Cheshire Pup
- Joined
- Jan 9, 2009
Well I'm 18... Good for me. Now I can be charged as an adult if I ever decide to shoplift again or do something stupid, yeah, lots to celebrate there. The only person I cared about sharing my birthday with left long ago, not that it matters much to him. He wants me to forget about him, to go back to being the way I was before I met him. Sounds sweet right? Not. It's selfish, I like the memories of the time we had even if it hurts to remember thing! Besides, it's not like I could forget him if I would, for a while I tried and that got me no where. Things only got worse when my birthday came and passed.
My family did a little thing, took me to go see The Last Air Bender, I'm a huge Avatar fan. (Yes, I'm an adult and I like cartoons, so sue me.) Watching it all I could do was sit there and watch, naming every episode and explaining the intricacies and the differences to my father. He is a bit slow when it comes to movies and I'm far to fast to be able to enjoy most of them. (Yeah, remember when Fantastic 4 came out ad everyone was all excited? The minute I saw the statue of him in front of his company and saw the metal beneath the flesh I leaned over and whispered to my dad "He's going to become his own statue" and sure enough he did.) After the movie let out my dad took us to sushi. It's my mom's favorite, even if it was my birthday dinner. (I wanted to go somewhere mom wouldn't complain about what she could and couldn't eat on her diet.) During dinner I explained what wasn't shown in the movie and how the ending sucked compared to how the first season ended. My brother doesn't think there will be a sequel.
I'm not sure if I want one, my favorite character doesn't show up until next season so she didn't make it into this movie, I would have liked to see the Kyoshi Warriors in this movie but they didn't make it either. If there is no sequel then at least they can't crew up my favorite character. (Toph.) But none of this really matters, mundane stuff and all. Though I guess that is what journals are unless I have some big huge life changing event. I probably will eventually but right now it' meaningless chatter. I will try and get back into drawing and come onto the scene as an artist. But, about my birthday, my mother ended up throwing a fit about something when we got home. (Surprise, surprise.) So not even one break form the yelling.
Birthday month come and gone and I forgot to throw a party for myself. That sure speaks volumes doesn't it? Turning 18 and not having a party. I hung out with some friends after hanging out with my parents but they were on drugs, they made me a drunk, I sipped some and throw the rest down the drain to convince them I drank it, acting drunk was easy but I'm not a drug user and I don't want to be.... Hell I say that now but I may get into it eventually. Not in the best mood now, sort of rambling.
My eyes hurt from crying over him again, I've really got to stop this, it's pathetic and I know it is but it's a broken heart and I'll be damned if there is a fast way to get over that. Still, I wish it wasn't taking so long, I'm beginning to remember things I thought when he stopped talking to me, that I'll never get over him. I'm thinking now more then I did before that might be true. He knew he was hurting me but he did it anyways, he promised me that time would heal it. I've heard that line before, truth is time doesn't heal thing, it just lets you adjust to the hurt like listening to really loud music: At first it hurts your ears but the more you listen to it the more you get used to it and soon you're deaf and loud music will never bother you again.
Hell I don't know, maybe I just need someone to replace him, he sure found it easy enough to replace me. But then again I wouldn't know because he still won't talk to me. Instead he leaves me drowning in hurt and waiting for time to save me.
Me:"Help! Help me I'm drowning!"
Time:"Oh, me? Naw, to soon, I'll save you in a couple of months, but just sort of."
Me:"Sort of?"
Time:"Oh yeah, I can save you from drowning in misery but only slowly, really slow, first I'll keep your head above the water so you don't drown in it, then when you've been neck deep for a while I'll pull some more of you out, you're fingers will be all prunie but chocolate will make that feel better."
Me:"So when do you pull me all the way out?"
Time:"All the way? Don't be silly! That'd be to easy, first you have to wade through it for a while, waist deep, then slosh through it some more and maybe in a year or two you'll just be splashing in puddles."
Me:"But I'll never be completely out of it?"
Time:"Hey! Hey! Be grateful! I'm Time not magic. You want your instant fix go talk to Pharmacy! Watch out for those side effects, they're a duzzy."
So as you can imagine Time has been really helpful.
Then again I should expect much, it shouldn't bother me if he falls back into the way he was but it does. It really does. I cared about him and he just left you know? Well, whatever, this thread is supposed to be about me not him.
I'm wondering if it is okay to have a party a month late. I don't see why not, well, I don't see why not, yet. My mother will probably bitch about it but there isn't much she doesn't bitch about. Good things about living at home: Free food, free board, free power, water and laundry access. Bad things about living at home: Putting up with my mother. You know the good things should have more weight but then really don't. But what ever, she'll always have something to bitch about.
Tomorrow I get to go to my Aunt's lover's birthday party! :dodgy: yay :dodgy: I get to watch two grown adults get drunker then the people you see at the hospital with alcohol poisoning. Hope we can bring the (cheap) air hockey table we bought. Nothing funner then watching people with delayed reflexes playing air hockey. Trust me. Once my aunt thought my dog was talking to her, they had a long conversation... good thing I leave early!
Off to be a nerd and play some
tomorrow. Tenth level half elf druid for the win! ... Not really, I've been really bad with my class, it's a hard class and I haven't put the effort int it, as it is I forgot to study my spells. A few weeks ago (on a very hormonal time of the month based decision) I decided that I'd put the serious effort into it so they'd stop bitching at me. (Bitching at me seems to be almost a national pass time.) I've been better so they've found other things to bitch about. (I swear they bitch more then I do and I'm the only girl in the group! The only time I can even match their bitching is when I'm PMSing! (Ironically not often...)) Still, I like the game and I like the DM (not that way) so I stick to the campaign and do my best to get better.
I've become damn near nocturnal, waking up passed noon and going to bed after sunrise. I find it relaxing though. They sky turns the mot beautiful shade of blue for only a few minutes. I've childishly come to call it "Magic Blue." I find it calming and enjoy seeing it when I get the chance. So I'll log off now, end the rant for tonight so I can watch the sky for the magic blue I've come to love. And I'm supposed to be an adult.
My family did a little thing, took me to go see The Last Air Bender, I'm a huge Avatar fan. (Yes, I'm an adult and I like cartoons, so sue me.) Watching it all I could do was sit there and watch, naming every episode and explaining the intricacies and the differences to my father. He is a bit slow when it comes to movies and I'm far to fast to be able to enjoy most of them. (Yeah, remember when Fantastic 4 came out ad everyone was all excited? The minute I saw the statue of him in front of his company and saw the metal beneath the flesh I leaned over and whispered to my dad "He's going to become his own statue" and sure enough he did.) After the movie let out my dad took us to sushi. It's my mom's favorite, even if it was my birthday dinner. (I wanted to go somewhere mom wouldn't complain about what she could and couldn't eat on her diet.) During dinner I explained what wasn't shown in the movie and how the ending sucked compared to how the first season ended. My brother doesn't think there will be a sequel.
I'm not sure if I want one, my favorite character doesn't show up until next season so she didn't make it into this movie, I would have liked to see the Kyoshi Warriors in this movie but they didn't make it either. If there is no sequel then at least they can't crew up my favorite character. (Toph.) But none of this really matters, mundane stuff and all. Though I guess that is what journals are unless I have some big huge life changing event. I probably will eventually but right now it' meaningless chatter. I will try and get back into drawing and come onto the scene as an artist. But, about my birthday, my mother ended up throwing a fit about something when we got home. (Surprise, surprise.) So not even one break form the yelling.
Birthday month come and gone and I forgot to throw a party for myself. That sure speaks volumes doesn't it? Turning 18 and not having a party. I hung out with some friends after hanging out with my parents but they were on drugs, they made me a drunk, I sipped some and throw the rest down the drain to convince them I drank it, acting drunk was easy but I'm not a drug user and I don't want to be.... Hell I say that now but I may get into it eventually. Not in the best mood now, sort of rambling.
My eyes hurt from crying over him again, I've really got to stop this, it's pathetic and I know it is but it's a broken heart and I'll be damned if there is a fast way to get over that. Still, I wish it wasn't taking so long, I'm beginning to remember things I thought when he stopped talking to me, that I'll never get over him. I'm thinking now more then I did before that might be true. He knew he was hurting me but he did it anyways, he promised me that time would heal it. I've heard that line before, truth is time doesn't heal thing, it just lets you adjust to the hurt like listening to really loud music: At first it hurts your ears but the more you listen to it the more you get used to it and soon you're deaf and loud music will never bother you again.
Hell I don't know, maybe I just need someone to replace him, he sure found it easy enough to replace me. But then again I wouldn't know because he still won't talk to me. Instead he leaves me drowning in hurt and waiting for time to save me.
Me:"Help! Help me I'm drowning!"
Time:"Oh, me? Naw, to soon, I'll save you in a couple of months, but just sort of."
Me:"Sort of?"
Time:"Oh yeah, I can save you from drowning in misery but only slowly, really slow, first I'll keep your head above the water so you don't drown in it, then when you've been neck deep for a while I'll pull some more of you out, you're fingers will be all prunie but chocolate will make that feel better."
Me:"So when do you pull me all the way out?"
Time:"All the way? Don't be silly! That'd be to easy, first you have to wade through it for a while, waist deep, then slosh through it some more and maybe in a year or two you'll just be splashing in puddles."
Me:"But I'll never be completely out of it?"
Time:"Hey! Hey! Be grateful! I'm Time not magic. You want your instant fix go talk to Pharmacy! Watch out for those side effects, they're a duzzy."
So as you can imagine Time has been really helpful.
Then again I should expect much, it shouldn't bother me if he falls back into the way he was but it does. It really does. I cared about him and he just left you know? Well, whatever, this thread is supposed to be about me not him.
I'm wondering if it is okay to have a party a month late. I don't see why not, well, I don't see why not, yet. My mother will probably bitch about it but there isn't much she doesn't bitch about. Good things about living at home: Free food, free board, free power, water and laundry access. Bad things about living at home: Putting up with my mother. You know the good things should have more weight but then really don't. But what ever, she'll always have something to bitch about.
Tomorrow I get to go to my Aunt's lover's birthday party! :dodgy: yay :dodgy: I get to watch two grown adults get drunker then the people you see at the hospital with alcohol poisoning. Hope we can bring the (cheap) air hockey table we bought. Nothing funner then watching people with delayed reflexes playing air hockey. Trust me. Once my aunt thought my dog was talking to her, they had a long conversation... good thing I leave early!
Off to be a nerd and play some

I've become damn near nocturnal, waking up passed noon and going to bed after sunrise. I find it relaxing though. They sky turns the mot beautiful shade of blue for only a few minutes. I've childishly come to call it "Magic Blue." I find it calming and enjoy seeing it when I get the chance. So I'll log off now, end the rant for tonight so I can watch the sky for the magic blue I've come to love. And I'm supposed to be an adult.