, scratching, kissing anywhere but the mouth.

{ Do Not Want }
blood, piss, scat, rape, abuse, super-butch women, super-femme men.​
Huh. Do super-butch females/women often get asked for? I've always noticed f/f players playing lipstick lesbians more so.
Kawamura said:
Huh. Do super-butch females/women often get asked for? I've always noticed f/f players playing lipstick lesbians more so.

I've been asked for diesel dyke types before. Not very often, but enough I figured I'd put it out there.

Nothing against IRL diesel dykes, of course.

I don't think that's common terminology in the circles I'm in. I've heard bulldyke, but not diesel.
Haha, really? I guess it depends where you're from. I've heard both terms bandied about. :)
I dunno. Most of my connections to the female parts of the LGBT community are, like, working for trans rights, women's rights, gay rights, etc. Maybe they're just so politically correct that I just don't hear too many terms.
Ooh, yes. That could be it. The non-heterosexual women I know, myself included, are so un-PC we'll throw near anything around. :'D
I don't really know too many LGBT folks outside of more ... well, professional isn't a proper term, but something like professional.

Right. You do any fandoms of any sort?
I don't watch much TV these days, haha. Unless you're familiar with, like, two obscure Korean manwha... I don't think I'd do any fandoms that resonate with you. orz

I dunno that I watch TV much either. It's mostly movies because then, you know, I only have two hours to watch.
Curse you and your everything! I am heading out of town but when I return I SHALL DISCUSS OLD MEN WITH YOU. Maybe even a younger topping older situation if you are into that. Because, hey, men in business suits being molested by college students = hawt.

Also: I have heard many terms for manly lesbians. Ma'mbos (Ma'am and Rambo), Trucker Dykes, Flannel Faeries (also refers to trucker gay men), and Brick Chicks for some reason.
I and my everything are officially curse'd. Also, younger-topping-older is delish. Hit me up when you get back, homeslice.

LMAO BRICK CHICKS. I have never heard any of those, except for Trucker Dykes, which is strange considering I live right round the local lesbian gaybourhood. :'D
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