Mx Female Pillaging/+ Non-Con/+ relationship abuse?


Dec 28, 2018
Alright, to cut to the chase, recently I've been in the mood for a certain dub-con hate fuck scenario idea. Or just hate fuck scenarios in general lmao.

About myself;
I have been roleplaying for about nine/ten years now, starting when I was 13/12 and have a decent amount of experience. I just love doing it, and recently it's gotten harder for me to find a partner to do the specific stories and scenarios I want to do. I'd prefer to roleplay on this very site's PM system. I could be convinced to give out discord if I trust you but I won't be giving it out to someone I had just met.

I normally play narcissistic, violent, jealous, abusive and sociopathic characters. I try to give a sense that my character is faking a sense of superiority, while knowing he doesn't belong and has a fear of rejection, generally.

I don't have an F-list, so

-Age play
-Forced cheating
-Mind break
-foreplay of any type
-pet play
-manipulation (either way)
-general cruelty
-general abuse of power
-some misogyny
-recently wanted to explore more gore stuff and might be willing to trying to write necrophilia. I'd have to be convinced.
And vanilla, of course.

-that's about it.

Enough beating around the bush, let's get to the scenarios I have in mind. Of course, these aren't the only ones I'm willing to do, if you'd like to work out a scenario with me, or have one similar you'd like to do, that's perfectly fine.

•I don't have a  specific idea but I'd like something along the lines of: abusive relationship? Maybe a grooming situation. I don't know I'd like to flesh it out. Maybe it's a white picket fence-family scenario but YC was groomed by MC and MC is obviously just a horrid piece of filth, obviously. Just a vague idea I'd like to flesh out. Perhaps my character is a conqueror and of the people he's pillaging/genociding, YC is his favorite. Maybe YC is like a leader, or wealthy or just in some position of power and for their own safety from MC, YC's family sold her off to him? Just spitballing, the next scenario is more streamlined. Hope to figure something out with whomever.

•YC and MC are within the same friend group, but they hate each other with all their beings. Tonight, the group is out eating, when our characters start to argue. One argument gets too heated, and the pair start getting into a physical altercation while being alone. After ripping and tearing clothes off of one another, finding a mutual attraction to the other and wanting a way to relieve the anger they have, they decide to hate-fuck one another. Now, in order to release the tension between each other (instead of fighting and ruining the night for their mates), they sneak off and hate fuck each other in secret. But lately MC has started becoming more and more bold. Any argument, regardless of how minuscule has him ending it with him forcefully fucking YC, and it's becoming more and more violent and more like dubcon/noncon sex.

This is primarily the idea I'm in the mood for at the moment. Hate fucking between two characters who absolutely despise one another, but obviously at the very least has a physical attraction. I think the drama this can create within a friend group setting, or even a school setting, the possibilities are near endless. Plus everything can be altered or tweaked to for better into a new idea, as long as it's a hate fuck I'm down entirely!

Regardless of whatever story we do, I like to play villainous characters. Spoiled, rich young men who lack empathy and purely want to use YC for his own pleasure and benefit.

-Just try dude. It's no fun when one person isn't being nearly as descriptive as the other. I'll put in what you put in.

-Roleplay in 3rd person. No first person shit please

-I'm kinda sorta very dyslexic, I usually catch my mistakes before (but sometimes after) posting something, but I swear it's always clear what I'm saying within the text, so I at least expect that in return. If I type something that doesn't make sense, just ask me what I meant. Don't be mean, I'm very sensitive lmao

-That you have a similar kink list to me. Not really a requirement just fun when we're both having fun.
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